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  • Jun 15, 2009, 04:32 PM
    What can be used as a condom?
    I know this is a dumb quesiton but is there anything that you can use as a condom that you can't get pregnant using it if you don't have any condoms with you??
  • Jun 15, 2009, 04:44 PM

    Nothing that will give you the same protection.

    If sex is in your plans then it's best to always have a condom with you and go on the pill just for extra protection.

    Be forewarned, no protection is 100%. There are people that have gotten pregnant using 3 different forms of birth control with only one working ovary and on their period.

    Sex=babies. It's been said so many times it's starting to wear thin, but it's the truth.

    If you have sex, then you could have a baby. So you have to ask yourself, are you ready for that?
  • Jun 15, 2009, 05:23 PM

    Even a condom is not 100 percent effective. Even when used exactly right, it has about a 3 percent failure rate, and the averages are that as most people use them, about a 10 percent failure rate.

    The best thing to do, be on birth control, don't have sex until you are old enough and able to raise a baby.

    The best thing when no condom, about 3 feet of space.
  • Apr 30, 2012, 03:52 PM
    I don't really trust condoms...
  • Apr 30, 2012, 04:16 PM

    Originally Posted by Hihello View Post
    I dont really trust condoms...

    I don't blame you. Personally, if my husband hadn't had a vasectomy and pregnancy was still a concern, I'd be on the pill and using condoms. But even that combo isn't 100%. Frankly, the only thing that can prevent pregnancy 100% is abstinence. Even with all the birth control known to man, used correctly, and tracking your ovulation, you can still get pregnant if you have sex.

    I just find it amusing that so many people are shocked when they get pregnant. I find it alarming that so many of the people that post on this site don't even use protection, and are still shocked when they get pregnant.

    Just goes to show that sex education is sorely lacking in today's society.

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