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  • Jan 17, 2007, 05:28 PM
    Tongue piercing
    :confused: Ok, so I have been trying to convince my mom that I should get a Tongue Ring, and i don't know how to convince her. If any one has any ideas, please let me know! ~Thanks:confused:
  • Jan 23, 2007, 05:58 PM

    Originally Posted by Lease143
    :confused: Ok, so I have been trying to convince my mom that I should get a Tongue Ring, and i don't know how to convince her. If any one has any ideas, please let me know! ~Thanks:confused:

    I say don't tell her at first,go get it done and eventually tell her she will not make you take it out,it is a personal thing

    Goood Luck
  • Jan 23, 2007, 06:36 PM

    Originally Posted by Lease143
    :confused: Ok, so I have been trying to convince my mom that I should get a Tongue Ring, and i don't know how to convince her. If any one has any ideas, please let me know! ~Thanks:confused:

    First of all to get your tongue peirced you would want a bar not a ring as a ring would require it to be near the edge of your tongue and that would annoy the hell out of you knocking against your teeth when you talk lol secondly its hard enough to convince your parents that you need something that is actually good for you let alone convincing her to let you mutilate your body Im not against peircing I have some but I think you may just have to wait till your old enough you don't have to ask her and if your not even that old that you can't get one done by lying about your age then perhaps you should wait anyway and don't believe your friends IT DOES HURT take care
  • Feb 4, 2007, 08:13 PM

    Originally Posted by Lease143
    :confused: Ok, so I have been trying to convince my mom that I should get a Tongue Ring, and i don't know how to convince her. If any one has any ideas, please let me know! ~Thanks:confused:

    Well, I have to tell you how I managed to get my mom to let me get my tongue pierced. I was down in Huntington Beach California with my family on vacation and we passed by this body piercing shop and there was a flower store nearby. I went in and bought my mom a dozen roses and she was so touched that when I asked if we could just check out the piercing shop she actually let me get it pierced. It was Tommy T's Body Piercing and the piercing didn't even hurt. I was surprised that my little trick worked so do something extra nice for your mom and she just might say yes!
  • Feb 4, 2007, 08:21 PM
    There's a reason your mom won't let you get your tongue pierced. And it's a good reason.
  • Jun 11, 2007, 11:36 AM
    I want my toung peirced but my mum is having none of it lol I might get my aunt to take me :P
  • May 21, 2010, 04:44 PM
    I'm tryng to convince my mom too to get mine done so what I'm doing is making lists and reasons I want it and why she should let me get it but also why she wouldn't like it.. so its like a pros and cons thing. I also got images of retainers so I can change it for sports. And how it can be flat and doesn't have to be a ball, or it can be a small clear one. My best advice is to sit down with your parents and talk about it, state your case but if they say no don't get it behind there back it will not only put you on bad terms and they may not trust you again that's why I'm not going to do that because I love my parents, and don't push them because that can put you on bad terms too, I pushed for my nose piercing and that put me and mom on somewhat shakey terms for awhile even after she took me get it.

    So good luck :]
  • May 30, 2010, 01:54 PM

    It took me a little while to convince my dad to let me get mine done but I said to him that at the end of the day it is my body and I can do with it what I wish. I told him that I'd pay for it, I'd deal with the consequenses if problems arose at school or something and if it got infected then I wasn't allowed any more piercings until I was 18 or out of the house. Just try and prove to them that you can look after it.. make sure they know you're responsible! Just help around the house, get on each others good sides and they don't really have a reason to say no! Good luck!
  • Sep 13, 2010, 03:40 PM
    Comment on lil-miss-rocker's post
    I did that (: lol just don't say who took u
  • Sep 13, 2010, 03:42 PM
    What I did was.. get mi aunt to take me and didn't tell her till a week later
  • Oct 29, 2010, 04:48 PM
    Don't tell her at first and go get it done then wait for about 1 week and then show her she will not make you take it out and if you don't want to tell her you can stay away from her as much as posible till it gets good and heeled but that is your desishon not mine
  • Dec 23, 2010, 08:38 PM
    People shouldn't be advising that you not tell your parents/gardians until after you already have it cause "she will not make you take it out" may work for your parents but for other parents they may be more strict and may flip out. So I'd advise that you make a pro's and con's list and hold yourself as a resonsible adult and tell them that you will face the consequences of your actions
  • Mar 11, 2011, 08:15 PM
    Im In Exsactly The Same Boat Myself Im 14 And Have My Ears Cartalige Nose Belly And Lip Pierced My Mum Agreed To Them All With A Little Purswading And Helping Around The House But She Hs Insisted That I Can NOT Have My Tongue Done I Don't No Why But I Am Pretty Sure With A Few Nice Jesstures I Will Be Alble To Convince Her... Just Explain To Your Parents The Reasons You Want It Done And That You Will Deal With The Conciquences If Any Do Occoure... And Hope Fully They Will See Your Point Of View And Let You Get It Done... Of Not Then I Would Advice You Not To Go Behind There Back As My Close Friend Did Last Week And Her Mum FLIPPED OUT And FORCED Her To Take Te Tongue Bar Out... So Good Luck On Perswading The Parents :D Xx I Hope This Helped!
  • Aug 12, 2011, 09:39 PM
    First of all, don't go behind your parents back . That would just make them mad . I want one too . I am going to take my mom to a restaurant and hand her a list of Pros &'d Cons . If all else fails, just wait .
  • May 11, 2012, 06:25 PM
    This is how I did it and it worked :)
    Wait till you are 16 (uk) or whatever age your state allows you to consent for yourself.

    Write up about the peircing you want include:
    How it's done
    What it looks like
    Risks/ cons and provide solutions
    Places that are safe to get it done
    Why you want it.

    When you explain why don't EVER use because my friend has it'. Never works.

    Explain that you are now of age and have waited a while to get it. Say that you don't want to go behind their back at all. Explain how it is your own body and you want them to respect that and respect the fact you are an individual and have different opinions and views.

    Then say that once your tongue is healed, you are willing to wear clear/ retaining bars at places they feel isn't appropriate to have your Tongue bar on display such as a family dinner.

    Ask them to think about it and wait at least a week. Drop it into conversation and ask If they have come to a decision and re state that you are your own person and that you feel the need to be able to make decisions. Let them
    Know that if you regret it you can take the peircing out without any consequences.

    This worked for me when I wanted my tongue venoms (2 tongue peircings)

    If it doesn't work don't cry, scream or whine. It makes you look immature. Just say that you would like them to consider when you could get it or negotiate it as a reward (say for getting a certain grade or passing an exam)

    Good luck :)
  • Nov 11, 2012, 07:22 AM
    I'm 17 and I'm getting my tongue pierced on the 28 of this month. I wouldn't recommend you or anyone else to lie to their parents or go behind their parents backs and get it. I asked my mom my aunt and my grandmother and after we all talked they agreed that I was responsible enough to get it. The only thing my mother said is that she wanted to be there when I got it. And if they say no just wait because everything happens for a reason :)

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