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  • May 1, 2008, 01:07 AM
    Can an ex-felon get a grant
    I would like to attend the northern California college of construction, heavy equipment operator and I am searching for a grant I do not have to repay. I heard of grants for parolees but can't find anything, although I am off parole I would think that ex-felons could still apply. Thank You pamela
  • May 10, 2008, 10:39 PM
    Hi, Pamela!

    I do apologize that no one has come along to address your question. A person who has a conviction on their record; has done their time in whatever way, can apply for grants and scholarships just like anyone else. I don't know of any special grants just because someone has been convicted of a felony.

    Below, is what I found on the site of that college.

    Northern California College College of Construction | Finance


    State Grant Programs

    There are many grant programs that give money to people that quality for assistance and expenses related to career training (i.e. WIA-Workforce Investment Act, Tribal Education, etc.). Please call the school and speak with a financial specialist to discuss how you may qualify.
    So, it would seem that a call to the school should do the trick as far as finding the information as to the availability of grants.
  • Jun 1, 2008, 11:16 AM
    If the schoo you are going to is an approved school, then that school will have sourses of funding, normally student loans which have to be repaid.
    There may be some federal and/or state grants.

    Most of the grants for felons are paid to non profit groups that in turn do varoius job taining, so if your school has any, you have to ask them.

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