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  • Jan 30, 2020, 06:38 PM
    coronavirus, is it a threat or a plot

    Just when someone was getting a grip on the China trade situation along comes a virus, originating in China where all the good infections come from, and within a month it is declared an international crisis, an emergency where "emergency, emergency, everyone has to get from street" to coin an old line from a old movie. In the movie the threat wasn't real and the question is, is this a real emergency or a concocted one. Flue kills more people in this country every year than this virus is likely to kill world wide and yet it is an emergency. Mass hysteria, panic, paranoia.
  • Jan 30, 2020, 08:47 PM
    Paraclete: Communist China is the HEART OF DARKNESS.....Some would argue it is the Islamic world but the ChiComs have no souls, they are atheist and that means no moral compass exist within them. I don't put something like you describe past these ChiComs. The ChiComs could use this "pandemic" to quell Hong Kong unrest with the "quarantine" tactic. But, it is a suicide tactic: The Chinese just think, and maybe rightly so, that they have more bodies to throw into the "suicide bin" than does the U.S.....lets hope the bastards choke on it and lets hope the entire Politburo, along with that snake-eyed Xi, get the damn Coronavirus and die!
  • Jan 30, 2020, 10:14 PM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    Paraclete: Communist China is the HEART OF DARKNESS.....Some would argue it is the Islamic world but the ChiComs have no souls, they are atheist and that means no moral compass exist within them. I don't put something like you describe past these ChiComs. The ChiComs could use this "pandemic" to quell Hong Kong unrest with the "quarantine" tactic. But, it is a suicide tactic: The Chinese just think, and maybe rightly so, that they have more bodies to throw into the "suicide bin" than does the U.S.....lets hope the bastards choke on it and lets hope the entire Politburo, along with that snake-eyed Xi, get the damn Coronavirus and die!

    You see there vac, you have engaged in paranoia, there are many christians in China so they are not all soulless as you suggest. This virus surfaced at chinese New Year, a time when many move around the country, so chaotic transport in the middle of winter, lots of crowds, but Wuhan is also a centre of medical research, so did the virus escape, or, did someone eat bat?
  • Jan 31, 2020, 06:41 AM
    Paraclete: When I speak in those terms, I am not saying "the Chinese PEOPLE", are the heart of darkness, I am say that their ChiCom government is the heart of darkness: Its not paranoia when historical perspective show that the characterization of it is indeed correct....ask a Chinese who "escaped" from the Mainland and they will tell you: its not the sanitized version that the media portrays Red China to be, it is, in fact, very dark.
  • Jan 31, 2020, 09:14 AM
    Whatever it is Clete, it's spreading fast, the death toll and infected rate rising and has China shutdown and no cure in sight. We all will be wearing hazmat suits and masks before it's over.
  • Jan 31, 2020, 01:49 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Whatever it is Clete, it's spreading fast, the death toll and infected rate rising and has China shutdown and no cure in sight. We all will be wearing hazmat suits and masks before it's over.

    More paranoia, expect a cure soon, Australian research is on the job, they have already grown the virus in a lab and can use this to research a cure, as I said in the opening statement, flu is responsible for more deaths each year in this country alone and where is the panic over flu
  • Jan 31, 2020, 02:52 PM
    it is an accidental release from a bio-weapon lab.
  • Jan 31, 2020, 04:13 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    it is an accidental release from a bio-weapon lab.

    perhaps it is just an effectiveness test
  • Jan 31, 2020, 04:40 PM
    The research lab the good professor had helped set up? It’s located at the Wuhan University of Technology. Wuhan China is ground zero to the potentially global pandemic known as the “Coronavirus”'
  • Jan 31, 2020, 05:41 PM
    Yes the yellow peril has struck again, but China is not the place you think it is
  • Jan 31, 2020, 08:27 PM
    China, as a people, not a country, are more Christian, than the US.

    They have a higher active population of Christians than almost anywhere. They meet in illegal churches every week, online prayer groups, home churches and more. They meet, knowing they could go to jail, prison, lose jobs, lose custody of kids and more.

    So no, the China people are not evil.

    As the government, The Chinese government is much better than the items the Democratic party wants to put into place, so while out government is not as bad as theirs, it would only take one election, to make us worst
  • Jan 31, 2020, 08:36 PM
    For what it is worth, my friend at the CDC is worried this could get out of hand and be another serious virus. But yes, we still have more deaths from normal virus, it is the threat of mutation that is a non mentioned scare.

    As for Wuhan, it has what is equal to our CDC there. And many have the opinion that this would not have came from dead animals. If he would, it would have happened long ago, as dead animals is normal all over china. You have aligator on ice at the local Walmart in China, and meat just laying out on tables outside in every city in China,

    This is getting had on the people in China, in all major cities, they have shut everything down. buses, subways, movies, any meetings.

    Our family there have to just stay in their house, not allowed to go to work unless it is a required job to keep city or government operating.

    My stepson and wife have not worked since this shut down started.

    They as most people, are running out of supplies, in the area around Wuhan, it is even worst.
    Our friend lives there, she has cancer, and can not even go in for treatment, since they fear she may get the virus because they have so many people in hospital they are in the hallways.

    So no matter who or how it started, the people there are suffering.

    Just image if it was illegal to drive your car out, to travel outside your city limits.
    Illegal to have your store open, or if you had to close your business (movies, skating, and more)

    Add to this, most communication from China is restreicted, they can't say anything about it on social media.
  • Jan 31, 2020, 10:45 PM
    Fr Chuck: Are you Chinese or part of your family Chinese?
  • Feb 1, 2020, 04:26 AM
    The CDC is a bunch of phonies . Thousands of people are afflicted by chronic lyme in this country every year and they barely acknowlege it exists . They call death from lyme a rare event and that is just a lie ! Tick born illness is a major problem. But the whole country panics when they see a mosquito.
  • Feb 1, 2020, 11:49 AM
    The CIA has dropped C-130 loads of ticks carrying Lyme disease over South American jungles as a tactic to beat back the Columbian FARC....heard the interview.
  • Feb 2, 2020, 05:42 AM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    The CIA has dropped C-130 loads of ticks carrying Lyme disease over South American jungles as a tactic to beat back the Columbian FARC....heard the interview.

    How do you know it isn't a policy to restrict immigration?
  • Feb 2, 2020, 07:58 AM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    The CIA has dropped C-130 loads of ticks carrying Lyme disease over South American jungles as a tactic to beat back the Columbian FARC....heard the interview.

    LINK please. Sounds far fetched to me given the growing problem in THIS countries over decades.
  • Feb 2, 2020, 09:26 AM
    Talaniman: I'm primitive at this but here it goes: Did the Pentagon Weaponize Tick-Borne Lyme Disease ...
  • Feb 2, 2020, 09:51 AM
    Thanks Vac, but inquiry is a far cry from did. Still I would not equate an old problem with the new one that is playing out in hina, though we must not dismiss mans role, intentional or unintentional is either of these situations should we?

    Have you read the authors other works by chance?
  • Feb 2, 2020, 10:08 AM
    Talaniman: No, have not read his other turned onto this from a friend of mine who actually heard blacked-out silhouette interview of the pilot who flew the CIA mission plane that dumped the alleged Lymes disease ticks: He said it was chilling stuff......Talaniman, I know you still have suspicions of me being a "Winger" but I am not and I have a deep, deep suspicion of anything with CIA attached to it....The U.S. Military doesn't do crap like this with CIA promotion and orders....the CIA is the dirty bastard in the room. Go up against them and you might lose your rights....keep it up and you will lose your life.

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