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  • May 26, 2012, 10:05 AM
    Can I sue someone for slander on Facebook
    Can I sue someone for slandering me and my partner on Facebook for everyone to see. Its very very upsetting we are being called extremely evil names she slanders us on there nearly everyday.
  • May 26, 2012, 10:12 AM
    AK lawyer
    Actually, it would be libel, not that it makes any difference. Slander is spoken, libel is printed. Both are forms of "defamation".

    Being called evil names is not necessarily defamation. Did she write something which constitues specific factual allegations about you which are untrue, and something which those who know you would possibly believe? If not, you cannot prove damages and therefore cannot successfully sue.
  • May 26, 2012, 10:20 AM
    She has been calling my partner a child abuser which he isn't and been calling me a f***in and a cow and a also talking about my children when I have a ongoing court case to do with is very distressing.
  • May 26, 2012, 10:23 AM
    Sorry a f****in b**ch and t**t and a cow.
  • May 26, 2012, 10:24 AM
    First why haven't you blocked them? Second have you reported it to Facebook. But if you have an ongoing case, then ask for an emergency hearing before then judge and show what has been posted.
  • May 26, 2012, 10:25 AM
    I am going back to court on the 20th June but blocking her and going to stop her saying this stuff for everybody to see.
  • May 26, 2012, 10:28 AM

    Originally Posted by jodienjames View Post
    sorry a f****in b**ch and t**t and a cow.

    Name calling is not actionable, but claiming child abuse can be. Profanity will be removed if you report it.
  • May 26, 2012, 10:30 AM
    She most likely can call you a cow, while not nice it most likely will have little effect.

    You can sue if she is saying husband is a child abuser ( unless there is some evidence for that) for example, if her belief is that just spanking a child is abuse, then any parent who spanks their child is abusing them, She did not say he was convicted of child abuse, there is a difference.

    But to sue you have to show a loss, a money loss from her posting this, a job loss, loss of business or something.

    Also are you a public figure ? Think of what they said about "Bush" and now "Obama" and they don't sue.

    But keep copies and use this against them in the current court hearings.
  • May 26, 2012, 10:32 AM
    I want her to know that what she is doing is hurtfull and she can not be allowed to do it there must be something I can do than just reporting her to Facebook especially what she is saying about my partner it is a awfull thing to accuse someone of when he hasn't done nothing.
  • May 26, 2012, 10:35 AM
    If you bring it up in court, the judge will probably take some action. If Facebook removes the post or even her account she will learn.
  • May 26, 2012, 10:38 AM
    I'm hoping he does as this is very disstressing for us both and don't know what to do about it
  • May 26, 2012, 12:52 PM
    Can you prove you've been injured by the posts? This is tricky stuff. I'm fascinated by "Internet Law" but there are many loopholes.

    Have you asked FB to pull the slander or would that make it worse?

    I had something posted about me once. It certainly wasn't true (I think they had the same name as me) but FB wouldn't remove it. My Attorney notified the person who posted to remove it. We didn't even have a conversation about whether I was harmed.
  • May 26, 2012, 12:58 PM
    I have copied all the posts and printed them off.
  • May 26, 2012, 01:00 PM
    I don't feel that just reporting her to Facebook is enough she has been really awfull to us she needs to really know she can't go round doing this to people its not right.
  • May 26, 2012, 02:01 PM
    I didn't say JUST to report it to Facebook. But FB will remove profanity laden postings. Showing the postings to the judge should also get some action. Judges don't like people who carry on a case outside the court.

    But frankly, I think you need to grow up a bit. People do and get away with things that are not right all the time. To be able to successfully sue them for defamation You will have to show how you have been materially damaged by the defamation. And that will not be easy.

    You haven't told us what the current case is all about, but you sound very naïve about justice and the law.
  • May 26, 2012, 02:23 PM

    Originally Posted by jodienjames View Post
    i dont feel that just reporting her to facebook is enough she has been really awfull to us she needs to really know she can't go round doing this to people its not right.

    My concern is that the law is not a means to teach someone a lesson, teach someone morals, let someone know she "cant go round doing this" to people because "it's not right."

    I know you are upset. You apparently are already in Court with this person.

    I appear to have answered one question. Now there are others and they are all in one thread.

    I have no idea what happened - what is this about?
  • May 26, 2012, 03:07 PM
    No I'm not going to court with this person she is my exs friend that sticks her nose in where it isn't wanted and scottgem I asked for advice not for you to tell me I need to grow up if you can't be grown up and just give me advice please don't comment.
    This women is someone that is standing by my women beating ex.
  • May 26, 2012, 03:34 PM

    Originally Posted by jodienjames View Post
    no im not going to court with this person she is my exs friend that sticks her nose in where it aint wanted and scottgem i asked for advice not for u to tell me i need to grow up if u can't be grown up and just give me advice please dont comment.
    this women is someone that is standing by my women beating ex.

    First, don't presume to dictate who can and can't answer your question. Once you post you open yourself up to any valid comment as long as it doesn't violate our rules and that hasn't happened.

    I've been giving you advice, good advice at that. But you seem to have a naïve idea about what the law is for and how it works and I've been trying to help you get over some of that.

    Second, I do apologize because I took this remark:

    Originally Posted by jodienjames View Post
    also talking about my children when i have a ongoing court case to do with is very distressing.

    To indicate you were involved in a court case with this woman. I guessing now that you are in a custody battle with your ex and this woman is with him? If that is the case, then you should still bring up her actions to the judge. He can place a gag order on her.

    But as far as suing her for defamation, consult an attorney. I think you will find the advice you get to be that it would be too costly with little hope of gaining anything.
  • May 26, 2012, 03:43 PM

    Originally Posted by jodienjames View Post
    no im not going to court with this person she is my exs friend that sticks her nose in where it aint wanted and scottgem i asked for advice not for u to tell me i need to grow up if u can't be grown up and just give me advice please dont comment.
    this women is someone that is standing by my women beating ex.

    Don't even attempt to dictate who will and won't answer you and in what fashion. Post on a public board and a variety of people respond.

    Once again the person with the problem gets advice from the person without the problem and then bites the very hand that's trying to help her.

    Yes, by all means go to an Attorney. Leave your attitude at the door.
  • May 26, 2012, 04:13 PM
    Excuse me judykaytee I wasn't talking to you when I sent that message yes I understand I can't say who can and can't answer my question but all I wanted is some advice then I get people saying other things to me I know not to ask questions on here in future I will also tell people how you lot are only on here to judge people and also none of you care about helping people you get people to tell you what is going on then you judge them even though they have a lot going on.

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