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  • Oct 7, 2018, 08:36 AM
    President for LIFE??

    Don't laugh..

    Trump HAS the courts. He HAS the feckless congress. He HAS an armed and angry base. If he declares himself President For Life, who's gonna STOP him?

  • Oct 7, 2018, 08:48 AM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post

    Don't laugh.. Trump HAS the courts. He HAS the feckless congress. If he declares himself President For Life, who's gonna STOP him?


    He already floated this issue several months ago when he congratulated the Chinese guy for declaring himself president for life (or whatever title he used). Not quite tongue-in-cheek he wondered whether that would be a thing for him, asked in a semi-joking way, but he was CLEARLY testing the waters to get a reaction.

    I have no doubt whatsoever he would try to do this if he believed there was any chance of succeeding.

    The mid-terms loom more and more important every day.
  • Oct 7, 2018, 09:20 AM
    I wouldn't put it past a congress controlled by the Dufus's sycophants to try and extend the terms of a president. It took an act of congress to limit the terms of service AFTER Roosevelt died. What you didn't know a congress could do that?


    Why the Number of Presidential Terms Is Limited
    Congressional Republicans proposed the constitutional amendment banning presidents from serving more than two terms in response to Roosevelt's four election victories. Histories have written that the party felt such a move was the best way to invalidate the popular Democrat's legacy.

    "At the time, an amendment limiting presidents to two terms in office seemed an effective way to invalidate Roosevelt's legacy, to discredit this most progressive of presidents," wrote professors James MacGregor Burns and Susan Dunn in The New York Times.

    Now getting enough states to pass such a thing is something I doubt but you never know.

    Elections have consequences in case the dufus and his sycophants haven't depressed you enough.

  • Oct 9, 2018, 01:29 PM
    If he tries then I will join the resistence . Any other fantasy questions ?


    It took an act of congress to limit the terms of service AFTER Roosevelt died.
    It's called an amendment …. 2/3 od both houses of Congress proposed it and 3/4 of the states ratified it .Clearly THE PEOPLE did not want a President for life.
    Your facts are a bit off .
    The measure passed 285–121, with support from 47 Democrats in the House . In the Senate the amended proposal was passed 59–23, with 16 Democrats in favor. The States ratification ? 41 States ratified .
    Two states:Oklahoma and Massachusetts rejected the amendment, and five (Arizona, Kentucky, Rhode Island, Washington, and West Virginia) took no action . So to imply that this was solely a Republican amendment does not jive with history .
  • Oct 9, 2018, 02:08 PM
    You're nit picking Tom. Are you and JL colluding?
  • Oct 9, 2018, 04:41 PM
    nitpicking ? It was overwheming bi-partisan results and the correct call. FDR was tired and worn out after 8 years . Had war not broken out in 1942 he would've been soundly defeated . The next 4 years killed him He was a shell of himself at Yalta and Stalin played him like a fiddle ; and the people of Central Europe paid the price for 40 years .
  • Oct 9, 2018, 07:03 PM
    Depends on what he promises the leaders of government (or if he merely throws them in prison, well at least all the Democrats.

    If he brings back ecomony, brings in troops to stop the crime crime ( and use them to control the people)

    It has worked before. They did it, just last year in China. But he would have find other Supreme Court members quilty of brides, or something and have them put in prison. Along with all of the opposing party. And if any one protests, they are quietly put in jail also (or re-education camps)

    I lived this first hand in China, it is actually easy to do.

    Depends on what he promises the leaders of government (or if he merely throws them in prison, well at least all the Democrats.

    If he brings back ecomony, brings in troops to stop the crime crime ( and use them to control the people)

    It has worked before. They did it, just last year in China. But he would have find other Supreme Court members quilty of brides, or something and have them put in prison. Along with all of the opposing party. And if any one protests, they are quietly put in jail also (or re-education camps)

    I lived this first hand in China, it is actually easy to do.
  • Oct 9, 2018, 08:25 PM
    Developed a bad stutter in China Chuck?


    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    nitpicking ? It was overwheming bi-partisan results and the correct call. FDR was tired and worn out after 8 years . Had war not broken out in 1942 he would've been soundly defeated . The next 4 years killed him He was a shell of himself at Yalta and Stalin played him like a fiddle ; and the people of Central Europe paid the price for 40 years .

    You can't blame FDR for the Cold War, Churchhill was as much to blame as anyone, and you can't blame the Russians for a paranoid response, wanting to gut Germany for all time. The big mistake was to use the atomic bomb, it made sure the Russians would develop the bomb and have a stand off with the west.
  • Oct 10, 2018, 05:25 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    If he tries then I will join the resistence ..

    Hello tom:

    Well then, I feel better..

  • Oct 10, 2018, 07:48 PM
    Trump can't be President for life for the same reason Obama couldn't. Constitutional changes put in place after Truman. Changing that is well beyond what Obama could do, same as Trump. Besides not even Trump claims to WANT to do that... Besides that, there is this pesky little thing called voters.
  • Oct 10, 2018, 09:36 PM
    Why would anyone want the stress for life, the job is obviously aging
  • Oct 11, 2018, 05:10 AM

    You're nit picking Tom. Are you and JL colluding?
    Tom, anytime you actually present facts and evidence, you are accused of nitpicking. Some here don't like the truth. They much prefer their own extreme fantasy world of collusion and lifetime presidents.
  • Oct 11, 2018, 06:58 AM
    I have no problem with Toms FACTS, just his presumption that I implied it was repubs alone who pushed for presidential term limits... after Truman I might add, but I specifically said the CONGRESS, which is repubs and dems.

    I just threw your name into the mix JL to get you riled up. 8) Plus let's face it, you never know what this whack-o-doodle in the white house will do next, especially with his sycophant trumpsters behind him. With heroes like Kim, Vlad, Chi, and Rodrigo as role models all it would take is a bunch of loony right wingers holding their nose at such a power grab... AGAIN.

    Or a WAR!
  • Oct 11, 2018, 10:46 AM

    With heroes like Kim, Vlad, Chi, and Rodrigo as role models all it would take is a bunch of loony right wingers holding their nose at such a power grab... AGAIN.

    Or a WAR!
    I think you've missed your calling. With your vivid imagination, you need to become a writer of fiction. Come to think of it, you already are! (<:
  • Oct 11, 2018, 05:33 PM
    Think I should stick with cartoons?

    Think they have enough evidence for you?
  • Oct 11, 2018, 07:16 PM
    I'm glad you used the word "evidence". Now if you could just find some of it. So far that has proven to be a problem.
  • Oct 11, 2018, 07:25 PM
    You don't believe the intelligence community of your government? You may be able to make a case that DIRECT evidence of colluding with the Russians against the dufus does not exist yet, but not against VLAD. Why would HIS intelligence operatives and hacker be sanctioned and under criminal indictment?
  • Oct 11, 2018, 07:36 PM
    Because they are guilty of something. And why is it that there are not even charges being brought against the Trump campaign? Because there is no evidence. Just because you want him to be guilty does not make him guilty.
  • Oct 11, 2018, 08:07 PM
    Not just Russians at the behest of Vlad, but;


    That's a lot of TOP guys guilty of something so far. But of course you knew that. Some coincidence huh? Are we seeing a real investigation at work? Or another one about to start?

    Or could we look into that Saudi journalist disappearing in Turkey? I think the evidence is mounting to prove MY longstanding claim that Trump is a lying, cheating, dufus. Take you pick of what he is guilty of already.
  • Oct 11, 2018, 08:27 PM
    What a pity it is difficult to be guilty of treason these days, in earlier times it was much easier

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