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  • Nov 20, 2006, 07:54 AM
    1 Attachment(s)
    Pictures of our members
    I'm always curious as to what folk look like - and think a member gallery would be cool. Yes, a few have their own pic as their avatar, but not many... Don't be bashful, folks... and please don't let my ugly mug be the only pic in this thread :p

    Attachment 1788
  • Nov 20, 2006, 08:22 AM
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    Attachment 1792

    I think it went about 140 yds...

    I'm at work so no good face pics, maybe later... maybe.
  • Nov 20, 2006, 08:27 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    I'm at work so no good face pics, maybe later ... maybe.

    I'll help my friend Need out on this one then :D :
  • Nov 20, 2006, 10:40 AM
    2 Attachment(s)
    Okay. Well, here goes what's left of my dignity... ;)
    Yes, that is a very large dragonfly on my face in this first picture. A male Canada Darner to be precise (if I crossed my eyes, I could almost make out the distinguishing yellow thoracic spot).
    Attachment 1796
    Anyhow, it beats the heck out of a nose ring. Just remember, this could happen to you too, if you stand in the sunniest spot on the trail. :)

    Threw this second one in just to prove that I do clean up pretty decently when not living in the woods for six hours pretty much every day. :)
    Attachment 1797
  • Nov 20, 2006, 10:57 AM
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    This isn't a brand new one, but it isn't old.
  • Nov 20, 2006, 01:07 PM
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    Not the most current either but the best for seeing me (is majorly camera phobic so there are darn few LOL) At a friend's farm in Washington state... her dogs... I was only helping them get posed for her shot. Its early morn after a late night of catching up... I don't usually look like such a stoner... but aging hippy, yes. ;)
  • Nov 20, 2006, 02:40 PM
    Sentra, Thanks for the link, let's see if it works!!

    This is the real me last year at this time at my son's graduation from bootcamp. He is in the hat on the left (covered by his girlfried, and my other son is right behind me)


    So far everyone looks as I expected.

    Waddya y'all think?
  • Nov 20, 2006, 10:06 PM
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    Here's a couple of me. One at the Baltimore/Tampa Bay game week one of the season. Another that you Photoshop fans might recognize from the most recent hints and tips book. Enjoy.

    Attachment 1808

    Attachment 1809

  • Nov 21, 2006, 08:13 AM
    Depressed in MO
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    I'm on the left with my friend on the right.;)
  • Nov 21, 2006, 10:59 AM
    Depressed in MO
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    Me and my brother:cool:
  • Nov 21, 2006, 11:36 AM
    DJ 'H'
    2 Attachment(s)
    This is me :)
    Attachment 1826
    Attachment 1827
  • Nov 21, 2006, 11:36 AM
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    Another embarrassing photo...
    Attachment 1825
    Me, getting an event (sports) massage in lab after a long day of hiking in the hot sun. Not a bad day of class overall. :)
  • Nov 21, 2006, 12:13 PM
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    OK I am trying to attach this picture of me at my mundane job!! I am only able to do this thanks to kp2171's help and awesome directions! ;)

    But anyway--this is BIM--average, ordinary, plain 'ol me! :)

    I hope to see more pictures of people!

    Attachment 1828


    Originally Posted by valinors_sorrow
    Not the most current either but the best for seeing me

    Wow Val, I did not have you pictured that way at all. Nice to have face with name. :D
  • Nov 21, 2006, 01:25 PM
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    Ok you all asked for it :P:P

    You have been warned...

    Attachment 1829
  • Nov 21, 2006, 01:43 PM
    Okay, everyone looks just like I expected EXCEPT Scott!! Wow, to work in the Garden, that must be great.

    BIM, my daughter just loves your avitar. You should have heard her when she saw it, "AAAWWWW (cuet high pitch tone to her voice), how cute!!"

    Here is one of my group on our first clinical day. I am in the back on the right, and my "friend" (not) is the third from the right on the back row.
  • Nov 21, 2006, 02:10 PM
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    Here I am in one of my more respectable moments.
    Attachment 1830
    I'm the overdressed one on the right in the blue shirt and grey jacket. My college class photo, a week before graduation in 2002. My jacket is rumpled because I had to set the timer on the camera, and then quickly jump into line. :)
  • Nov 21, 2006, 03:16 PM
    1 Attachment(s)
    WOW! Some great pics in here! I love these threads... really changes your perspective on people to see what they really look like!

    I couldn't decide which pic to post and since I am a man of so many faces, I decided to post this:

    (Clockwise from the top-left: Me & My Love; halloween as Captain Morgan (hehe); Me holding fire (a new trick I learned); just me; me showing my fangs and my wickedly long tongue (only on a full moon); me getting eaten my a tyranosarus rex; me loungin on the houseboat; me on the top of the world; me in B&W; and me at the beach)

    Attachment 1834
  • Nov 21, 2006, 06:53 PM
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    What a cool thread.

    Okay, I will participate.

    Here is my family, myself on the left, my wife, Jennifer in the middle, and our daughter on the right. Taken summer of 06.
  • Nov 21, 2006, 07:34 PM
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    Alrighty everyone--I LOVE THE PICS!! This is me and my nephew who is an Air Force pilot and flies Black Hawk helicopters--he is now stationed in a little town called Balad, Iraq--SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!!

    Attachment 1851

  • Nov 22, 2006, 04:58 AM
    DJ 'H'
    3 Attachment(s)
    I do love DJing - just one of mine & my brothers shows :) - got several!

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