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  • Sep 18, 2008, 04:25 PM
    Wifi vs Wireless and AT&T's Free Wifi Service
    Hello Everyone! I'm computer illiterate, and have a few questions. Please feel free to explain the most basic details. :)

    One, is wifi the same as a home wireless internet connection? If I disable Wireless Zero Configuration, could someone still utilize my free public wifi service at hotspots?

    Second, I recently upgraded my AT&T dsl service to pro, and was told the faster service, comes with free wifi. I only have a desktop computer, dsl modem, and use zonealarm software for security. I do not own a laptop or need wifi.

    I was told someone would only need my email address and passcode, in order to use my wifi service at any of the hotspots in my state. Is this true? If so, is there any way I would know if someone is using the service? If not, what is the point of using parental controls on a home computer, if a young person could simply access the internet on a friend's laptop without a parents permission(without a time limit)?

    What if a roommate or neighbor manages to figure out the sign on information(which has happened to people in the past) and utilizes my wifi to engage in activities that could later be falsely traced back to my account. Is there anything I can do to turn off the wifi, or prevent its use? Or is that option not available if it's included with the AT&T pro package?

    I called AT&T, but it takes forever for someone to pick up in the wifi department, and different techs have had different answers, so I'm a bit confused. If it's that simple to use the wifi service of someone else, I may switch back to regular dsl which does not come with that service. Thanks
  • Sep 18, 2008, 06:04 PM
    WiFi is easy. Wireless is too complicated to define and so might a wireless hotspot.

    WiFi can refer to wireless access at certain businesses and WiFi COULD refer to a wireless router. Usually AT&T, says and a free wireless router, so I'll bet that they are talking about AT&T's WiFi service which is similar to T-mobile which Border's books has. AT&T refers to theirs as WiFi Connect when they talk about cell phones.

    Your username and password allows you to connect to AT&T Hotspots or Wifi internet access at certain businesses. Yep, you need to guard it because that's what you need to log in.

    The wireless portion of a router can be turned off. The network name can be hidden. There is also encryption available. Yoou can only allow certain MAC addresses to connect. All of these can secure a wireless router at home.

    In many cases such as a public library, only http (web) and https (secure web) are allowed. T-Mobile does not let you send mail unless it's from a web application thus preventing smamming from that location.

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