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  • Nov 5, 2008, 07:01 PM
    I am breaking out all over my legs
    Over the summer, my legs, specifically on my inner thighs, I started breaking out with pimples/white heads/and sore red tiny bumps. Within a few weeks, it started clearing up, with chlorine from pools and occasionally patting baking soda or baby powder on the area. A few weeks later, I was wearing shorts, which I had resisted to for most of the summer, with the embarrassing bumps, and the same day, I got a large VERY sore red bump on my inner thigh. It made it hard to walk. I read somewhere else online to place a hot cloth on the area for 20 minutes a few times a day. I did this, and gradually it went away. Recently, again, my legs randomly started breaking out, worse this time. There are more white heads this time, also, the break out is spreading down my leg... as far as the back of my knee cap. It hurts! And it's embarrassing. They are itchy, and some spots have heads with white pus in them. I broke out a little on my vagina as well. I am not sexually active, nor have I done anything serious in the past. I'm even getting little spots on my stomach too. PLEASE, someone explain to me what I can do to stop this! And make this all clear up. I am not a dirty person, I take a shower daily, and I have been using Panoxyl acne bar 10% for quite some time to try clearing up the situation, but it's taking so long and I'm becoming nervous! Is this some form of STDs? I am only 16, and am truly scared from the situation, PLEASE help!
  • Nov 6, 2008, 12:47 PM
    Sorry to hear about your rash. The first thing I would look at is whether you have changed soaps or if you mother has changed her clothes detergent or fabric softner. Many people are sensitive to the chemicals in personal care products and detergent. Once your clothes are washed in the detergent, chemicals are caught in the fabric. When you begin to perspire the chemicals are activated and irritate your skin. The result is a condition similar to eczema. Here's a website that shows a picture of someone with eczema What's That Rash? - Eczema -
    You might start by trying a natural soap to bathe with and a gentle laundry detergent such as Arm & Hammer. If you have another breakout, you may also try using atheletes foot powder on the affected area in the event this is a fungal problem.
    I'm very familiar with people who have mult-chemical sensitivities and very few knew to look at their environment first.
    Hope this helps.
  • Oct 6, 2011, 09:18 PM
    Hidradenitis suppurativa is what Ive googled for this. Im 26 years old and have had the same thing since I had my first daughter almost five years ago. The only thing that has worked to help with breakouts is a soft loofah in the shower and using either PanOxyl or Neutrogena acne body wash. This has somewhat helped buit hasn't cured anything. Ive also talked to my doctor and a few pharmacists about this and they've advised me to try something like ProActive instead of going on tetracycline again. You are not alone my girl, a lot of women and men suffer from this and I understand it is very painful indeed sometimes. Sometimes I also find if I use a little cornstarch on my inner thighs when I get out of the shower the moisture doesn't bother it as much.
  • May 18, 2012, 09:06 PM
    This is exactly what's happening to me now and I'm 15 turning 16 in 2 mouths and I'm using the same soup your using, my skin has got worse through and to top all that I already have psoriasis and eczema except now I have those and pimples -_- yaay, any ways this happened to me before and my doctor gave me pills called rokutan they worked great but they made my skin kind of dry my lips were always so dry but I lived with it. You can also use proactiv I haven't tried it yet because they sell in in USA and I mean you can order in online but I live in the middle east, any way you can use neutrogena products they worked for me.
    I hope I helped in anyway and hey, it could be worse, but is not bad :)

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