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  • Oct 8, 2013, 05:37 PM
    Bella, you have to meet Sydney. She's a little pig. I adore her, she's a smart kid, when she gets yelled at she does care, and often ends up in tears. But, when it comes to keeping her room clean, she's a pig. I'm not talking just messy, she could get her own episode on hoarders!

    We moved her room downstairs to give her more space, because frankly, the room upstairs, which is now my bunny/bird/computer room, was tiny. I've had to clean that room too many times to mention. After a lot of yelling, she now keeps her room clean, and has moved into my family room upstairs. She sleeps in her room, but plays in the family room. If I took a picture of that room for you right now, you'd be shocked. I can't walk into it. There are crafts everywhere, clothes on the floor, toys, paper, tape, you name it it's there.

    She does care. She hates being yelled at. My theory, she's Rod's child. Jared was messy as a kid, but he grew out of it. I haven't had to clean his room in years. He keeps it clean, vacuums every week, strips his sheets for me to wash, dusts, you name it.

    Syd, she just makes a mess to the point where it's overwhelming. I've been asking her to clean it for a week now. Tomorrow while she's at school it's all going in the trash. I'm not even looking through it. If she cared about it, she'd clean it up. I warned her, and I gave her a week. Her time is up. So tomorrow she's coming home to a clean family room, and all of her stuff gone.

    But, when it comes to taking care of the expensive things she loves, she learned that lesson. It was a hard lesson for her to learn, much harder than it was for Jared, but doing what I posted, really did the trick when it came to taking care of what she has.

    The cleaning thing though, don't know why Jared learned and she didn't. Expect to see her on an episode of hoarders when she moves out. :(
  • Oct 8, 2013, 05:39 PM
    I'd post a pic of E's room before I did the clean up, but you would all judge me haha. Make sure Syd and E never become room mates. They WILL end up on hoarders.
  • Oct 8, 2013, 05:42 PM

    Originally Posted by Aurora_Bell View Post
    I'd post a pic of E's room before I did the clean up, but you would all judge me haha. Make sure Syd and E never become room mates. They WILL end up on hoarders.

    Syd doesn't even need E to reach that goal. E would just make the process faster. Instead of a month, it would be 2 weeks. ;)

    I'd take pictures of my family room too, but my camera is busted, and even if it wasn't, no way am I posted that online. It's embarrassing, and even more so because 2 weeks ago it was spotless! She did all of it in a week, because I've been nagging her for a week to clean it up.
  • Oct 8, 2013, 05:44 PM
    The rest of my house is to my liking, I keep it clean and tidy, and her room is too right now. DoG only knows how long that ( her room) will last though.
  • Oct 8, 2013, 05:47 PM

    Originally Posted by Aurora_Bell View Post
    The rest of my house is to my liking, I keep it clean and tidy, and her room is too right now. DoG only knows how long that ( her room) will last though.

    Go into it alt least twice a day to check?
  • Oct 8, 2013, 05:50 PM

    Originally Posted by Aurora_Bell View Post
    The rest of my house is to my liking, I keep it clean and tidy, and her room is too right now. DoG only knows how long that ( her room) will last though.

    Syd's room is immaculate, only because she uses the rest of the house to play in. :(

    See we all have issues with our kids. That's why parenting is the hardest job there is. You're definitely not alone.
  • Oct 9, 2013, 05:11 PM
    I bet a dollar your 6 year old has those missing items stashed in a good place. Find her stash and hide those things yourself. Don't let her know. My take is she loves frustrating and perplexing you. Don't believe me?

    Think how a 6 year old can save 900 bucks, and lose all those expensive toys, and chargers, while having a messy room? When she is good she got rewarded, but when she isn't good, she pays no consequences. Or not enough. Start deducting from that piggy bank, and I am betting things get done, and things get found. You didn't get your bluff before she started school, so now you have to out think your 6 year old.
  • Oct 15, 2013, 01:17 PM
    Great idea Tal! I definitely need somethingbetter than groundings, they just don't work. She's not a typical six year old, she worries about where she will live as an adult, what house she will buy, the idea of buying a house stresses her out, who thinks of these things? I bought thehouse we are in now when she was six months old, so it's not something she remembers. She's always thinking.

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