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  • Jun 27, 2006, 09:49 AM
    How bad do products like ColorZap damage hair.
    I had a really nice light brown color in my hair but it started to take on this orangy tone, so a thought I'd refresh it. I chose a brand I had never used before. It was supposed to be a "light natural brown" but it turned my hair a sort of jet black. IT'S AWFUL and I HATE it. My hair is naturally curly (which means it's naturally dry), and it's color treated so I know it's already damaged. How bad is a product such as "Color Zap" going to damage my already damaged hair? Are these kinds of products bleach?

    Please someone help, I've been crying since it was done and I HAVE TO have this fixed ASAP!! :(
  • Jun 28, 2006, 10:14 PM
    Hello, Sandra. I've read your PM. Sometimes it's impossible to get the shade you see on the box. It's crucial to do a strand test, it can preview the new color before doing overall color. Color removal products often contain strong chemicals or bleach. Color removal products should never be used on permed or damaged hair. The Loreal Color Zap can be used with water or developer. It's ideal for removal of unwanted dark shade, and it leaves your ready for immediate re-coloring. If your hair is damaged, I recommend doing a deep conditioning treatment twice a week. It's important that your hair is in healthy condition if you're planning to strip or pre-lighten it. You should let a professional fix it for you.
  • Jun 29, 2006, 09:39 AM
    Thank you so much! My hair is color treated and a bit dry but I deep condition regularly, (especially recently because I knew I would have to get this disaster corrected), and I try to avoid the blower and irons, so I think I will stripping then re-color. Thanks for the heads up that Color Zap can be used with water, does that make it less effective? Also is there a down side to conditioning, I mean can one deep condition too much?
  • Jun 30, 2006, 05:41 PM
    Dry hair is fragile. Hair color removal products can cause hair breakage if your hair is in poor condition. Deep conditioning treatments help combat damaged hair and gives it a healthy appearance. You should do a deep conditioning treatment at least once a week, but if your hair is dry and brittle, do it twice a week. Using Color Zap with water will still remove the dye from your hair. I don't think you should strip it yourself, you will run the risk of damaging your hair. You should go to the salon and have a corrective color process done on your hair.
  • Sep 7, 2006, 12:30 AM
    Hi I would like to know if colour removal kits like loreal colour zap more damaging than bleaching? I want to remove the black hair dye from my hair, I asked 3 hairdressers and they all go that I have to bleach it out, one of them go that I can do foils instead of bleachin my whole hair and applying a toner on top of it. What should I do? Which way is less damaging to the hair?
  • Sep 10, 2006, 10:40 PM
    Cindy, hair color removers are less damaging than bleaching. It is very hard to get out black hair dye completely when using a hair color remover. So some hairstylists prefer to bleach the hair and then use a toner to reduce unwanted shades. Whatever technique you choose, do a deep conditioning treatment at least once or twice a week. It will make your hair healthy.
  • Oct 24, 2006, 07:16 AM
    trish musso
    I have recently turned my very blonde hair dark brown. But it really came out black even though it was done professonally.what can I do to lighten it up without having to go back to the salon.I heard of cleansers I could use but I am afraid of it turning red or orange. Any suggestions.
  • Oct 25, 2006, 03:20 PM
    Sweetie, I recommend that you go back to the salon and have them correct the color. Cleansers will not lighten your hair. If you want to go lighter, you hair will need to be chemically lightened.
  • Nov 4, 2006, 08:36 PM
    Hi, I just wanted to up-date with what I actually decided to do. I did go through with the color removal process not the bleach (I had tried bleach before to get highlights and I knew it was something I didn't want to do to my whole head). I bought a product similar to color zap at my local beauty supply and applied it after one week of steady deep conditioning. My mom and I did it together under my brother's supervision (he's a recently licensed cosmetologist but he only works on men's hair so he wasn't confident doing it himself) It gave me the result I needed to immediately re-color my hair. I am really, really glad I did it as I HATED the black. It may not be something everyone should do, especially by themselves, but it did work for me. I hope this helps someone. Thanks for all your help PrettyLady!
  • Oct 12, 2007, 09:26 AM
    Comment on PrettyLady's post
    Pretty Lady, I found this helpful because I too had this same experience and will follow your advice of hair treatment. Thank you for your time.
  • Feb 6, 2008, 11:39 AM
    My hair is extremely patchy and uneven in colour for example some parts are light brown, dark brown, abit of black here and there. Its genuinely bad. I want it to get to 'one base colour' so that way when I dye over it (red I'm going for this time) I will know that it won't go a variety of shades unevenly.

    Does products like 'Loreal Color Zap' remove all dyes? Even ones which have been in my hair for months. (my hair is genuinely quite healthy, I avoid using the hair straightners/ extensive heat.)
  • Jul 28, 2008, 05:02 PM
    I'm using the color zap in my hair right now.
    But I must ask, did anyone else have any slight discomfort when using it?
    I dye my hair quite frequently, and I have had slight burning before.
    Is it normal?
  • Mar 4, 2010, 08:29 PM
    Hi. I went to the salon today to have a glaze put in my hair. I had highlights put in 4 months ago. A carmel color to my mediu, brown hair. I asked the girl to put some sort of glaze to darken the high lights a bit. I was trying to let me natural color grow out and didn't mind the 4 inch root I had just wanted to blend the colors better. Well what I think she put on was a demi permnant color. Cause it has to be at least 3 to 4 shades darker then the color I went in for. I hate I! I want to get this out asap! I have washed my hair 6 times today since the color or glaze was put in. it did lighten a little but not that much. This looks like a very very dark brown. I am very pale and this color makes me look horrible on me all washed out. Is there anything I can do to take this dark color out without having to go back to the salon. And I will not go back to where I went. I am very unhappy and I am afraid she will do further damage.
  • Jul 19, 2010, 06:26 PM
    I have colored my hair black for almost 6 months now. I recently decided that I would like to go blonde but realize there are steps you need to take. I heard of the product called COLOR OOPS and called the hotline before using it. The lady told me to buy two bottles of color oops and my hair should pull up. I did exactly what she said and STILL had black hair. Im not sure if the reason it didn't pull up was because of how porus my hair is or what. So needless to say, I still have black hair and returned the unused product back to Walgreens. Is this product similar to Color oops, and is it guaranteed to pull black??
  • Sep 9, 2010, 04:26 AM
    dwarmack: that's because you have already the black for so long in your hair.

    Two months ago, I died my hair partial mahonie (redish brown). It was a permanent dye. It came out nice, but now, I still have this color in my hair, but faded to orange (like a real redhead). I want this color out if my hair to put purple over it (semi perm) I'm afraid that the blend of faded purple and orange will look ugly. I colored my blonde hair (and the orange) with the blonde I always use. The orange didn't change. Will something like color zap help to get the orange out of my hair? My hair is going to be blonde above, and purple at the bottom, the same as I had the with the orange/mahonie
    These is the most recent picture of my hair: jpg

    I also heard that color zap contains bleach. Will this damage my hair because I already lighted my hair up a lot (not with real bleach, only blonde dye which bleachs my hair though)
  • Sep 9, 2010, 09:34 PM

    Well my parent is a professional hair dresser. But dying hair in general is damaging. You should try taking care of it with repairing products, and refrain from using heat and chemicals. How old are you?
  • Jul 29, 2011, 07:31 AM
    Last night I put a children's texturizer in my silver and black very tightly curly short hair and after I washed the texturizer out my silver had stained greenish yellowish color and my hair was over processed. I believe I left the texturizer in too long. Can I use the colorzap to wash the stain out without damaging my hair? I just want my silver to be silver again. Also will the colorzap strip the black in my hair?


  • Jul 31, 2012, 12:27 PM
    Hey sandra did you end up using water and how much did you used
  • Nov 20, 2013, 07:38 PM
    Hi! Next summer I'm going to be preparing to go to college (fall of 2014) and I would like to get a perm. But I have heard that perming colored hair is a big no-no, so I was planning on using colorzap (or something like it) then later perming my hair. If I use colorzap as soon as possible and I wait until around June to get my perm done, how badly will my hair be affected?

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