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  • Dec 19, 2006, 10:43 AM
    I found my holiday spririt...
    I've noticed latley, or better yet, the last couple of years, that the holiday mood for me has begun to wear off. Others that I know have begun to have this same problem. As Im sure each of us have our own reasons for not liking Christmas, Im pleased to say, that I have finally found my holiday spirit.

    Its located at the bottom of a deep dark hole, way out of reach from me. But at least I know where its at, even if I can't enjoy it.

    I have been receiving clues over the last few months to its whereabouts, the commercialism of Christmas, the fuss over nativity scenes and Jesus, etc, and it seems as though more and more people are caught up in the material side of the holiday.

    Each year its getting harder and harder to please people. Many times I find my Christmas gifts being returned to me a few years later by others in my family, they were preparing to take them to the good will and ask if I wanted them, not knowing what it was, they dropped off the boxes of old pots pans, and household items at my door. Upon digging, I found that much of this were actually old Christmas gifts that I had given them.

    Now for the final blow, the last nail in my Christmas coffin. My own wife who made it clear all she wants this year is a gift card. I thought it nice to go out and actually buy her a trinket AND a gift card. I took my last $15 and got her a saramic dolphin clock at Magic Mart. Feeling all pleased and good about making the 35 mile pilgramage past the walmart propaganda to the underdog "Magic Mart" store in Pearisburg, I was sure she would like it.

    When I told her I got back with one of her presents. (I will get more this weekend when I get paid), she gave me a dirty look and stated "IT BETTER BE SOMETHING I LIKE", I ask... "What do you mean?" In a suspecting tone of voice". "WELL THERE JUST Isn't A LOT OF STUFF THAT I LIKE". Knowing that she ask me clearly to get a gift card for her.

    Basicly, like everyone else, she wants money.

    This is what Christmas has become, and I hate it. Christmas has become just another bill for me. A reason for me to spend money I dont have for people who dont appricate it.

    After more words were exchanged, I decided to bring in the clock, slammed it down on the table and told her the receipts in the bag, take it back and get your money. She got mad, and later I decided that I would just give the clock to Grandma. And I would give my beloved wife COLD HARD CASH this year, in a plain envelope, no note, no card, all of that JUST WASNT VALUBALE TIME AND MONEY, AND THATS WHAT THIS SEASON IS ABOUT MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!!!!!!!

    And for the record, this will be the last year I do anything at all for this God forsaken holiday. And yes, I termed it "God forsaken" because this holiday has nothing to do with GOD anymore.

    January second Im filing for a divorce. Ive had it with this... sh.. crap.

    Thank you for letting me vent.
  • Dec 19, 2006, 01:26 PM
    Desert Diva
    Maybe I can help you divert a divorce! My hubby never seemed to purchase anything I liked either, so I executed a plan. A few months (or even more) before Christmas I start cutting out items from advertising circulars of things I would like to get... an iPod, Ugg boots, perfume, the types of clothing or jewelry I like, etc. Saleswomen LOVE to help clueless men shop and the photos just make it easier. As for other family members... I can't help you there. Maybe put everyone's name in a hat and then you just get something nice for one person or couple.
  • Dec 19, 2006, 01:29 PM
    Oooohhhhh Diva, I don't think you really understand where he's coming from at all. I almost support his separation from a materialistic woman.
  • Dec 19, 2006, 01:51 PM
    Ohhh, Andrew, I am sorry you are in such a predicament. I have been there before myself. My ex mother-in-law was just like that.

    I have also been in the "money" predicament. What we do is we go in together to buy something that WE need for the house. WE make the choice together.

    As for the family members, forget them. Spend on your daughter, it is her face Christmas morning that will make you smile.
  • Dec 19, 2006, 02:10 PM
    Thanks guys... and girls... sorry to come off a little rough there. I was pretty upset.
    Then turned around and spilled tea over one side of my keyboard, to make matters worse, it's a laptop, and I have no idea how to get it apart to clean it out. Now my control and shift button feels sticky. All the other buttons seem to work fine.

    The title of the thread is rather misleading, I also apologize for that, but in truth, I did find it. People click on it expecting a warm and fuzzy holiday thread and find a man ready for divorce instead. (haha)

    Anyway, round two has begun and ended. Im not going to sit here and carry on like those in the relationship board that can't figure out what they want. Of course, Im not going to leave my wife over a silly gift dispute, naturally, you must understand it goes deeper than that, but its not a whole lot I feel like getting into.

    I guess Im just getting burned out. Im going to be 26 years old on the 27th of this month, already my second marriage is failing. Im beginning to think that marriage isn't for me. I think Im just going to disregard this whole gift fight, and plan for a separation in January.

    I mean, we are either going to get along or not. Its been 4 years of constant fighting and bickering, last Christmas was just like this one.

    Anyway, thanks for understanding, and I do apologize for bringing this up in a holiday board. But in defence of that, it was Christmas that was the straw that broke the camels back.

    Im feeling the urge to discuss my marital problems, so if a mod wants to move the thread, I wouldn't be offended.

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