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  • Feb 12, 2009, 01:11 AM
    visual basic code for calculator
    I am a student at college in somaliland. One of my instructors told me to write a small programme for a calculator in visual basic 6.0. so, I'm stuck with this. Help me with the codes.
  • Feb 14, 2009, 07:13 AM

    Start by putting five buttons on a form and a two textboxes to hold numbers. Put "+", "-", "*", "/" and "C" on each of the four buttons (or "Add", "Sub", "Mul", "Div" and "Clear" respectively.

    Make one textbox "read/only". And put a "0" in the box. That will be the "answer box". Put a "0" in the other box. That will be the "user's box". Name the boxes "txtAnswer" and "txtOperand"

    Double-click on each key to create a key-click handler.

    The user will enter a value in his text box and click one of the keys. When he clicks the key, you either add, subtract, multiply, or divide (depending on the key that is clicked) the value in the "answer" box with the number in the user's box. Place the result in the answer box.

    Here's code for the "+" handler:

    Dim NewValue as double = cdbl(txtOperand.text)
    Dim OldValue as double = cdbl(txtAnswer.text)
    Dim Answer as double
    ' if the "ADD" button is clicked, add them.
    Answer = NewValue + OldValue
    txtAnswer.text = cstr(Answer)

    Do this for each of the buttons.

    When the user hits the "Clear" button, put a zero in the "answer" box.
  • Mar 29, 2009, 03:58 AM

    Iam a physics student and my professor asked me to write a visual basic 2005 for both standard and scientific calculator and I have no idea what to do please help me
  • Jul 3, 2011, 11:33 PM
    Write whatever u know u will get a super scientific calculator..
  • Jul 3, 2011, 11:36 PM
    If u **** u will get better super scientific calculator..
  • Jan 15, 2012, 03:10 AM
    Codes that you are looking for:
    Mem = 0
    TextBox1.Text = "0"
    TextBox1.Text = Mem
    TextBox1.Text = "0"
    Value1 = 0
    Value2 = 0
    Oper = ""
    Mem = Mem + Val(TextBox1.Text)
    Mem = Mem - Val(TextBox1.Text)
    TextBox1.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) \ 10
    Value2 = "
    Mem = Mem + Val(TextBox1.Text)
    Mem = Mem - Val(TextBox1.Text)
    TextBox1.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) \ 10
    Value2 = "
    Oper = ""
    TextBox1.Text = "
    Oper = "
    TextBox1.Text = Math.Sqrt(Val(TextBox1.Text))
    TextBox1.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) * -1
    TextBox1.Text = 1 / Val(TextBox1.Text)
    TextBox1.Text = Value1 * (Val(TextBox1.Text) / 100)
  • Mar 31, 2012, 11:04 AM
    I want to mod??
  • Jun 6, 2012, 12:13 AM
    Hey, I tried using the following code before coming to this site, and when I debug all it does is give me a value of 0 in Textbox1 , sort of confused here :(

    Code Used :
    TextBox1.Text = Value1 * (Val(TextBox1.Text) / 100)

    Any help is much appreciated
  • Jul 19, 2012, 04:42 AM
    Option Explicit

    Private mdblResult As Double
    Private mdblSavedNumber As Double
    Private mstrDot As String
    Private mstrOp As String
    Private mstrDisplay As String
    Private mblnDecEntered As Boolean
    Private mblnOpPending As Boolean
    Private mblnNewEquals As Boolean
    Private mblnEqualsPressed As Boolean
    Private mintCurrKeyIndex As Integer

    Private Sub Form_Load()

    Top = (Screen.Height - Height) / 2
    Left = (Screen.Width - Width) / 2

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)

    Dim intIndex As Integer

    Select Case KeyCode
    Case vbKeyBack: intIndex = 0
    Case vbKeyDelete: intIndex = 1
    Case vbKeyEscape: intIndex = 2
    Case vbKey0, vbKeyNumpad0: intIndex = 18
    Case vbKey1, vbKeyNumpad1: intIndex = 13
    Case vbKey2, vbKeyNumpad2: intIndex = 14
    Case vbKey3, vbKeyNumpad3: intIndex = 15
    Case vbKey4, vbKeyNumpad4: intIndex = 8
    Case vbKey5, vbKeyNumpad5: intIndex = 9
    Case vbKey6, vbKeyNumpad6: intIndex = 10
    Case vbKey7, vbKeyNumpad7: intIndex = 3
    Case vbKey8, vbKeyNumpad8: intIndex = 4
    Case vbKey9, vbKeyNumpad9: intIndex = 5
    Case vbKeyDecimal: intIndex = 20
    Case vbKeyAdd: intIndex = 21
    Case vbKeySubtract: intIndex = 16
    Case vbKeyMultiply: intIndex = 11
    Case vbKeyDivide: intIndex = 6
    Case Else: Exit Sub
    End Select

    cmdCalc_Click intIndex

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

    Dim intIndex As Integer

    Select Case Chr$(KeyAscii)
    Case "S", "s": intIndex = 7
    Case "P", "p": intIndex = 12
    Case "R", "r": intIndex = 17
    Case "X", "x": intIndex = 11
    Case "=": intIndex = 22
    Case Else: Exit Sub
    End Select

    cmdCalc_Click intIndex

    End Sub

    Private Sub cmdCalc_Click(Index As Integer)

    Dim strPressedKey As String

    mintCurrKeyIndex = Index

    If mstrDisplay = "ERROR" Then
    mstrDisplay = ""
    End If

    strPressedKey = cmdCalc(Index).Caption

    Select Case strPressedKey
    Case "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", _
    "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"
    If mblnOpPending Then
    mstrDisplay = ""
    mblnOpPending = False
    End If
    If mblnEqualsPressed Then
    mstrDisplay = ""
    mblnEqualsPressed = False
    End If
    mstrDisplay = mstrDisplay & strPressedKey
    Case "."
    If mblnOpPending Then
    mstrDisplay = ""
    mblnOpPending = False
    End If
    If mblnEqualsPressed Then
    mstrDisplay = ""
    mblnEqualsPressed = False
    End If
    If InStr(mstrDisplay, ".") > 0 Then
    mstrDisplay = mstrDisplay & strPressedKey
    End If
    Case "+", "-", ", ", "/", "%"
    mdblSavedNumber = (Val(mstrDisplay) / 100) * mdblResult
    mstrDisplay = Format$(mdblSavedNumber)
    Case "
    mdblResult = Val(mstrDisplay)
    mstrOp = strPressedKey
    mblnOpPending = True
    mblnDecEntered = False
    mblnNewEquals = True
    Case "
    If mblnNewEquals Then
    mdblSavedNumber = Val(mstrDisplay)
    mblnNewEquals = False
    End If
    Select Case mstrOp
    Case "+"
    mdblSavedNumber = (Val(mstrDisplay) / 100) * mdblResult
    mstrDisplay = Format$(mdblSavedNumber)
    Case "-"
    mdblResult = mdblResult - mdblSavedNumber
    Case "
    If mblnNewEquals Then
    mdblSavedNumber = Val(mstrDisplay)
    mblnNewEquals = False
    End If
    Select Case mstrOp
    Case "
    mdblResult = mdblResult * mdblSavedNumber
    Case "/"
    If mdblSavedNumber = 0 Then
    mstrDisplay = "
    mdblResult = mdblResult + mdblSavedNumber
    Case "
    mdblResult = mdblResult / mdblSavedNumber
    End If
    Case Else
    mdblResult = Val(mstrDisplay)
    End Select
    If mstrDisplay <> "
    mdblResult = mdblResult - mdblSavedNumber
    Case " Then
    mstrDisplay = Format$(mdblResult)
    End If
    mblnEqualsPressed = True
    Case "+/-"
    mdblResult = mdblResult * mdblSavedNumber
    Case ""
    If mdblSavedNumber = 0 Then
    mstrDisplay = "-"
    mdblResult = mdblResult / mdblSavedNumber
    End If
    Case Else
    mdblResult = Val(mstrDisplay)
    End Select
    If mstrDisplay <> "-" Then
    mstrDisplay = Format$(mdblResult)
    End If
    mblnEqualsPressed = True
    Case "Backspace"
    If mstrDisplay <> "CE" Then
    If Left$(mstrDisplay, 1) = "" Then
    mstrDisplay = Right$(mstrDisplay, 2)
    mstrDisplay = "C" & mstrDisplay
    End If
    End If
    Case ""
    If Val(mstrDisplay) <> 0 Then
    mstrDisplay = Left$(mstrDisplay, Len(mstrDisplay) - 1)
    mdblResult = Val(mstrDisplay)
    End If
    Case "1/x"
    If Val(mstrDisplay) = 0 Then
    mstrDisplay = "
    mstrDisplay = "
    mdblResult = Val(mstrDisplay)
    mdblResult = 1 / mdblResult
    mstrDisplay = Format$(mdblResult)
    End If
    Case "sqrt"
    If Val(mstrDisplay) < 0 Then
    mstrDisplay = "
    Case "
    mdblResult = Val(mstrDisplay)
    mdblResult = Sqr(mdblResult)
    mstrDisplay = Format$(mdblResult)
    End If
    End Select

    If mstrDisplay = ""
    mstrDisplay = "0."
    mdblResult = 0
    mdblSavedNumber = 0
    Case "."
    If Val(mstrDisplay) = 0 Then
    mstrDisplay = ""
    mdblResult = Val(mstrDisplay)
    mdblResult = 1 / mdblResult
    mstrDisplay = Format$(mdblResult)
    End If
    Case "."
    If Val(mstrDisplay) < 0 Then
    mstrDisplay = "0"
    mdblResult = Val(mstrDisplay)
    mdblResult = Sqr(mdblResult)
    mstrDisplay = Format$(mdblResult)
    End If
    End Select

    If mstrDisplay = "." Then
    lblDisplay = "0."

    End Sub

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