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  • Jun 9, 2008, 07:26 PM
    "curlyhair agrees: Thank you for your advice. I don't think it's as desperate as it sounds. It usually occurs when she is frustrated by something else. We are very close and I know her intimately. We talk openly and freely and we have discussed abuse and all its forms."
    If you have a problem, you have a problem. It is no good defending your daughter for her actions. Its like saying - he only hits me when he's drunk, he doesn't mean it, he loves me really.

    Please get help. If not for your daughter then for yourself. Don't keep it all locked inside of you.
  • Jun 10, 2008, 05:12 AM

    griffgog: she used to use it as a threat
    So she doesn't do it anymore?
    After reading one of your previous posts I notice you said phoning the police possibly won't make any difference. I'm assuming you haven't tried it then. Worth a shot if you are concerned for your youngest as well. At least then you could throw those "professionals" in the "tried it" basket.

    I'm sure the "pro's" have been through everything imaginable with you already but the way I see it, young ones are having to deal with changing social expectations and emotionally, they are too immature to handle them sometimes. Where one teen/pre-teen deals with a problem in a positive way, another will deal with it in a negative way and it's up to us as the parents/caregivers to help them cope.
    Ie: stablity in the home
    A simplified lifestyle
    A structured home environment (but not rigid)
    Don't be too controlling
    Commendation not condemnation
    She is only 15, still a child and probably actually still wants your attention not to mention an understanding ear too. Have you always had a strained relationship? I spose you clash a lot if you try and talk, maybe she would feel better writing her feelings on paper and leaving it for you or someone she trusts who can mediate, then you do likewise. I'm not excusing her behaviour as physical and even verbal violence cannot be tolerated, but with so much stress to deal with in life already, I just wanted to send out some thoughts and ideas for your family.

    BTW don't know how to work out that prob you have with your PM thing sorry. Hopefully you've got your email confirmation by now.

    All the best :)
  • Aug 13, 2009, 01:50 AM
    Call the police if anybody hits you, A week in juvie will make a world of difference when she gets out, she will see how good she really has it at home. Wake Up Call!

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