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  • Oct 25, 2014, 03:49 AM
    Kahani Punjab
    How to reduce my obesity?
    My son is now around 2 and half years old but I breastfeed him even now. As the boy child was born with major operation, I gained fat which refuses to leave, due to which my whole persona has taken a turn, for the negative. To gain the pre-Birth figure and slimness, what should I do? I am doing job, 9 to 3 and also do my domestic chores. Kindly suggest something which would definitely reduce my obesity. I shall be really grateful to you fellows. It's a question of life and death for me as my look has taken a backseat and I want to get that pre-pregnency look and charm.
  • Oct 25, 2014, 05:00 AM
    You'll want to remember that it took awhile for the weight to come on, so try not to get discouraged as it takes awhile for the weight to come off. Even with breastfeeding, you can lose weight if you do so in a healthy way. No doubt he is eating other foods as well, so if you don't drop your calorie intake too much, you shouldn't have any problem with your milk supply to keep him happy.

    If it is a considerable amount of weight, I would start by visiting your doctor to check for any health conditions, such as with your thyroid, that may play a role in your weight gain. In addition to that, take a look at what, and how much, you eat over several days. Could you make some better choices in healthier foods? Could they be prepared in ways that would have healthier ingredients or even how they are cooked? What about what you drink? Are you a soda drinker? If so, best to avoid. With how much you eat, many people eat more than they really need or even what a serving size is considered. Read the labels on boxes and foods that you buy. Even with a bowl of cereal, many people have more than a serving size, and every little bit that you change can help you reach your goal.

    Move on to any exercise that you may be able to do. You have a busy schedule, but even when doing work around the house, you can make it be more like exercise. There are some good videos online that will show how to get exercise when doing housework. Maybe get up a half an hour earlier to exercise at home, go for a walk, join a gym, etc. Maybe see if a friend or family member would like to join you. It can sometimes help to have someone working on the same goal.

    Again, first see your doctor to discuss your over all health, and go from there! Good luck!
  • Oct 25, 2014, 05:09 AM
    You start on a proper balanced diet, start an exercise program. Merely breast feeding or child birth is not a reason for weight after 2 years. That would appear to be life style and eating habits.
  • Oct 25, 2014, 05:39 AM
    While almost all weight gain is from plain old eating habits and lack of exercise, I remember my sister going from fat to thin AFTER giving birth to her second child, and she has stayed thin for the last 30+ years. She said she didn't do anything to change her life. I can believe that hormones of pregnancy can do unusual things to some women.

    7 months ago I was in a lot of pain and didn't eat anything except broth with a tiny amount of vegetables in it. I lost a pound a day! I gained it all back, however, when I started eating again.

    Yo-yo dieting (losing and gaining over and over) is bad for you, so don't try quick loss fad diets. Mostly be glad for one pound lost, and don't lose heart if you gain a little back. It may take 2 years, so think long term.
  • Oct 25, 2014, 07:20 AM

    My son is now around 2 and half years old but I breastfeed him even now. As the boy child was born with major operation, I gained fat which refuses to leave, due to which my whole persona has taken a turn, for the negative. To gain the pre-Birth figure and slimness, what should I do? I am doing job, 9 to 3 and also do my domestic chores. Kindly suggest something which would definitely reduce my obesity. I shall be really grateful to you fellows. It's a question of life and death for me as my look has taken a backseat and I want to get that pre-pregnency look and charm.

    May I ask what the "major operation" was? With that said, his operation wasn't the cause for your weight gain.

    You you need follow a proper healthy diet and exercise. Watch your caloric intake. Are you sedentary or do you have a healthy exercise regime?

    I agree that you need to follow up with your primary care doctor to find out if this could be thyroid related, possibly hormone related.

    You ou state you are "obese," but you don't mention your weight or your height. How about your parents? Are either of them on the large side? Much of this is genetic.
  • Oct 25, 2014, 08:03 AM
    The major operation was a c-section?
  • Oct 25, 2014, 08:11 AM
    Kahani Punjab
    It was Ceasarian, and in India, its common to see mothers gaining weight after Ceasarian operation. I do not eat out and make everything at home and nothing readymade do I consume. I do not eat meat, no drinking liquor or smoking... I eat not much. My braid had been very thick but now I have lost much (not so much, albeit) of hair also.

    I want brighter skin, lengthy and think hair and slim (zero-sized figure) body.
  • Oct 25, 2014, 01:32 PM
    Then stop breast feeding, Kahani. Your son will thrive on what you cook for him; indian cooking makes allowances for so much.
  • Oct 25, 2014, 06:47 PM
    Cesareans do not cause obesity Kahani. I perform them all the time. You don't, however, mention exercise. Exercise is very important. Also, just because you cook at home and don't eat out doesn't mean that the food is not fattening.

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