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  • Jun 25, 2004, 06:59 PM
    Shaving pubic hair ?
    Okay this might be werid to ask ill ask anywayz

    I'm 15 and I shave my pubic hair. I started about a yr ago. Now I don't know if girls like it when a guy does that or no. I do it for two reasons. 1. it keeps that area clean and it doesn't itch. 2. my looks bigger lol.

    Now I don't get why some guys get all crazy when they find out a person shaves that area. Whasts so wrong about that? I mean its not that bad... does it make me less of a man? I don't see how that would be but does it?

    Also do girls like it when its shaved or they want a jungle going on down there?
  • Jul 31, 2004, 10:00 PM
    Re: shaving pubic hair?!
    Lol okay people I seen that there are like 4923452345 people that looked at this page so why don't u people just rply... it isn't medical question just a question so rply please.
  • Aug 2, 2004, 07:40 PM
    Re: shaving pubic hair?!
    Ok- I agree
    If that many people have looked at the post - come on - don't be sissies. Lets start a debate.

    I'll go first

    I am 25, and until recently the only care-taking I did was to trim the length a bit. As you know if going down on a girl, its not fun to get hair in your throat, so I figured - why not return the favor.
    Actually just a week ago I had an operation where they had to make incissions in my groin area, and so when I woke up after the surgery all my hair down there was gone.
    Now a week after it is itching like hell - and I walk around at work wanting to scratch all the time.
    Not really ideal
    I would probably have to shave every other day or so to avoid it ithcing if I wanted to keep it.
    I probably won't though.
    Personally I really don't like the look of it all bare down there... Just a opinion.
    Wouldn't mind getting some hair off my balls though, but if anyone has found a way to actually shave your balls... well then let me know.

    Let's hear a woman's perspective on it though!
  • Aug 7, 2004, 12:50 PM
    Re: shaving pubic hair?!
    Most people(guys) I know DON'T shave down there... except for a couple really serious athletes(in which case, they remove pretty much ALL their body hair). Some claim that only the porn stars do so. *shrug*
    Socially, it's not considered "man" to shave, but realistically, it's a private matter.

    I won't think any different of you if you do shave there, however, I definitely won't date you. But that is a personal preference. Honestly, it looks funny without the 'jungle' down there and I quite like that jungle. I don't like my guys to shave anything non-facial. On top of that, things get 'scruffy,' so unless it's "just" shaved, I don't want to touch it... OWWIE!!

    And goodness, wouldn't it just itch like mad if you don't keep it 'baby smooth'? If you get lazy and miss a shaving, wouldn't it drive you cuckoo? (I hear you nordic79)


  • Aug 9, 2004, 09:10 PM
    Re: shaving pubic hair?!
    Finnaly some people replyed. Lol
    Let me explain. The hole reason I started shaving down thurr was bkus I found out that in my religon you have to be clean and shaving or triming that area is a good thing to do. So that's why I do it and that's whyi shave my arm pits too..

    Now I think its da opposite of what you guys said. I found that I iched more when I had a jungle rather then smooth. Now I don't really like the way it looks clean shaven. But I don't have a electric 1 so that why I have to go all the way. And it doesn't even ich. Maybe once when I got razor burn.

    I like it when its like short hair. Lol same with a girls area too. When it was a jugle sad to say that it used to ich a LOT and some times my hair got caguth in my zipper(yess I had boxers on) pritty sad. Lol buh yah. About shaving your balls? I just use a blade and stretch them out. Lol hard to explain buh I don't know any other way. I never told any 1 that I shaved thurr. Shyt when this girl found out I shaved my arm pits she was giggle. Wonder what they would think about that.
  • Aug 28, 2004, 07:11 PM
    Re: shaving pubic hair?!
    I'm female, and I like to play around with my pubic hair! Sometimes I just like to trim it so it's a little longer than stubble, such that it's not rough to the touch... I can't imagine it would be nice if it was rough as sandpaper for my boyfriend when he went down on me. Occaisionally I shave down there, or should I say, my boyfriend shaves me. He can see it so much better, and finds it a huge turn-on to be so close to my 'candy' and given the chance to play with his food. He doesn't like it when I have no hair whatsoever below, just because it looks sort of pre-pubescent. It's also nice and relaxing for me to just lay on the bathroom floor and have him spend some quality time working on some artistic design.

    My boyfriend hasn't been as experimental as I have been. One time he allowed me to trim his pubic hair with scissors (that took a lot of trust on his part that I woudn't snip the wrong thing). He found that afterwards it was rather itchy for a couple days. After that initial itchy phase, he didn't seem to feel any different than with his natural length. Later, we tried shaving that entire area (including balls) with an electric beard trimmer. The first day or two, he was a little itchy again, but now seems to believe that it's less itchy than his natural length.

    I prefer his hair being trimmed, but I think I would find it a bit odd if he was clean shaven down there. Being trimmed makes everything look bigger, because you can see more of it.

    That's about all I can think of about this topic... keep on writing stuff people!


  • Oct 1, 2004, 04:37 PM
    Re: shaving pubic hair?!
    I am 16 n just the other day I shaved my pubic hair... and I hate it, I feel so naked I tell everybody not to do it just leave the jungle... so yeah don't shave it razor burn not pleasant and for me it itches and with my pubic hair didn't come close to itching this much... but I only tried it because all the girls told me to do it because they recently gave me Oral sex got a face load of pubes I guess but after I did it I told all my male friends that if I didn't that means no oral sex so yeah they agreed that I had to but yeah your that religious that you would shave your region that's crazy man srry I wouldn't do it for religion its not like your going to hell if you don't shave... but yeah I am letting my hair grow back... and how long does it take for the first time shaver for it to come back
  • Oct 1, 2004, 04:52 PM
    Re: shaving pubic hair?!
    Yah I know shaving with a blade is a ... I needa go get a electric razar.
    Umm might take a while to get back to its jungle self. Since it was your first time give it a week or two for it get to some hair back. But won't take too long don't give it attnetion and time will fly
  • Oct 1, 2004, 04:55 PM
    Re: shaving pubic hair?!
    Haha it already has stubles though does that mean its going by fast or will it be back sooner or anything n does it really come in darker n thicker
  • Oct 1, 2004, 04:56 PM
    Re: shaving pubic hair?!
    Well that's pritty soon. Yah iittl come back sooon then and I doubt it will come back darker and thicker since it was your frist time. If uv shave it often and then let it grow it will be thiker but first time... naw
  • Oct 1, 2004, 04:58 PM
    Re: shaving pubic hair?!
    All right that's always good to hear thanks
  • Oct 1, 2004, 04:59 PM
    Re: shaving pubic hair?!
    No problem
  • Oct 1, 2004, 05:27 PM
    Re: shaving pubic hair?!
    So are you going to keep shaving your pubes
  • Oct 1, 2004, 05:31 PM
    Re: shaving pubic hair?!
    Umm I probably will. I don't do it as much as I did before. Now like every month or so. But like I said I need a electric shaver so I can keep it trimed that's the way I like it... lol

    The reason why it iched so much for you bkus it was your first time. Same here. But after that I stopped getting razar burn unless my blade cuts me.
  • Nov 22, 2004, 02:28 PM
    I personally shave everything and love my man bald every where balls all of's much cleaner doesn't sweat and smell a much and makes it that much more fun to munch on :p
  • Dec 20, 2004, 05:48 PM
    Shaving pubes
    Wats up I shaved my pubes a couple of days ago if it was up to me I probably would not do it again! It itches but a couple of my friends shave theirs regurally so they told me to try it I did it because of that and sports so I wouldn't do it if I didn't have to
  • Jan 3, 2005, 09:35 AM
    Shaving Pubes
    I shave all of my pubes, balls and all. I like the way it makes me look bigger and cleaner, and I love the way it feels when I'm having sex or just being touched (by me or my wife). Nothing like skin-on-skin stimulation. Whenever I let it grow back, it feels like my c-ck is wrapped in a fur coat. If you've never tried it, I highly recommend it. Shave every three/four days to avoid irritation and itch.
  • Jan 7, 2005, 02:45 PM
    Shaving pubes
    Yea I understand but I keep it trimmed but not shaved
  • Jan 9, 2005, 12:06 PM
    Well I just bought an electric shaver ( like for hair triming 10 bucks) so now I don't shave with a blade any more I just keep it trimmed. Blade really made it feel irrated.
  • Jan 11, 2005, 06:20 AM
    Well, 1st time on this site.. and I decided I had to post to this.

    Frist off I think its just plain wrong for a man to shave his arm pits... men should have hair there.. I think you would get called gay, if someone finds out (but you might be gay/bi, so its not that bad). I have shaved my balls once, it felt great, so soft and smooth that was a few months bk.. and I'm 18. But soon the itching started and it was bad for about a week. Once it got bk to a normalish length it felt OK again.. normaly though I just trim the hairs just above it. I'm a very hairly person and like to keep it looking natural but looking decent and good.

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