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  • Aug 25, 2007, 09:31 PM
    Boyfriend doesn't like my big boobs
    I have at least a size 38C cup size. (I fit better in a D cup, but the pretty bras only go up to 38C) I am 5' 4" and 140 lbs. i am not that over weight, but i have big hips, butt and boobs- you know curves....which i thought was a desirable thing. My boy friend likes B cups and i really think he feels that mine are too big. the only time he ever touches them is when i complain that he isn't.

    I seriously used to hate my boobs- they seemed to get in the way of everything and have no use except once or twice in a life time when i have kids in the future. but then when i was 16, i discovered how nice it was for them to be touched and to feel desired and all that. Then i finally felt at an advantage for having big boobs. but now i'm back to feeling that they have no use since my boyfriend doesn't seem to like them and he NEVER gets really into feeling me up.

    He says he's just doesn't care about nudity or boobs...and it really seems like it and that realy sucks! We hardly ever have sex with the light on. he says he likes to clothes his eyes and it's more enjoyable but if the light was on, it would burn his eyes. But i want to see him when we're in that moment, and it makes me feel like he DOESN"T want to see me.

    Here are my theories as to why he prefers smaller boobs: first of all his ex, his first serious relationship, the girl he was with for more than 5 years... has a B cup. Also, his mom was a stripper (big boobs though) and would talk about boobs like they were nothing (very bad example for kids) and he wasn't really restricted from nudity in movies and what not. The thing is, though, he absolutely hates porn. So I don't really know if he just doesn't care about boobs period or if he just likes smaller boobs on fragile girls like his ex.

    Please help me, I don't understand why this bothers me so much but I've actually cried about it and we've gotten into fights over me bringing it up too much. I just don't feel desired at all by him.

    p.s. him liking be cups is not in my head... he told me he liked for them to fit into a hand, which I pictured his ex right when e told me that, one of mine would need more than a hand to be covered. He said he couldn't help it that he liked smaller boobs. But he now denies saying things like that because he knows how much it bothers me.
  • Aug 25, 2007, 10:09 PM
    All I want to say is that as a woman you got to love yourself, love your own body.
    Hey, if he doesn't like you because of the size of your breast, then he is pretty shallow.
    LOL, I mean not shallow, shallow guys will love you because of your breast.
    Well, anyway, he should like you as a whole, and you know that you deserve better and there will be TONS OF MEN out there laugh at your boyfriend saying "ew... i don't like my gf any more, coz her boobs too big!"
    If he gets too picky about your body( u can't change it), u might want to have a serious talk with him and then decide if he is worth of your time.
  • Aug 26, 2007, 04:36 PM
    Have you discussed about ALL the things you don't like about him? With him? Perhaps he needs to understand that YOU like them and YOU like them touched. Then he and you might enjoy them BOTH.

    I think he may be being selfish (or more likely hurt by his mothers overt behaviours that border on psychological abuse), I think there is more going on here than meets the eye.

    Personally I love breasts small and large-I retrained myself off legs!
  • Aug 26, 2007, 05:37 PM
    Have you laid all this out to him. Have you told him that you feel that he is disgusting by your breast size and as a result of this you now feel there is something wrong with you? What he is doing is mean spirited and it sounds as if its detrimental to yourself esteem. If someone really loves you they will never put you down because of the way your body looks.

    As Xrayman says I think he has some deeper problems at play here in regards to his mother. In my opinion your relationship will not be able to flourish until HIS problems are addressed. He needs to work those problems out and not bring them into his relationship because that's unfair to you; you are not his mother.

    There is nothing wrong with your body at all. Most women pay thousands and thousands of dollars to have your figure.
  • Aug 26, 2007, 07:04 PM
    Men like different things, some like small breasts, some like large, some like brown skin, some like white,

    You have to first be happy with who you are as they have said, and that will make you feel better about who you are and you don't need someone else to make you happy and feel better.

    I will note wear the proper size bra, you may have to have some made to order or mail order but don't wear a size too small just because it is what you find at the discount store.
  • Aug 27, 2007, 05:40 AM
    If he doesn't like you with what you have then its time to look elsewhere. Shedding a few pounds is one thing, don't even consider either a breast augmentation OR reduction based on what anyone else thinks.

    I don't know where you live but if you are in the USA have you tried Victoria's Secret. They have nice stuff up through D cups and you can do mail order if there are no stores local to you. My wife wears almost nothing but lingerie from Victoria's secret.. More than they have for A cups even.

    Personally I like big boobs, little boobs, and every size in between. For me shape is everything and not volume. Wife is A cup and she wishes she was a C, and ogles over large breasts. She is a tiny thing under 5 foot and under 100 lbs. But very proportional even with A cups. I'm happy with how she is even if she has the smallest breasts of anyone I ever dated. And I have dated women up to Double D.
  • Aug 27, 2007, 05:56 AM
    Hi 'bubble'

    There is nothing wrong with you at all, except for the fact that you are wasting your time on this young man who obviously has problems and needs to get help.

    Wanting the lights out because his eyes hurt is literally stupid. He either does not want to see it as a natural and beautiful thing between lovers or is fantasizing something else. In either case, he's just thinking about himself.

    Get him to seek help, or leave him. You deserve someone who is proud and happy to be where he is (in bed or out).'t let anyone dump their baggage on you.
  • Aug 27, 2007, 09:41 PM
    Ha ha, I knew people would reply fast with a title like that. I feel that I need to give my lover more credit. I feel like I'm the one with the problem- like I'm overly obsessed with it. What also bugs me is not knowing how he really fells. He says nice things about them but I know it's not how he feels, but it's really sweet for him to try. And he has lately touched them (like how you would massage someone's back) but he doesn't know how to pretend to like it. (I told him to pretend he was 14 again haha.) Also, I think I'm jealous (worst feeling in the world!) that he prefers his ex's size over mine. I have a real problem with ex's too- I bring his ex up way too much. I don't know how to put myself in a rational state of mind and just get over the fact that he might not like my boobs, or boobs in general... because I know he loves me.
  • Aug 27, 2007, 10:22 PM
    Homegirl 50
    If this guy does not like them and is not really into sex with you, why are you even still with him.
    If you are not feeling good about yourself, why are you with someone who reinforces your negative feeling?
    They (your boobs) are not going to go away and he is not the only boy in the world.
    It could be you two are just not compatible or you have put way too much stock in your bra size.
  • Aug 27, 2007, 10:39 PM
    I guess I'm on your side and his at the same time.

    I like women with some curves. My partner is long and lean, but still has curves. Show me a beautiful woman with little curves and a woman who isn't as beautiful with curves and ill probably go after the second woman. Its just how I'm wired.

    Can I knock him cause he likes women with a smaller size? no. absolutely not. Can I knock him cause he's letting it get in the way of the relationship? Yep. Sure. Yes.

    I have a friend I've known since HS. When she was younger she b!tched about not being curvy. Then when older, and pushing a 38D, she b!tched about being too big. Her hair was too curly, too long, blah blah blah. I think women are their own worst critics.

    So... I can't tell you his "fetishes" are "wrong"... but his approach to you is. If he chooses to be with you he should be committed to your happiness as well.

    I've dated women who ranged in size from 34B to 38D. There are certain body types I might prefer, but you'd better believe I did my best to make each woman feel wanted and desirable.

    Can't tell you whether to dump him over this. That's your call. But he sounds like he's just not as interested in your happiness as he is in his little bubble of an "ideal" fantasy.
  • Aug 27, 2007, 11:01 PM

    Originally Posted by GlindaofOz
    Have you laid all this out to him. Have you told him that you feel that he is disgusting by your breast size and as a result of this you now feel there is something wrong with you? What he is doing is mean spirited and it sounds as if its detrimental to your self esteem. If someone really loves you they will never put you down because of the way your body looks.

    As Xrayman says I think he has some deeper problems at play here in regards to his mother. In my opinion your relationship will not be able to flourish until HIS problems are addressed. He needs to work those problems out and not bring them into his relationship because thats unfair to you; you are not his mother.

    There is nothing wrong with your body at all. Most women pay thousands and thousands of dollars to have your figure.

    Oah, I have told him about it, trust me-he's tired of me complaining about it. He isn't doing anything negative against me on purpose, so I can't hold it against him. I do think there may be deeper problems, also.

    There are other horrible sexual things he went through when he was younger. We have addressed the problem, but it's a very touchy subject. I don't like bringing up his past because he doesn't like to talk about it and I feel that I'm not in the place to pretend I understand.
  • Aug 27, 2007, 11:07 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    Men like different things, some like small breasts, some like large, some like brown skin, some like white,

    You have to first be happy with who you are as they have said, and that will make you feel better about who you are and you don't need someone else to make you happy and feel better.

    I will note wear the proper size bra, you may have to have some made to order or mail order but don't wear a size too small just because it is what you find at the discount store.

    I agree with the top half. And I'm sorry but it's hilarious to see a man give bra advice. A cup size smaller with a bigger band length fits fine. Boobs don't fit perfectly into A B C D cups. And they sell A-DD at every store that has women's underwear. It's just that anything past a 38c resembles a bullet proof vest.
  • Aug 28, 2007, 12:35 AM
    Gee, sounds to me that you have what many men desires in women. Don't get discouraged by what your BF says. He may be the odd one and not you.
  • Aug 28, 2007, 05:05 AM

    Originally Posted by snotbubble
    I agree with the top half. and I'm sorry but it's hilarious to see a man give bra advice. a cup size smaller with a bigger band length fits fine. boobs don't fit perfectly into A B C D cups. and they sell A-DD at every store that has women's underwear. it's just that anything past a 38c resembles a bullet proof vest.

    You should see me at Victorias secret with my wife. I can judge a woman's bra size better than the women that work there. And have done it. Woman comes in not knowing here bra size... don't ask, I don't know how she didn't know either, but the sales woman gave her a size to try (not the right one)... I then told her I bet she's a 34B before the woman came out to say it was not the right size, later she asked me how I did that when it turned out My guess was right, did it a few times and nailed it every time.
  • Aug 28, 2007, 05:14 AM
    Love yourself forget him. If he cannot love all of you is he worth it. He is making you doubt yourself. Give me a break find a guy who can love you for you and not everything but your boobs.
  • Aug 28, 2007, 05:35 AM

    Originally Posted by snotbubble
    we have addressed the problem, .

    Really? Then why are you asking for advice on this problem? You realize that his problem with your curvy figure stems from his mother don't you? If this problem was addressed you would not be having these problems in your relationship. He needs help from a mental health professional. If you are saying there was sexual abuse of some sort he cannot sort that out on his own or with just you.
  • Aug 28, 2007, 07:06 AM

    We all like different things, that's what makes us all special. If he likes small boobs than he has a problem being with you. If he loves you then he will get over his problem and in time start enjoying your ample size.

    Now the more important problem, YOU... You have to start seeing yourself as the special lady you are and stop thinking about his ex. She is an ex for a reason RIGHT. He is with you RIGHT. So stop hurting yourself and him by thinking and talking about his ex.

    From now on every time you think about his Ex. You need stop and spend that time thinking about something that you can do to make him happy or he can do to make you happy.

  • Aug 28, 2007, 08:22 AM
    Homegirl 50
    Sounds to me like like you are really in to a guy that has problems and you don't care enough about yourself to say "this is not working" and get out of the relationship. So you take the hurt and abuse and complain.
    As I see it, you have two choices, deal with him and shut up about it, or just leave.
    You sound relatively young, you two are not married, why are you even dealing with this?
  • Aug 28, 2007, 03:48 PM
    I know how you feel (to an extent)... im a 34DD... and it SUX... up until very recently it felt like an inconvience... because they're always in the way... all the comments about having getting a boob job... yada yada yada... extremly uncomfortable all around... but I've never had to deal with a boy not liking that... (only because all my ex's have always been really close to me before dating so the physical aspect wasn't a big deal) but here's my opinion... and a few facts you might like to hear...
    .1. did you know that the perfect woman's messurements are suppose to be a 39, 29, 39? Coke bottle figure...
    2. regardless of what one guy thinks I bet there are a lot of others out there that think you're beautiful
    3. I don't know what you're bf's problem is but I can say this much... you seem to deserve better... part of being in a good relationship is being complely comfortable with someone... that includes the way they look with and without their clothes on... does he honestly know how you feel? I mean not when you're getting agry at him for snide comments but have you ever sat down and told him how much it bothers/hurtrs you... that in a way you feel like he's wanting you to be more like his ex... or comparing you to his ex (im guessing that might be why it bothers you so much... is you feel like he compares you to his ex... in a negative way?)... try that... into fights with my boyfriend about the stupidest stuff because he makes comments and they hurt but I act angry... hope some of what I said helps...
  • Aug 29, 2007, 04:53 AM

    Originally Posted by kitty-kat19
    i know how you feel (to an extent) a 34DD...and it SUX...up until very recently it felt like an inconvience ....because they're always in the way...all the comments about having getting a boob job...yada yada yada...extremly uncomfortable all around...but i've never had to deal with a boy not liking that...(only because all my ex's have always been really close to me before dating so the physical aspect wasnt a big deal) but heres my opinion...and a few facts you might like to hear...

    My wife says she'll trade you for yours... :D She's a 32 A.
  • Aug 29, 2007, 05:35 AM

    Originally Posted by GlindaofOz
    Really? Then why are you asking for advice on this problem? You realize that his problem with your curvy figure stems from his mother don't you? If this problem was addressed you would not be having these problems in your relationship. He needs help from a mental health professional. If you are saying there was sexual abuse of some sort he cannot sort that out on his own or with just you.

    Still cannot rate..

    Glinda, you said it! This young man needs professional help, no matter who he is with in his life, he will still have these 'phobias' unless he works on them.

    Bubble.. I don't doubt that he loves you, but you alone cannot help him with this, and he cannot help you with your problems regarding the "ex's" issue. At any rate the choice of what to do with your relationship is yours..

    Good Luck.
  • Sep 4, 2007, 03:51 PM
    All guys have different preferences. I personally love curvy women with large breasts and wide hips. Believe me, most guys don't like skinny women and you won't have trouble finding a guy who is really into your type.
  • Sep 5, 2007, 06:06 AM

    Originally Posted by earl237
    All guys have different preferences. I personally love curvy women with large breasts and wide hips. Believe me, most guys don't like skinny women and you won't have trouble finding a guy who is really into your type.

    THat depends on your racial background.

    Most Blacks and Latinos are into big booties. Most white guys like skinny chicks with big boobs. Not sure what your average Asian is into.

    Now there are exceptions in any group. In any case don't waste time on anyone that isn't into what you are, not what you could be with $100K in plastic surgery.
  • Sep 5, 2007, 07:29 AM

    Not sure what your average Asian is into.
    Asians don't tell you, those asian men just stare at women without saying anything.:D
  • Sep 5, 2007, 07:33 AM

    Originally Posted by nicespringgirl
    Asians don't tell you, those asian men just stare at women without saying anything.:D

    Middle eastern guys like fat women (or just their wives to be fat). I thinks its from insecurity someone might look.

    I know one middle eastern guy who's wife was drop dead gorgeous... he wanted her to fatten up about 40 lbs... now she isn't anywhere near as nice looking.
  • Sep 5, 2007, 07:40 AM

    Originally Posted by smoothy
    Middle eastern guys like fat women (or just their wives to be fat). I thinks its from insecurity someone might look.

    I know one middle eastern guy who's wife was drop dead gorgeous....he wanted her to fatten up about 40 she isn't anywhere near as nice looking.

    Interesting... what do american men think about asian ladies then? Do they feel culture barriers?:rolleyes:
  • Sep 5, 2007, 08:14 AM

    Originally Posted by nicespringgirl
    Interesting...what do american men think about asian ladies then? Do they feel culture barriers?:rolleyes:

    Ooooooooo... Hot , hot hot. I've always had a thing for Asian ladies. Never dated one and being I'm married I don't think I ever will. But I'd say that one is likely less clearly defined as a group. Maybe because I fall in that group so my viewpoints might skew what I see.
  • Sep 10, 2007, 08:54 AM
    Girl Move On This Is The First Time I Ever Heard Something Like This. I Didn't Mean Move On If U Luv Him, But Be Straight TELL HIM HEY YOU TOUCH OR SOME ONE ELSE WILL
  • Sep 15, 2007, 08:23 PM

    Originally Posted by GlindaofOz
    Really? Then why are you asking for advice on this problem? You realize that his problem with your curvy figure stems from his mother don't you? If this problem was addressed you would not be having these problems in your relationship. He needs help from a mental health professional.

    Just because the problem was addressed, it doesn't mean the problem was fixed. He does need professional help, but he can't afford it- we're college students raised by parents that live in the ghetto.
  • Sep 15, 2007, 08:31 PM
    If you are in college then heck yes he has access. Every single college in the United States has a mental health counselor on staff that your boyfriend can see for free. Or he can go through your city or county's mental health department for free or low cost (as little as $5) mental health counseling.
  • Sep 15, 2007, 08:51 PM

    Originally Posted by GlindaofOz
    If you are in college then heck yes he has access. Every single college in the United States has a mental health counselor on staff that your boyfriend can see for free. Or he can go through your city or county's mental health department for free or low cost (as little as $5) mental health counseling.

    I know I get free counseling because I am in a special program, but he only gets the first 5 sessions free and then has to pay for them after that. Even if it was free, I don't think he would want to go.

    My sister went to tons of therapists for being suicidal, and I don't think they are very helpful... except for the very few that do their job to help people instead of for the pay check.

    Sometimes they can help though. So, I'll look into the counseling thing at school. I've been wanting to go, and ill talk him into it and see what happens.
  • Sep 15, 2007, 09:19 PM
    Does he know you are going behind his back and talking about him on here?
    Also if you are so insecure around him why don't you just break up with him? He must not care about you too much? In my opinion, if you did love him you would fix these problems with him and not behind his back. Does he not let you fix the problems with him?
  • Sep 15, 2007, 09:53 PM
    my kids
    I know how you feel about the being short and weighing 140 lbs and having big boobs you just described me. We have the exact opposite situation my husband loves big boobs and it makes me feel like he likes them because his ex wife has big boobs but we can spend our whole lives asking questions and end up in the same place we started wondering. I feel as If your boyfriend has no confidence and I also say your boobs are yours and that makes it a package deal yea sure you could have a reduction are something like that but you need to be with someone who loves you for you and not because your boobs are big are small.When some one really loves you they don't want to change you they love you for who you are not how they want you to be. So if he said anything else go tell him to find a B cup girl and you will find someone who loves you for who you are.Good luck maybe he's the one who has a problem with his self. I wish you all the best!
  • Sep 17, 2007, 12:50 PM
    Simple, if boob size or lack thereof means that much to him, tell him to find someone else. No woman should have a boob augmentation or boob reduction based on what someone else wants. Period.
  • Dec 29, 2007, 05:28 PM
    There is nothing wrong with your size. Personally I like a woman with curves and C or D cup size. Many women pay big money to get what you have. If your boyfriend does not like them, perhaps he is jealous because of the attention you are getting from other boob men. That's HIS problem, not yours.
    Enjoy your assets. If you wear revealing outfits, to get the attention, perhaps covering up might solve part of the problem.
    I love it when I go out with a woman that has your size, we tease the crap out of each other.
    I love the attention she gets, but always remembering... she is going home with me! And when we make out... I get to... well you know!
  • Dec 29, 2007, 08:18 PM
    Hm, Are you orgasmic on a regular basis with this boyfriend?

    I see a couple of red flags ahead... for example, he doesn't like to have sex when he can see anything?? Red flag two, he doesn't like your breasts.

    Have more appreciation for yourself and your physical assets. My advice, get another boyfriend. I'm sure you can do a lot better!

    Good Luck!

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