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  • Jan 4, 2013, 06:43 PM
    Young woman now living in Ghana
    I met this young woman on Skype and she was from Surrey, United Kingdom. She went to Wenchi, Ghana to see her Mom who runs an orphanage. She told me her father built the orphanage using money from gold he found. She wants to send me the gold, buts keeps asking me to send her $70.00 so she can send me a gold bar. She has shown me pictures, but I do not know if she really has any gold. I told her I do not have the money to send her. Now she does not talk to me unless she wants me to send her money. She says she is not a scammer, but I beginning to wonder if she is. Does anyone know if this is a scam or is she for real?
  • Jan 4, 2013, 06:49 PM
    It's a scam! I'm glad you don't have the money to send her.
  • Jan 4, 2013, 07:04 PM
    Why in gods name would she send you gold for 70 dollars.

    You know how this works, you send her 70 dollars, then you get a phone call or letter from someone claiming to be customs, since it is illegal to export gold from Ghana, and no customs paid on it. Then they start to blackmail you for more money.

    If she had real gold, she would sell some and be rich, no need to send you any.
  • Jan 4, 2013, 07:05 PM
    Thank you teacherjenn4. I thought it might be, but Iwas not sure. I have been talking to her for 13 months. Now I do not hear anything from her. She even told me she wants to move to the United States and live with me and marry me. It is good hearing from someone that knows this young woman is trying to scam me. It makes me feel good knowing thatr I have not sent her any money. Are all women from Ghana like this woman?
  • Jan 4, 2013, 07:07 PM
    This is a very common scam from Ghana.
  • Jan 4, 2013, 07:09 PM

    Originally Posted by survivor2win2 View Post
    Thank you teacherjenn4. I thought it might be, but Iwas not sure. I have been talking to her for 13 months. Now I do not hear anything from her. She even told me she wants to move to the United States and live with me and marry me. It is good hearing from someone that knows this young woman is trying to scam me. It makes me feel good knowing thatr I have not sent her any money. Are all women from Ghana like this woman?

    Like everyone has replied, it's a well-known scam. Sorry!
  • Jan 4, 2013, 07:14 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    Why in gods name would she send you gold for 70 dollars.

    You know how this works, you send her 70 dollars, then you get a phone call or letter from someone claiming to be customs, since it is illegal to export gold from Ghana, and no customs paid on it. Then they start to blackmail you for more money.

    If she had real gold, she would sell some and be rich, no need to send you any.

    I asked her if she could send it all the way here without any problem and she said yes. I agree with you Fr_Chuck. If she has all this gold than she should sell it and then she would be rich. I thought it was too good to be true. I did not even know it was illegal to export gold from Ghana. I am glad I registered on this site because I now have people and I hope friends that can keep me informed about these kind of scams.
  • Jan 4, 2013, 07:19 PM
    Check on for scams that seem too good to be true. It has been very reliable for many years.
  • Jan 4, 2013, 07:24 PM
    Very common scam.
  • Jan 4, 2013, 07:29 PM
    Yes, they change variations, but it is just a numbers game, They will email, skype or talk to 100's of people a day, and hope that at least a few will send money.

    The 70 dollars is really cheap, so that is bait money, hoping anyone will risk that little, to try and get more latter.
  • Jan 4, 2013, 07:32 PM

    Originally Posted by teacherjenn4 View Post
    Check on for scams that seem too good to be true. It has been very reliable for many years.

    When it sounds too good to be true than I now know it is. I wanted someone that really cared about me and I opened myself up to someone trying to scam me. I am glad I did not send her any money.
  • Jan 4, 2013, 07:35 PM

    Originally Posted by Alty View Post
    Very common scam.

    I thank you Alty and everyone that responded so far for enlightening me on the question I posted. I will be more careful about who I talk to and who I communicate with.
  • Jan 4, 2013, 07:36 PM

    Originally Posted by survivor2win2 View Post
    When it sounds too good to be true than I now know it is. I wanted someone that really cared about me and I opened myself up to someone trying to scam me. I am glad I did not send her any money.

    That's why most of us really protest against online relationships. The way that these girls trick you is skyping. People figure "I see them, I talk to them, I know they are the person I'm video chatting with, so how can they be scammers?"

    Fact is, she likely works in a huge warehouse and skypes 100's of people a day.

    You already knew this was a scam. Anyone that's interested in you will not ask for money, and they definitely won't stop talking to you if you refuse to send it.

    I'm really glad you happened to be broke when she asked for the cash. It saved you $70 and more hurt that you may not be aware of yet.

    Go out and meet people in person. Anything coming out of Ghana is likely a scam. Just Google, you'll be shocked what you find.
  • Jan 4, 2013, 08:11 PM
    Please online dating is not always over sea's or at least they don't tell you they are.
    I had one that said they were in Kansas I think, I was in Georgia, she wanted money to come visit. I told her I was going to be in Kansas next week and all of a sudden she started changing her story.
    But beyond that on dating, let me see, I meet one who was a proclaimed witch ( after I meet her) and she was going to put a curse on me so I could never leave her. ( so I left)
    Another one was into sort of bondage and things. Two others were starting to plan either our marriage or my life career on the second date.

    But there are also wonderful people who are too busy for dating normally, don't want to meet people at bars or church and use matching services.
  • Jan 4, 2013, 08:17 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    Please online dating is not always over sea's or at least they don't tell you they are.
    I had one that said they were in Kansas I think, I was in Georgia, she wanted money to come visit. I told her I was going to be in Kansas next week and all of a sudden she started changing her story.
    But beyond that on dating, let me see, I meet one who was a proclaimed witch ( after I meet her) and she was going to put a curse on me so I could never leave her. ( so I left)
    Another one was into sorta bondage and things. Two others were starting to plan either our marriage or my life career on the second date.

    But there are also wonderful people who are too busy for dating normally, don't want to meet people at bars or church and use matching services.

    I didn't say I was going to curse you, I said you'd be cursing yourself if you left!

    Oops... ;)
  • Jan 5, 2013, 05:15 AM
    If I was still single I would be at your door. And if Toni reads this I may still end up there.
  • Jan 5, 2013, 07:56 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    Please online dating is not always over sea's or at least they don't tell you they are.
    I had one that said they were in Kansas I think, I was in Georgia, she wanted money to come visit. I told her I was going to be in Kansas next week and all of a sudden she started changing her story.
    But beyond that on dating, let me see, I meet one who was a proclaimed witch ( after I meet her) and she was going to put a curse on me so I could never leave her. ( so I left)
    Another one was into sorta bondage and things. Two others were starting to plan either our marriage or my life career on the second date.

    But there are also wonderful people who are too busy for dating normally, don't want to meet people at bars or church and use matching services.

    I do not use on-line dating services. I tried once, but found out that many women are not honest about who they are. They do not even put their actual picture on the site. They put a picture on there from when they were younger. I responded to many of them but not one of them answered any e-mails I sent them. Masny of the dating sites want you to pay upwards of $50 dollars or more a month to use their services. That is money I do not have. I am going to remove Skype from my computer today.
  • Jan 5, 2013, 05:09 PM

    Originally Posted by survivor2win2 View Post
    I do not use on-line dating services. I tried once, but found out that many women are not honest about who they are. They do not even put their actual picture on the site. They put a picture on there from when they were younger. I responded to many of them but not one of them answered any e-mails I sent them. Masny of the dating sites want you to pay upwards of $50 dollars or more a month to use their services. That is money I do not have. I am going to remove Skype from my computer today.

    Skype isn't the problem. I use skype. In fact, I talk to someone I met on this site on a daily basis. He's a good friend, I've known him for 5 years, from this site. But I knew him for almost 2 years, had talked via email, and on the phone, before we started skyping. Also, it's not a romantic relationship. He's a dear dear friend, sends my kids presents, even sends my husband gifts.

    I think the problem is that you're meeting people online. It may not be online dating, but you're still basically dating the people you meet online. How did yo meet this girl from ghana? Did she send you a friend request on skype? I get those daily. I block them, and ignore. Never skype with someone you don't already know.

    As for dating people face to face, look into single's bars. You can also see if your town has the 1 minute dating thing. I'm not sure what it's called. Basically you go, and there are usually around 20, sometimes more, women or men looking to meet someone. You sit with each one for 1 minute, talk, and then move on. At the end of the night if you found one of them interesting, or they found you interesting, you can ask for a date. Even if you don't meet anyone there, it will help you learn to communicate, and since it's only for a minute or so, you have nothing to lose. It can really boost your confidence.

    But leave the ghana girls alone, nothing but scams coming out of that country.
  • Jan 5, 2013, 05:10 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    If I was still single I would be at your door. And if Toni reads this I may still end up there.

    LOL! You're always welcome. You can help me take down the tree. :)
  • Jan 5, 2013, 08:25 PM
    Skype is one of the greatest things around. The issue is knowing who not to talk to.

    My family in America can call a US number and it is sent either to my computer or to my Chinese telephone number ( cell phone) So my son in Georgia can call me at no cost to him, and I answer on my cell phone here in China for maybe 20 cents.

    They can use online skype and I use online skype and we talk for free. With video.

    So I would say keep skype, just block people you don't want to talk to

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