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  • Oct 30, 2010, 09:01 PM
    Do I have to pay child support?
    The Girl Says she cannot get pregnant because she has olvary problems and she winds up getting pregnant... How Does This work? Is there anyway to prevent from paying child support?
  • Oct 30, 2010, 09:51 PM

    If the baby is yours man up and take care of your responsibilities.

    Yes, woman with "olvary," actually ovary, problems can get pregnant dependent on the specific problem.

    You were man enough to take your pants off, now be man enough to take responsibility.
  • Oct 31, 2010, 01:35 AM
    Why would you not want to make sure your child is taken care of?
    Because the circumstances are what they are , does not make you
    Any less of a father or relieve you of the responsibility of taking care of the child you are
    Bringing into the world.

    It is your flesh and blood!
    Man up and take care of your child.
  • Oct 31, 2010, 04:00 AM
    Ethics aside, how do you stand up in a courtroom and prove what she said to you? (Answer: you can't.)
    What about a man who tells a woman he had a vasectomy and can't get her pregnant? Is she any less pregnant if she gets pregnant when his vasectomy doesn't work, and is he any less the father then?
  • Oct 31, 2010, 04:09 AM
    Well I will man up if its mine. But I am not even certain it is my child. She's 6 months pregnant and I've only known her for 5 months... so how could it be my baby? She also lives in another state.
  • Oct 31, 2010, 05:43 AM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    Ethics aside, how do you stand up in a courtroom and prove what she said to you? (Answer: you can't.)
    What about a man who tells a woman he had a vasectomy and can't get her pregnant? Is she any less pregnant if she gets pregnant when his vasectomy doesn't work, and is he any less the father then?

    You are correct. You can't prove what she said to you.

    Vasectomies fail. Tubal ligations fail. There are only 2 sure fire ways not to get pregnant.

    1. Abstinence; and
    2. Hysterectomy.

    Now you are playing the waiting game. Don't sign or do anything foolish until the DNA test proves one way or the other.
  • Oct 31, 2010, 05:48 AM

    The question now is whether you want to be a part of the child's life if its yours. If you do, then as soon as the child is born you file for joint custody and visitation. The court will then order a paternity test. Once paternity is established you proceed.

    If you want nothing to do with the child regardless of paternity, you do nothing. Let her make the first move of filing for child support. Again, the court will order a paternity test. If the child is yours, you pay.
  • Oct 31, 2010, 02:37 PM

    If you're proven to be (or admit to being) the father, then you'll have to pay child support.
  • Oct 31, 2010, 05:56 PM

    Ok, funny as the pastor I will not address the moral issues, that is already done.

    Legally, she can file and claim for support from you. You can counter and demand a DNA test first.

    Legally you can file for visits ( before she files even) and ask for a DNA test to prove case to justify your visits rights.

    But even if she signed a paper swearing she could not get pregnant, does not matter, she did, and if it is your child, then yes you will have to pay child support

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