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    tasha7776's Avatar
    tasha7776 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 2, 2010, 03:33 AM
    This guy has a girlfriend but he is always sits beside me

    What does it mean when a guy always sits beside you for any occasions, whether in a club, in a gathering, in a pub, etc. Does it have any significant meaning? & yes, he has a girlfriend too but does not talk much about her to anyone it seems. He always sit beside me, e.g.. He will be with his friends but he will quietly look out where I am going to sit in a particular dinner outing, once I found a place he will come and sit there too with me. Laughs a lot at my jokes too. Lol. There was 1 occasion where his friends were teasing me, and he kind of defended me, "reprimanding" his friend playfully but seeming very defensive over me. He seem very interested about what I do, about my studies, about my job, etc.
    He seems very nice to me sometimes, but so weirdly does not reply to my text messages sometimes which seems quite rude to me sometimes. It's so weird cause he will be so nice to me when we meet, but otherwise we would not keep in contact much too. Yet, he is showing signs of him liking me. He even took my number from a common friend, but admitting to me me casually. Lol.
    There was another occasion where we were in a group for a dinner outing and he was sitting with his bunch of friends. So, me and him were separated, he was at 1 end and I was at the other. He actually changed his seat, moved from his friend to sit with me. I was surprised by that & really thought he likes me but I realised, he has a girlfriend and he does show signs that he doesn't like me too e.g.. Not replying to my msges, not contacting me at all. Lol I am confused. I just want to know if this guy likes me or not.
    amicon's Avatar
    amicon Posts: 6,066, Reputation: 1911
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    Feb 2, 2010, 04:00 AM

    Read these two sentences:
    He's got a girlfriend.
    He's off limits.

    It doesn't matter if he likes you or not, he is with somebody else.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Feb 2, 2010, 10:16 AM

    He goes out of his way to show interest, but doesn't cross the lines of cheating.

    Instead of wondering what he is doing, ask him why he shows you interest yet has a g/f? The fact that you haven't, and have allowed this to continue, means maybe your open to cheating with him, or stealing him from another??

    You don't get answers without asking straight questions.

    Just so you'll know, guys (and girls) trap females (and males) using this same tactic, because they are curious as to what it means, or flattered by the attention, and they let their guard down.

    You already have a few red flags waving,
    He has your number, from someone else no less, and you didn't protest not a peep.

    He never answers your calls. An indication of friendship, or selfish intent.

    This calls for clarity through confrontation, and be ready to take a stand in your own interests.

    Get the FACTS of the matter, and assume nothing.
    tasha7776's Avatar
    tasha7776 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 2, 2010, 08:26 PM

    See, I knew him for 2 weeks in a camp thingy. I only knew he had a girlfriend on the 2nd last day that he has a girlfriend. I was surprised that he had a girlfriend after showing me so much of interest. I am not a relationship wrecker, that's for sure. I know how it feels to have another party involved in a someone else's relationship. I never want to cheat him nor his girlfriend!
    In fact, I didn't even notice much about him, until he was the one coming up to me, trying to carry out small talks with me, in few occasions. Then, slowly I kind of noticed him cause of his behaviour towards me. I mean, it was not me who came up and tryna be nice to him & stuff, it was him. So, I only reciprocated by being friendly to him as well, since I am to everyone else. But I noticed him more cause of the way he acts to me, like all d instances I mentioned. He has a different personality compared to other guys I think. So, I also want to know what kind of guy is he. If he does not like me, why he is acting like this towards me.
    And No, I don't call him. I just text him casually but few occasions, he replied, but when I asked him something really casual, he just didn't reply which was kind of rude to me I feel. That is the funny thing, he does not contact me unless we are going to meet up for a gathering as a group. And again. He sat beside me in the gathering of all the other places he could sit! Why? I don't understand his character. Why is he so nice to me, he asks me If I am all right when I didn't seem right that night. Of all people to notice me, it's always him to take concern for me although he does it subtly. What are these signs, are they even signs? Just want to be clear. He does not like me, it's fine, but his signs are abit too obvious I feel sometimes. Well, maybe not. So, anyone want to help me understand this guy?
    friend4u178's Avatar
    friend4u178 Posts: 3,349, Reputation: 1584
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    Feb 2, 2010, 09:06 PM

    Unfortunately we can't tell you whether he likes you or not , nor can we tell what he thinks only he can.

    Maybe he just enjoys your company , I have plenty of female friends that I will intentionally sit next to because I actually enjoy their company and conversation , doesn't mean I want to have anything more.

    Maybe your far more into him than you admit and are somhow hoping he has the same feelings which may not be the case.

    Why don't you just ask him , it'll certainly get you your answer a lot quicker.

    Good Luck!
    tasha7776's Avatar
    tasha7776 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Feb 3, 2010, 12:34 AM

    Lol sorry but I am not into him. More than I want to know whether he likes me or not, I am more interested in knowing what kind of guy he is, who knows someone reading ma posts, would be like this guy and can explain to me better about their same specie. So if it's not you, then thank you v much for your time to read ma posts.

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