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  • Feb 22, 2011, 06:56 AM

  • Feb 22, 2011, 05:19 PM
    Comment on mr.yet's post
    The motion would most certainly be denied. The IRS can attach any asset of a taxpayer. The taxpayer can fight the assessment, claiming that the taxes are not due but unlessl this is resolved in the taxpayer's favor, the attachment stands.
  • Feb 22, 2011, 05:21 PM
    Comment on mr.yet's post
    Best to use proper English when filing papers in a court. Spell words such as "defendant", "exemption", correctly. Courts take you more seriously when you display a certain level of literacy
  • Feb 22, 2011, 05:25 PM
    Comment on go-ask-mom's post
    This is an extremely useful comment by go-ask-mom but it has one statement that is not correct. There is no need to segregate Social Security benefits in a separate account. It is necessary for you to identify the Social Security funds in any account to protect them but they didn't be placed in a distinct account. Make a photocopy of your Social Security check and deposit that check by itself. Keep the receipt from the bank.
  • Jul 21, 2012, 07:20 AM
    Mother died 2children rec S.S.benefits,Dad, 3 yrs. Later to file B.K. can the children benefits be counted and used to determine the amount of the be taken from Dad check. IT WAS,is this legal.
  • Oct 20, 2012, 03:36 PM
    After speaking to an attorney who works with Social Security. There is a difference. SSI is considered a 'needs' based income paid to disabled or elderly who have not paid enough into the system. Where as SSD while still paid to disabled/elderly is paid out of what you have paid into the system. Therefore SSD is considered as earned income.

    They can with hold Support from SSD.

    They have been known to attempt to with hold support from SSI thinking people may not be familiar enough with the law to do anything about it. However, legally they are NOT supposed to do so and in the event they do then you do need to petition the court for it to be stopped immediately.

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