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  • Aug 14, 2006, 07:41 PM
    Male cat in the house with new kittens
    I have two cats a male who is fixed and a female who just had kittens. She just brought the kittens upstairs and I'm worried that the male may hurt them. The kittens are about 10 weeks old and have started to move around and explore the rest of the house. Up until now my boy would pretty much ignore them, but Ihave noticed that now he watches them and the mother is hissing at him a lot more. The kittens will only be here for another couple of weeks until they can be on their own. Should I confine them? Maxx is not usually aggressive and gets along with other cats well. He has an entire entourage of cats of different sizes and ages in the backyard waiting for him to come outside, and he has never had a fight with any of them that I have noticed. But today he looked at the kittens like they were prey. What should I do??
  • Aug 14, 2006, 08:08 PM
    Move The Kittens And The Mommy... the Kitty's Are Food... for Any Male Cat... any Thing Smaller Than They Are Are Food...
  • Aug 15, 2006, 01:34 AM
    Been through this, each cat treats newcomers differently. This is how I introduced new cats, I have 5.

    When you are at home, shut the door to the lounge while Maxx is asleep on the sofa/chair. Bring mother and kittens in, let them explore, sit in with them all for a couple of hours and see how it goes.

    Katie (13-16) was a stray and was our factory cat, which we took on when we moved out of town. Then we introduced Alfie and Charlie, she hissed at them but they eventually settled. (Charlie got run over about 12 months later, which resulted in me building a higher fence). Couple of years ago we got Grace and Dennis, again both residents hissed at the newcomers but no arguments. Then last year we got Snowball (what else do you call a totally black cat), and nothing. All the cats more or less avoided her. She now hangs around with Dennis (if they weren't all "done" I would suspect something).

    I'm sure all will be well. But keep an eye on them.
  • Jul 17, 2008, 02:07 PM
    He's doing that because their in his territory and he doesn't like that. He's also probably jealous because the other cat has no time for him, just spend a lot more time with him and it will probably make him feel better and less jealous, my dog did the same.
  • Aug 15, 2009, 07:11 AM
    I have a cat that had kittens and we too have a male cat about 6 mo old in the house. Our male cat climbs in the box with the mother and kittens and helps groom them. The male was here when she had her kittens so we just watch them closely and at night, theboy cat sleeps in my son's room with the door closed. I guess it just depends n the cat and how they get along.

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