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  • Jan 24, 2008, 09:05 PM
    No period after IUD removal.pregnant?
    I had my last period on 12/10/07. I had my IUD (mirena) removed on 12/19 with my period following for 3 days immediately. It was heavy and had many clots. If the 19th was my real period, I am still 5 days late. IF that didn't count as a period, I am 6 weeks late. I have taken 2 home pregnancy tests and one blood test, all were negative. Last week I thought I was going to get my period because I broke out a little bit, but since then I have been really nauseated and tired. At first I thought maybe it was the flu- but no other signs of the flu other than the nausea. Now today I started having breast tenderness, so I took another at home test- it, too was negative. Are these just simpathy pains? Am I pregnant? Should I go have more blood drawn? How long do I have to wait to get my period? I don't expect to get pregnant in the first month, but a period would be nice too! I had my period throughout the time I had the mirena, so why not now? ANY ANSWERS would be wonderful!

    Thanks, StephyG
  • Jan 26, 2008, 08:01 PM
    It's too hard to say for sure. I would strongly recommend seeing a doctor about your period since you've already taken a pregancy test, which has come out negative. Have you been stressed lately? Any changes in life besides removing the IUD? Stress can delay your period and I know this from experience. Also, I tend to get a bit nauseated and my breasts swell before my period actually comes. Is this something that happened regularly to you as well? Those symptoms may just mean that your period will come very soon, but I can't guarantee anything. Sorry.
  • Jan 26, 2008, 08:21 PM
    If I'm reading this link right, then it may take some time before you have your period again. If you're worried though you should always call your doctor, that's why they're there anyway.
    Birth Control
  • Mar 30, 2012, 09:36 AM
    I have had my iud removed feb. 6 2012 and still no period uhhh. Hoping it will come soon but my nurse said it can take up to six months so that makes me feel better knowing it is normal to take time to get it back.

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