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  • Oct 9, 2019, 08:02 AM
    Marriage issues
    Every 10 days or so my wife becomes angry, irritated and confrontational. We were remarried 10 after divorcing, but there is no change in her behavior. I am a female also. She accuses me of not wanting to help out. We live in the south, I am 60 and jobs are hard to come by at this age. Every time I get a job she sabotages my ability to get there. So I lose them. But when I go back north and try to reclaim my life she is stalking me, hacking me phone and email accounts, calling literally bashing me to my friends, alienating me from my family by causing problems with them. I have asked her to go counseling, we can go but she says she will and never does. Then she tells me all that she is doing for me and how ungrateful I am if I do not respond to the fight. If I take a walk she is yelling out the door so the neighbors can see our dysfunction. Please help!!
  • Oct 9, 2019, 11:49 AM
    Leave and call the cops if she won't leave you alone. You may have to call them a few times and have a paper trail, or get a restraining order. No easy or quick fixes for these kinds of problems with this kind of history, but be careful and be safe and run like heck. I know plenty of people who get divorced two and even 3 times from the same person and for the life of me haven't figured it out yet.
  • Oct 9, 2019, 02:24 PM
    So stop all contact, move, don't give phone number, block facebook and so on.

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