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  • Dec 21, 2005, 03:28 AM
    Help Desk

    I have an interview this coming Friday for the position of Help Desk, just wondering what questions do you think will be asked by the interviewer..

  • Dec 21, 2005, 03:40 AM
    DJ 'H'
    Can you give us a bit more detail. The job "Help Desk" what does it involve? What is the job description??
  • Dec 21, 2005, 04:00 AM
    Job questions
    Why do you want to work here?
    What benefits can you bring to the company?
    What do you see as your main responsabilites here? (in other words,they want to know,do you understand what type of job your going for.Silly I know,but there it is).
    What are your previous experiances,in relation to the job your applying for?
    How did you get to hear about the job?
    What sort of salary scale are you looking for?
    Can you supply at least two references?
    Don't get family members to make this up,please,as they will want direct contact with previous employers.They may even ask for a third reference,from a character witness.Someone who knows you (not a family member),but someone you have not worked for.

    Just be yourself,plan ahead,what could they ask,do I know a liitle bit about the company.Sit comfortable at the interview.Try not to fidget,and above all,when answering questions,don't look at the floor,or the ceiling :D Make sure you give eye contact as much as possible.Finally,show interest,and just enjoy yourself.If they want you,they will say so.If you don't get the job,it's valuable experience,at a genuine job interview.Good luck.
  • Dec 21, 2005, 04:10 AM
    A few others to add to Nez's excellent list.
    Where do you see yourself in 2-5 years time?
    What are your WEAKNESSES ? (I hate this one)
    Are you prepared to relocate ?

    You need to ask them a few things as well like;
    Does the job include any external training, like MCP etc ?(shows drive)
  • Dec 21, 2005, 04:39 AM
    DJ 'H'
    Always ask about the salary - the money is always the imporatnt part - you don't want to be doing a job only to find out you get peanuts.
  • Dec 21, 2005, 04:43 AM

    Originally Posted by DJ 'H'
    Always ask about the salary - the money is always the imporatnt part - you don't want to be doing a job only to find out you get peanuts.

    Hey 'H' Helldesk always pays peanuts as they employ monkeys ;)
  • Dec 21, 2005, 05:10 AM
    DJ 'H'

    Originally Posted by Curlyben
    Hey 'H' Helldesk always pays peanuts as they employ monkeys ;)

    Tee hee hee :D - that's funny!!
  • Dec 21, 2005, 05:25 AM
    An interview gaff
    One interview I went for,back in 1902 :D they asked me where could I see myself in ten years time?
    I replied,sitting where you are now.
    They asked what benefits could I bring to the company?
    I said my charm,wit,and desire to show others how to put things right?
    Finally,what salary did I have in mind?
    I said what the highest offer was,plus a guaranteed pension,plus a company car.
    I was only 18 at the time.I did'nt get the job.
    Hum bug :confused:
  • Dec 21, 2005, 05:47 AM
    Why are you leaving your current job?

    I have x number of people to interview for this job, why should I choose you over them?

    Would you be able to work extra hours at short notice?

    Have you any non-work commitments that could interfere with your service here?

    Good luck (they won't say this - I'm saying it :D )
  • Dec 21, 2005, 08:36 PM

    Originally Posted by Curlyben
    A few others to add to Nez's excellent list.
    Where do you see yourself in 2-5 years time?
    What are your WEAKNESSES ? (I hate this one)
    Are you prepared to relocate ?

    You need to ask them a few things as well like;
    Does the job include any external training, like MCP etc ?(shows drive)

    What do u usually answer for weaknesses question?
  • Dec 21, 2005, 08:44 PM

    Originally Posted by DJ 'H'
    Always ask about the salary - the money is always the imporatnt part - you don't want to be doing a job only to find out you get peanuts.

    From the sources I have read, it is never a good thing to bring up salary on the first interview.

    And if the employer brings it up, then give a range, and make sure you can live with the minimum in your range.
  • Dec 21, 2005, 08:46 PM

    Originally Posted by Nez
    One interview I went for,back in 1902 :D

    Wow, 1902, my grandmother wasn't even around back then :p


    Originally Posted by Nez
    they asked me where could I see myself in ten years time?
    I replied,sitting where you are now.

  • Dec 22, 2005, 02:32 AM
    DJ 'H'

    Originally Posted by CaptainForest
    From the sources I have read, it is never a good thing to bring up salary on the first interview.

    And if the employer brings it up, then give a range, and make sure you can live with the minimum in your range.

    I did one my first fulltime jobinterview - they turned around and asked me how much did I want to be paid? I said to them (considering I was 18yrs old and just oput of college) that somewhere in the region of £11,000 - £12,000 per annum was a reasonable place to start - so they started me on £11,700 (this was in the December) By April I was on £12,000 (because of inflation rates) a year later I was on £13,000. Now I am working for another company - I raised the question in my first interview about money again - I was hinest and siad I was looking for an increased salary and they said they would start me off on £14,000, I should now be on much more but they still have not yet enforced my payrise. But I am slowly working my way up.
  • Jan 6, 2006, 04:13 PM
    Hey! Guys!

    I got the job as Help Desk. Thanks for your advices and opinions!
    Happy new year to all!
  • Jan 6, 2006, 04:33 PM

    Originally Posted by enya
    Hey! Guys!

    I got the job as Help Desk. Thanks for ur advices and opinions!
    Happy new year to all!

    Congratulations! I spent 2 years as 2nd level Help Desk. Now I do tech support as a side job. Feel free to post any other questions you may have.
  • Dec 9, 2007, 07:50 PM
    Do not listen to DJ 'H' you should never ask about salary it show's the employer that you are thinking about yourself and not the company.

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