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  • Dec 15, 2009, 06:28 PM
    I've done a bad thing
    Today in gym class I went to the bathroom and stopped in the locker room afterwards. I noticed some people left their backpacks unattended and decided to take a look inside. I looked in the outer pocket of one backpack and took twenty dollars. That's it though-I didn't even open up anymore backpacks. I don't even know who I took the twenty from. Can't say I care cause I hate all those girls anyway.

    But that last fact aside, I know I should feel bad. But I don't. Does this make me a bad person?
  • Dec 15, 2009, 06:30 PM

    Originally Posted by joyousfailure View Post
    Does this make me a bad person?

    Hello joy:


  • Dec 15, 2009, 06:36 PM

    Originally Posted by joyousfailure View Post
    Today in gym class I went to the bathroom and stopped in the locker room afterwards. I noticed some people left their backpacks unattended and decided to take a look inside. I looked in the outer pocket of one backpack and took twenty dollars. That's it though-I didnt even open up anymore backpacks. I dont even know who I took the twenty from. Can't say I care cause I hate all those girls anyway.

    But that last fact aside, I know I should feel bad. But I dont. Does this make me a bad person?

    It not only makes you a bad person, it also makes you a thief.

    Keep it up and you can make new friends in jail. I hear the girls in jail are really nice. As long as you don't mine putting out.
  • Dec 15, 2009, 06:39 PM

    I would say that it does make you a bad person. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean that you should steal from them or even be mean to them. Everyone knows people they don't like but there are other people who still like them. Also you don't even know who you stole from which makes the fact that you stole from them worse.
  • Dec 15, 2009, 06:43 PM

    Hmm. I got yes coming from all sides. That's OK, I did ask. But still... you all any better? Don't even answer- no. You all aren't any better. So get off the high horses (especially altenweg)
  • Dec 15, 2009, 06:47 PM

    Originally Posted by joyousfailure View Post
    But still... you all any better?

    Hello again, joy:

    Yes. I don't steal.

  • Dec 15, 2009, 06:48 PM

    Originally Posted by joyousfailure View Post
    Hmm. I got yes coming from all sides. Thats OK, I did ask. But still... you all any better? Dont even answer- no. You all arent any better. So get off the high horses (especially altenweg)

    You asked.

    As for being better, yes, I am. I'm not a thief. I've been the victim of thieves, but I've never stolen anything. I like my high horse, and I have the right to sit on it, especially when it comes to you.

    You asked if stealing was bad. Do you not realize that that's what you did? You stole. You took something that doesn't belong to you. That's against the law. That also makes you a bad person, at least if you don't learn from it, which you already admitted you wouldn't.

    You're the one that said you don't feel remorse. What's next? Planning on kidnapping someone, raping someone, killing someone? Will you care then?

    Don't ask the question if you don't want to hear the answer.
  • Dec 15, 2009, 06:53 PM

    Meh. I stole a couple things in my day. Do I regret it? Not really. Am I proud of it? Nope.

    You want to make it right and feel better? Give the girl $20 back.


    Just don't steal. It's not a very good habit to form.. you can go to jail. Jail isn't fun from what I hear--- makes living with your parents like a vacation.

    Anywhozzils, don't steal.
  • Dec 15, 2009, 06:55 PM

    Originally Posted by joyousfailure View Post
    Hmm. I got yes coming from all sides. Thats OK, I did ask. But still... you all any better? Dont even answer- no. You all arent any better. So get off the high horses (especially altenweg)

    Actually yes, I am better. I don't steal and that makes me a better person.
  • Dec 15, 2009, 06:56 PM

    "You're the one that said you don't feel remorse. What's next? Planning on kidnapping someone, raping someone, killing someone? Will you care then?"

    Why do people think stealing always leads to this? Most of the time it doesn't happen.

    "You asked if stealing was bad. Do you not realize that that's what you did? You stole. You took something that doesn't belong to you. That's against the law. That also makes you a bad person, at least if you don't learn from it, which you already admitted you wouldn't."

    Yeah, I know Im a bad person in the back of my mind. And yeah I know what's right and wrong. But there was a whole other side to the story! Those girls are real b! ches.
  • Dec 15, 2009, 07:03 PM


    Yeah, I know Im a bad person in the back of my mind. And yeah I know what's right and wrong. But there was a whole other side to the story! Those girls are real b! ches.

    Those girls are b!tches. It happens. The world is full of people that are b!tches or worse. I know that more then most.

    So, because they're b!tches to you, you stoop to their level?

    Do you not realize that by stealing, you've become worse then them?

    Do you want to be part of the pack or do you want to be a good person?

    The choice is yours. So far you're following in their footsteps. One bad act does not deserve another. It makes you just as bad as them, or worse.
  • Dec 15, 2009, 07:10 PM


    But there was a whole other side to the story! Those girls are real b! ches.
    There are a lot of people that are b**ches and you are going to bump into them throughout your life. You don't have to feel bad about stealing from them, but stealing is still bad.
  • Dec 15, 2009, 07:28 PM

    Yeah pretty sure that stealing is bad, and if you don't feel bad about it, then you are a bad person.
    Don't ask a question if you know you won't like the answer, it looks to me like you're trying to justify it because "Oh those girls are MEAN"
    So being mean to the mean girls makes it better? No, it just gives them even more of a reason to be B!tches" GTF over it and control yourself. Don't play the pity party to us, YOU were the one who stole. Why should we feel sorry for you? You're clearly not the victim in this situation.

    Please grow up.
  • Dec 15, 2009, 07:31 PM

    Originally Posted by joyousfailure View Post
    Yeah, I know Im a bad person in the back of my mind. And yeah I know whats right and wrong. But there was a whole other side to the story! Those girls are real b!!ches.

    What do you think they'll say about you if they find out you stole from them and don't even feel bad about it. I'm guessing the word 'b!tch' will come up more than once.

    You're not getting revenge or showing them up. All you're doing is becoming one of them. From the little you've said so far, I think it's already too late for an easy fix.
  • Dec 15, 2009, 07:43 PM

    "Yeah pretty sure that stealing is bad, and if you don't feel bad about it, then you are a bad person.
    Don't ask a question if you know you won't like the answer, it looks to me like you're trying to justify it because "Oh those girls are MEAN"
    So being mean to the mean girls makes it better? No, it just gives them even more of a reason to be B!tches" GTF over it and control yourself. Don't play the pity party to us, YOU were the one who stole. Why should we feel sorry for you? You're clearly not the victim in this situation.

    Please grow up."

    You don't even know what those girls did. Im not playing a pity card. Im giving the other side of the story. WHY should I care if people Im never gonna know have "sympathy" for me? Jesus christ...

    Sounds like you are the one who needs to grow up, making ignorant assumptions and all. And "victim"? Come on man... its 20 bucks from some well-off kid.
  • Dec 15, 2009, 07:46 PM

    Originally Posted by joyousfailure View Post

    You don't even know what those girls did. Im not playing a pity card. Im giving the other side of the story. WHY should I care if people Im never gonna know have "sympathy" for me? Jesus christ...

    Sounds like you are the one who needs to grow up, making ignorant assumptions and all. And "victim"? Come on man... its 20 bucks from some well-off kid.

    Hi. I wasn't the coolest back in my hometown high school.

    I dealt with those "b!tches".

    I was spat on once. Most of it was rumors and crazy backstabbing.

    I cried. I keyed their car. I stole their boyfriends. I made up my own rumors about them.

    Did it help? Nah.

    Best thing to do about those people is to ignore them. Once I got a hold of that concept my life got easier.
  • Dec 15, 2009, 07:51 PM


    You don't even know what those girls did.
    You didn't tell us. Are we supposed to guess or read your mind? We only know what you choose to tell.


    Im not playing a pity card. Im giving the other side of the story.
    Read your original post. You never gave the other side of the story, you just told us that you stole and you're not sorry. Then you asked if you're a bad person. We answered your question. If you chose not to tell us all the facts, that's your problem, not ours. My crystal ball is on the fritz and I can't read minds.

    Today in gym class I went to the bathroom and stopped in the locker room afterwards. I noticed some people left their backpacks unattended and decided to take a look inside. I looked in the outer pocket of one backpack and took twenty dollars. That's it though-I didn't even open up anymore backpacks. I don't even know who I took the twenty from. Can't say I care cause I hate all those girls anyway.

    But that last fact aside, I know I should feel bad. But I don't. Does this make me a bad person?

    WHY should I care if people Im never going to know have "sympathy" for me? Jesus christ...
    Is that what you're looking for? Sympathy, for stealing? You won't find it here. You won't find it in court, or in jail. It's not like you put a "kick me" sign on this girls back. You stole, that's a crime! Do you really not realize that?


    Sounds like you are the one who needs to grow up, making ignorant assumptions and all. And "victim"? Come on man... its 20 bucks from some well-off kid.
    Assumptions? Again, we only know what you told us. That's it. You told us you stole and that you're not sorry.

    Also, what does the fact that the girl is well off have to do with it? Stealing from a rich person doesn't make it right. It's still stealing.

    Didn't your parents teach you right from wrong? Well, I'm here to tell you, as a mom, stealing is wrong. It's a crime. You could go to jail.
  • Dec 15, 2009, 08:00 PM

    Originally Posted by joyousfailure View Post
    "Yeah pretty sure that stealing is bad, and if you don't feel bad about it, then you are a bad person.
    Don't ask a question if you know you won't like the answer, it looks to me like you're trying to justify it because "Oh those girls are MEAN"
    So being mean to the mean girls makes it better? No, it just gives them even more of a reason to be B!tches" GTF over it and control yourself. Don't play the pity party to us, YOU were the one who stole. Why should we feel sorry for you? You're clearly not the victim in this situation.

    Please grow up."

    You don't even know what those girls did. Im not playing a pity card. Im giving the other side of the story. WHY should I care if people Im never gonna know have "sympathy" for me? Jesus christ...

    Sounds like you are the one who needs to grow up, making ignorant assumptions and all. And "victim"? Come on man... its 20 bucks from some well-off kid.

    You're not giving the "other" side of the story, you're telling us that they're mean so you stole from them, and then you're trying to justify the fact that you stole from them by saying that they're "b!tches" and they're well of so it's no big deal.

    The fact is, is when you steal from someone, the person you stole from became a victim, no matter what it is, it could be monetary or sentimental, doesn't matter, you took what doesn't belong to you, and you're trying to make us say that it's okay, we're not going to do that.
    I'm not making an ignorant assumption, I'm telling you what is fact. And you said yourself that you don't even know who you took from, how can you be SO sure that that $20 that you stole wasn't all the cash they had? Even if they had more than that in their wallet along with the $20, you don't know what it was for. Medication maybe? Car payment? Phone bill? This girl might have worked her A$$ off for that money, and you assume she has it all. You're being selfish. That's all there is to it.

    I don't need to grow up, I'm not the one who steals from girls just because I don't like them, and I'm not the one getting mad at other people for telling me that I've done something wrong when I asked the question in the first place.

    Once again, please mature.
  • Dec 15, 2009, 08:10 PM

    Do you honestly think that returning like with like will make them act any better toward you? What if that money was someone's lunch money for the week and because of you they can't eat? What if it was hard-earned money for christmas presents and now someone isn't getting a gift because of you? What if that was money they owed to someone else? What if you didn't actually take money from someone who could afford to lose it, but from someone who had to work hard just to get the little bit of money you decided to take?

    My family almost didn't get christmas gifts because of someone like you. They decided that since I had more money than them, that they needed the money more than I did. Never mind the fact that I had worked hard for every penny. Or that I was saving that money so I could mail what little I could afford to get for my family to them for christmas. Or that I am currently homeless and have to save every penny I can so that when I finally have a place I'll be able to have someone more than the floor to sleep on and maybe even some dishes to eat off. Because of someone like you, I lost what little money I had been able to save, twice, and I almost wasn't able to get my nieces and nephew anything for christmas, or his birthday. Someone who saw nothing wrong with stealing money form someone they saw as more privilaged than them, so much so that they repeated the action.
  • Dec 15, 2009, 09:20 PM

    I think you are worried about it otherwise you wouldn't have gone to the trouble of signing up here to ask , either that or you're a Troll.

    Want to feel better , give the money to charity and DON'T steal again.

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