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  • Mar 23, 2009, 04:26 AM

    Has, You have a problem so you must go to a qualified therapist, preferable a psychiatrist, so you can get to know yourself and what motivates you toward excessive masturbation that is getting less and less pleasurable.

    The more a person ingrains behavior, the harder it is to break away from less satisfactory sexuality into pleasurable sex that brings happiness, not lonelilness, connection not separation. :)

    Best wishes, :)
  • Mar 23, 2009, 08:37 AM

    godofthunder75, I see what you mean , but I was on the other end of "when are you going to come?". But none of this has really affected any of my relationships. The only thing motivating me to do this is that it feels good to release. And sometimes I get that feeling in my stomach. And I'm not a lonely or separated person, but I am dealing with a breakup at the moment. Would I like to go out and have sex instead of masturbate, sure. Its easier said than done. Im a good looking guy with charisma and personality, but I prefer not to go to bars and pick up chicks for one-nighters. Sex for me is a connection between 2 people, and frankly I like to see the person I'm having sex with. Not the typical , "turn off the lights and its all the same". I want to enjoy it just as much as my partner. Im saying a part of my excessive behavior is because of the "lack of sex" in my life right now. So I'm not in it for myself, masterbate just to masterbate, but because of the lack of sex.
  • Mar 24, 2009, 10:43 AM

    So I went to the doctor, and did a physical. They required blood tests for this. I asked if they do blood tests for hormone levels. The doc asked" what kind of hormone tests?" I said "well to see if my hormones are imbalanced, because women have been telling me im more aroused than most". He gave me a "ya", like I just said the obvious, men are usually aroused type deal. Then I felt like the situation was just brushed off...
  • Mar 24, 2009, 12:21 PM

    Originally Posted by HASAPROBLEM View Post
    So i went to the doctor, and did a physical. They required blood tests for this. I asked if they do blood tests for hormone levels. The doc asked" what kind of hormone tests?" i said "well to see if my hormones are imbalanced, because women have been telling me im more aroused than most". He gave me a "ya", like i just said the obvious, men are usually aroused type deal. Then i felt like the situation was just brushed off....

    It is important to be firm with your doctor and insist on answers to your questions.
    It makes me so angry when I hear that people have been brushed off by their doctors.I would ask to speak to him over the phone and explain that your concerns were not properly addressed!
  • Mar 24, 2009, 03:20 PM

    Your doctor, I'm sorry, is a nutbag and the response he gave you was unprofessional-see another doctor.
  • Mar 24, 2009, 03:35 PM

    There is always second opinions. I have had my share of a doctor who never took me series but I was persistent and turned out I was right about myself. Not the doctor.

    You need to be persistent, I agree with xrayman, the doctor you see is a nutbag.

    I really do want you to get help. With Doctor and Counselor. There should also be a refereral to go to a specialized doctor for mens issues.

    Best of luck and please do not give up. Be persistent.. Okay..
  • Mar 24, 2009, 05:06 PM
    This is going to be difficult, but you need to lay off masturbation for a while. Lots of guys become so attuned to their "grip" on their penis, it makes regular sex difficult, if not impossible. Deprive yourself for a week or so, and when you resume, use a very light grip.
  • Mar 24, 2009, 10:08 PM
    Ok, Im going to see if I can try to help out here --- It does, honestly, sound as though this is becoming, or has become - an addiction of some sort.

    People become addicted to things, such as sex, drugs, etc, due to a void they feel in their own lives - an emptiness. You stated that you felt more relaxed after you do it - so, there is something that is causing you to get to this point. You feel more fullfilled after you do it, that void has been made complete - or atleast temporarily, until the next time around. A smoker, who is stressed out, will smoke a cigarette and say - I feel better, more relaxed. A drug addicted or alcoholic tends to think the same. I would say that you should do a thorough self examination of your life - your past experiences and when this all first started - I am not equating your situation to a drug addict or an alcoholic, just saying they all fall along the lines in the same pattern. Hope this helps. Im not sure I explained it the way I wanted to, but, hope you get the point.

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