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  • Jun 25, 2008, 07:30 AM
    Microsoft Excel running VERY slowly
    I have recently upgraded two computers at work one runs as a server for 5 others. The one machine was running exceptionally slowly especially opening Excel files. I upgraded both machines with 1GB of ram thinking this would make them really fly ( they were 256meg previously) but no - the machine with the Excel problem is still taking about 2 minutes to open a file! Any ideas?
  • Jun 25, 2008, 10:48 AM
    Are you running a networked installation of Excel?

    Is the file you are opening also on the network?

    Long file-open times have ended up being network related issues in my previous experious, that's the only reason I ask.

    Also, if you just upgraded the memory on your computers, Windows may spend some time over the next few days "fiddling" with your virtual memory. You can avoid the wait that goes along with all that background fiddling by "bricking" your virtual memory.

    BRICKING - setting the virtual memory block to 2.5 times your real memory, for you 2500mb.
    1. Right click on MY COMPUTER > select PROPERTIES
    2. Click the ADVANCED tab > PERFORMANCE > ADVANCED tab
    3. Virtual Memory CHANGE
    4. Set the Custom size to 2500 in both the initial and maximum boxes
    5. Click SET > OK
    6. Close out of the properties boxes and reboot.
  • Jun 25, 2008, 12:11 PM
    Are you running any virus software?
    Have you done software updates lately?
    Are you running other applications in the background?
    Do you experience this problem with other programs?

    You could use our installation disks to do a repair on Microsoft Office. If it is only excel that causes you this problem

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