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  • Jun 10, 2007, 02:52 PM
    Mysterious Broken Interior Window Pane
    We have Pella double pane windows - the interior pane is removable.

    A few nights ago (around 2am), the interior pane in a guest bedroom suddenly exploded/broke into a million pieces. No one was in the room and the entire house was empty. In fact, no one had been in that guestroom for weeks. The exterior pane is fine, no damage whatsover.

    What would cause a window to suddently break like that? It was nearly 3 years old. Any ideas? Could this happen on othjer windows? We only learned about it from the alarm company glass break sensor going off.
  • Jun 10, 2007, 04:46 PM
    Somebody is not telling you the whole story.
  • Jun 10, 2007, 07:34 PM
    Id Have To Agree With Tickle , There Had To Be Another Cause, If The Glass Had Been Defective You'd Noticed A Seal Failure, Fog Between The Glass.
    It Is Odd
  • Jul 20, 2007, 09:43 AM

    Originally Posted by Evinx
    We have Pella double pane windows - the interior pane is removable.

    A few nights ago (around 2am), the interior pane in a guest bedroom suddenly exploded/broke into a million pieces. No one was in the room and the entire house was empty. In fact, no one had been in that guestroom for weeks. The exterior pane is fine, no damage whatsover.

    What would cause a window to suddently break like that? It was nearly 3 years old. Any ideas? Could this happen on othjer windows? We only learned about it from the alarm company glass break sensor going off.

    THIS HAPPENED TO ME! My girlfriend and I were staying at a friends vacation home in the Vail Valley and when we got ready to leave a double pane window by the front door was broken. Inside pane only. Nothing could have hit it. The guys who replaced the window told the owner that it was broken by an impact from the inside. So now our friend thinks we did something to cause it.

    Did you ever get any other information?
  • Apr 2, 2008, 10:28 AM
    I have 5 windows that have broken this way. I have no answer, they were not hit from inside. Does anyone have an answer?
  • Apr 2, 2008, 10:39 AM
    All I learned is that the glass is tempered to give it strength. However, sometimes there is a flaw in the tempering process - or perhaps the glass gets a short but deep scratch in handling or installation -- and this will create the defect in the tempering. Under some stress (could be heat or rapid temperature change etc), the glass will break. That is what happened to me. When I spoke with Pella, they said occasionally this happens - but they did not go into details (I am sure the window mfrs worry about lawsuits). This used to happen with glass eyeglass lenses but nowadays, they are all plastic - it is simply much safer. Hope this helps.
  • Apr 2, 2008, 10:52 AM
    It could be thermal stress glass breakage.

    CBD-129. Potential for Thermal Breakage of Sealed Double-GlazingUnits - NRC-IRC

    BTW - This post is from July 2007
  • Apr 2, 2008, 04:36 PM
    So this is not a thermopane window, right? Was the frame of the broken window still easy to remove, no binding?
  • Dec 20, 2008, 09:43 PM
    I am the property manager of a large church in Chicago. I've had two large thermo panes (21x36 inches) mysteriously break on me in a single week (the breaks happened 3 days apart). ONly the interior pane. Not the exterior. When the first one happened, I was certain someone broke it by mistake and simply didn't want to tell me.

    When the 2nd one broke, I realized something else was going on. Nobody was in the building when the 2nd one broke.

    The only thing I can think of as the cause is the extreme temp changes. 10 degress outside, 70 inside. BUt this still doesn't make sense. Isn't the window designed for this?

    The other possibility is radiators are located directly below the windows, about 30 inches below. Maybe the heat caused this?

    Lastly, on the 2nd break, someone turned off the heat to the building and forgot to turn it back on. When I found this, I turned the heat back on to 60 degrees. The interior temp had dropped to 47 degrees. When I cranked the heat back up, maybe this caused the break. But the only strange thing is the 1st break occurred when the interior temp never dropped below 65.
  • Dec 12, 2009, 11:50 AM
    I just had the inside pane of my window break last night, while I was asleep. The window is right by my bed and fairly inaccessible. Someone would have to throw something at it to reach it, but nothing was there. It cracked loud enough to awaken me at 1:00 am. There has been a cold spell outside. Could that do it? I'm thankful the glass didn't fall out, or it would've broken right over my head! The windows are only about 2 years old. We were all sleeping, so I know no one did this.
  • Dec 13, 2009, 09:27 AM

    Okay, this is the answer that none of you, especially the church, wish to hear.
    This is the result(s) of Spirits/Ghosts, whether they are good or bad (evil). This is just one of the many different things they do to let you know their presences or they're upset due to an untimely death, violent death, your remodeling of what they consider their space or your absence or soon to be absence.
    Spirits also will hide your keys, a shoe, move an object to another place, turn on or off lights, sterio, VCR's, music boxes start to play or break something to let you know they're there or just to mess with you. Spirits can have a sense of humor, too. Motion detectors go off? But no one you can see is there or no one has gained access, Spirits.
    Feel someone is looking over your shoulder or watching you but no one is there? Spirit(s) or if you prefer, Ghost(s).
    I replaced an air conditioner that was built into the concrete wall with a Gallery Glass window, very pretty !
    For 4 nights, no one was living in my house at this time, my motion senser went off. Company called and my neighbor ,(speedball) went down to my house to check if I had been broken into. Doors and windows were still locked, nothing disturbed and no one was there. System re-set, then the call would come in again. After this happening more than once the first night it was turned off and the company came out the next day to check for any malfunctions. There were none. After my neighbor's sleep being interrupted and the Security's repeated callings for 4 nights in a row, the motion detectors were turned off. No more calls or alarms came in.
    A week later I returned to find that the window I made was laying face up, stacked 4 feet away from the wall opening. A delicate glass vase that had been sitting on the window sill was on the floor, sitting upright next to the wall.. unbroken or chipped or cracked. Which was amazing since there was a 4 foot long brick planter room divider coming out from the wall right below the window opening.
    No stone, no bird, no blood, no footprints outside or in, no small pieces of glass off the window pane except for 3. The window was not climbed into nor were the plants in the planter disturbed.
    These events happened around the day, 1 yr. of my 15 yr old daughters death. She passed away in my home.
    I made a different window and installed it and there has never been another problem. I guess she likes the new one, or whatever other Spirit that was there.
    Ghosts/Orbs/Spirits do not have to be tied to the building but can be tied to the land in which it is built on.
    I know this is not the answer you wished to hear and others just look for scientific explanations but this is your answer.
    Since this time I have received the ability to take photo's, only if they want you to, of Ghosts, Orbs, Spirits, Angels and yes, UFO's.
    You can see these if you wish in my album under the same name at:
    Teresa Marie (Teresa Marie) | MySpace -

    Teresa Marie speedballs friend
  • Dec 13, 2009, 10:01 AM

    Thanks for sharing all of that with us.

    Your friend, tick
  • Dec 14, 2009, 03:08 AM
    With some embarrassment, I will admit that there have been a few unexplainable surprises around here. I was hoping for a logical explanation - maybe some type of physics at work. I dread trying to deal with anything else.

    Why did it sound like a rifle firing? The outside pane is untouched, so it couldn't have been a rifle. Plus, it doesn't look like a bullet hole. Had that glass fallen out, it would've broke right over my head. Hmm... rather disconcerting. Maybe it's time to get busy with God.
  • Dec 14, 2009, 03:45 AM

    Originally Posted by Barnbrat View Post
    Maybe it's time to get busy with God.

    To all intents and purposes, saying an extra prayer at night will not protect you from otherworldliness, which is another plane all together that we just can't escape from. Sometimes that's the only way spirits can give warnings to the living is by a complete unexplainable accident which is left for us to wonder over and figure out.

  • Dec 14, 2009, 05:35 AM
    That is why when I had my new windows built I specially ordered high strength safety glass. The window is a lot heavier as far as opening it up and at a size of 46 inches wide and 84 inches high they would have been heavy enough without the special glass. I had a friend of mine install them and he did a great job. The crazy installer friend of mine had to have a helper to pick them up to install the in the ruff opening. After he was done he demonstrated the glass by tossing a baseball at the window. All it did was make a loud thump but the demo scared the you know out of me.

    BTW we also have what my wife calls spirit problems from time to time. She is full blood American Indian and when this problem makes it self known she gets her medicine bag and goes to work to get rid of them. My wife has never allowed me to look in that bag or even touch it since she says in the wrong hands it can create major problems but I will have to say that when her Indian friends get together for what I call a prayer service the singing is beautiful.
  • Dec 14, 2009, 07:57 AM
    Here are some of the many pictures that I've taken of orbs, ghosts, Angels and fairies .

    Picture #1. Ck out staircase lites, ghosts and my Guardian Angel on me 1202 E 9th Winfield, KS attic Cowboy with horse. Ghosts faces below staircase, and more. Zoom in for close-up of myself with my Guardian Angel, I lost my balance in front of staircase, my daughter caught this picture. Ck out face, arms, hands.. mine, a child's, pink orb and Guardian Angels white claws to fight off evial spirits, 4 legs, 2 different pairs of shoes, and her wings below my skirt.

    Picture #2. 1202 E 9th Winfield, KS Attic. Can you see all the ghosts? Check out lady in beam, man in red shirt, see the others?

    Picture #3. At my daughters house. Another Ghost Dog . I use a Digital camera for all my photos so no double exposures!!

    Picture # 4. Zoom in on the white spot in the sky..! Do you see the Angel or fairy in the Sky??

    Picture # 5. Winfield ,KS Cemetery Look to the trees.. Closer look Angel flying appears to have baby in arms. Lovely site.

    Teresa Marie
  • Dec 14, 2009, 05:29 PM

    Hi, tom, how did you come by taking the photo in the cemetery of the angel, yes, it looks like a baby in the angel's arms, or it could be a bird as well.

  • Dec 15, 2009, 07:01 AM

    Hey Tick,
    It wasn't me that took the pictures. It was my friend and companion Teresa Marie. A multi talented lady. We have been "best friends" for the last 15 years ever since her daughter passed away. She has family back in Kansas and took the pictures when she was up there this year. Look for a reply from her later.
    Cheers, Tom
  • Dec 15, 2009, 03:14 PM

    Originally Posted by speedball1 View Post
    Hey Tick,
    It wasn't me that took the pictures. It was my friend and companion Teresa Marie. A multi talented lady., Tom

    Aw, heck, tom, you have a g/f.:eek: Well that dashes any chance I have of having a really good plumber around here!

    Hugs, tick
  • Dec 16, 2009, 07:05 AM

    Hi Tickie,
    For some reason unknown to me, I feel truly blessed, the Spirit world allows me, Teresa Marie, to take their picture. They know I mean them no dis-respect. 4 yrs ago I caught my first Orbs in my pictures of a home in Wellington, KS. That I was taking so when I got back home I could look at the photo's and remember which house needed what in repairs if I bought them or one of them.
    Imagine my surprise but imagine my bigger surprise as I looked at each picture thereafter and found SO much going on in this house ! It is a portal and not only ghosts and Orbs but also pics of the devil in this house (525 N. B.. Wellington, KS). This home does not want anyone living in it. It was built in 1800's and IT HAS got rid of every family that tries to live there. It smoked out the last family before I looked to buy it.
    Fire Chief says they don't know how they didn't die that night from carbon dioxide (excuse my spelling), they walked into the fire station covered in black soot like they were trying out for a Minstrel show and asked if they had a problem. After investigating the home they found there was no sign of a fire but all the walls show the lathe boards and studs inside the walls. Needless to say even though this was a 2 story house with a two bedroom home in the back yard that I could have purchased for $21,000. I decided that they did not want anyone in there and I was not ready to fix up and not be able to rent or sale or keep them from smoking the house or whatever else the spirits chose to do.
    But every since, I know this sounds crazy but fact, this house they show up in my photo's whether it is in a house, along a road, at the beach or pictures of me... I'm not complaining about it, just can't use most of my photo's for calendars or postcards with Orbs, UFO's etc in the pictures.
    Even crazier is they are in pictures that had none in them that I had taken 10 months before and were already in my computer. And my daughter, oldest one, is 38yrs. Old and a photo that was taken of her when she was 18 now has Orbs , many Orbs in it!!
    But to catch photo's of Angels is truly a blessing I treasure.

    Teresa Marie

    I just take photo's then when I get home and down load them into my computer that's when the fun begins... wow, look at that! Whoa, look what's in this one ! etc.

    #1.) My Daughter's Dog, Star
    #2.) My Daughter's dog , Star with Sebastin which was a silver collie that died 2 yrs ago and is buried 110 miles away in Howard, KS. Nice to know he is still with them.
    #3.) My grandson, Thorne, even though he doesn't know it, it appears that he is looking at the Orb. There are several in the photo around him. The spirits came out when the kids started dancing to the music.
    #4.) Winfield, KS Riverside Cemetery. Loaded with orbs. See the man's face? Upper right side, pink face
    #5.) That house in Wellington... see the dark haired man with moustache in blue, left side.. naked woman, and many more in sliding glass doors.

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