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  • Sep 17, 2007, 08:26 AM
    Craft Booth
    I'm taking a creative leap and I've signed up for a table at our company's craft sale. Its just a small event for employees only, but I want to stand out above the rest. I will be selling beaded jewelry (lanyards, bracelets, earrrings, necklaces).

    As a buyer, what would grab your attention so you'd come visit my table?

    As a seller, what tips can you share to display jewelry?

    I have a very limited budget, so I'd appreciate creative ways to display without spending much. This will be indoors, so I won't have a tent or be able to hang anything from the ceiling.
  • Sep 17, 2007, 09:25 AM
    Quality... and shine. Good luck, this is just great!
    EDIT::::: I forgot about display as well...
    One more thing, my mother in law has a nice antique store. She had her friends bring up the jewelry they made. She has it hung on a small tree. No leaves, just branches, she painted it brown and stuck the trunk part in a piece of wieghted wood. It is absolutely beautiful. The tree limbs are bare, they hae little lims on them for bracelets and such... just beautiful
  • Sep 17, 2007, 11:29 AM
    3 Attachment(s)
    The tree idea start gave is a good one.

    How about a (clothes) rack of jewellery.

    Or a glass bottles with your beadwork around its neck and body.

    Or picture frames with your work hanging inside/over it.

    Or a Pot of beadwork.

    Or glasses of beadwork.

    You could have a theme like a picnic, with baskets and cups and plates of beadwork.
    Or maybe an indoor theme like a feast of beadwork,with your work arranged as a table layout for a feast.
  • Sep 17, 2007, 11:29 AM
    Ohhh, good ideas Frim... very good
  • Sep 17, 2007, 12:57 PM
    That bottom copper pail with pebbles... you won't believe this but I have a square one AND those pebbles! I just need to hunt for a bendable twig ;)

    Thanks for the help Firmbeliever & Startover22 :D
  • Sep 17, 2007, 01:02 PM

    Originally Posted by LearningAsIGo
    That bottom copper pail with pebbles... you won't believe this but I have a square one AND those pebbles! I just need to hunt for a bendable twig ;)

    Thanks for the help Firmbeliever & Startover22 :D

    I am so glad it helped.

    Find some plastic twigs or even better copper wire, then wrap green coloured twine and real flowers on it.And add the jewellery, create a pretty garden.:)

    Remember to post a pic after your done, I am sure whichever you choose,it will be beautiful.
  • Sep 17, 2007, 01:04 PM
    Ohhh I can't wait to hear about it... I love stuff like this. Craft fairs and booths... oh I wish I could go!
  • Sep 20, 2007, 09:29 AM
    Have you gone yet? Or is it down the road... I am waiting to hear... I just love craft shows...
  • Sep 20, 2007, 10:12 AM
    Now that's what I call getting your question answered. Good job.
  • Sep 21, 2007, 06:26 AM

    Find some plastic twigs or even better copper wire, then wrap green coloured twine and real flowers on it.And add the jewellery, create a pretty garden
    That would be so lovely!

    The sale is October 12th. I'll post back the results :)
  • Sep 21, 2007, 06:38 AM
    Perfect! I hope it is wonderful!
  • Sep 21, 2007, 01:09 PM

    Originally Posted by LearningAsIGo
    That would be so lovely!

    The sale is October 12th. I'll post back the results :)

    And some pics please!! :p
  • Oct 1, 2007, 01:40 PM
    Are you almost ready?
  • Oct 16, 2007, 07:14 AM
    Well, the craft sale was Friday and I think it was a success!

    Granted, it was slow since only coworkers (not open to the public) could attend. Plus, 4 out of 7 tables were jewelers like myself. Still, I met my sales goal in our 4 hour limit. :) I've signed up for our December sale, which everyone says is double in size and sales.

    Here's a few pics of my table set up (my photography skills are not great). Thanks for all the great tips/advise you've all shared! :)

    Earrings in dish
  • Oct 16, 2007, 07:17 AM
    Holy cow... how pretty, you did so good! Oh I am so happy for you... I love it all!
  • Oct 16, 2007, 07:58 AM
    WOW! Beautiful work.
    I could not have imagined this even when I suggested my ideas.

    Wonderful display!:)
    I loved the ear ring cards.Very nice!

    I have a small suggestion for next time.
    Try a plain tableclothe, this way the colours of your work are better displayed.
  • Oct 22, 2007, 01:15 PM
    Thanks all for your support; it really helped encourage me to sell... and I've even started an online shop. :)
  • Oct 22, 2007, 02:39 PM
    WOW! Nice...
    I love your online shop.
  • Oct 22, 2007, 03:14 PM
    I hope I can get on there and support you sweet... looks so good your store... looks so lovely..
  • May 17, 2008, 02:17 PM

    Originally Posted by LearningAsIGo
    I'm taking a creative leap and I've signed up for a table at our company's craft sale. Its just a small event for employees only, but I want to stand out above the rest. I will be selling beaded jewelry (lanyards, bracelets, earrrings, necklaces).

    As a buyer, what would grab your attention so you'd come visit my table?

    As a seller, what tips can you share to display jewelry?

    I have a very limited budget, so I'd appreciate creative ways to display without spending much. This will be indoors, so I won't have a tent or be able to hang anything from the ceiling.

    The tree display sounds great! Also, you can use cork easels to pin up your jewelry, or cardboard covered in black or other color velvet on an easel. Also, make a nice large colorful sign for your table (or canopy). Have some standing mirrors so your customers can actually try on your jewelry and see what it looks like on them. Use a black table cover that touches the ground and hide your boxes and trash and stuff underneath. If it goes into the evening hours, use rope lights around the inside of the canopy of around the tables if necessary.
  • Aug 29, 2011, 07:04 PM
    I don't know if you have every done shows before but there is a lot to them. Things you will need is bags to but the beaded things in such as sacks. A cover for your table which should go close to the floor the hide anything you have behind yout table. A calulator plus enough change for the show. A chair to sit in if you need to sit. Many people like a receipt. You can just hand write them. A tablet to write down what you sell.Some water for you and many a sandwich. You'll also need a good nights rest before the day of the sale.

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