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  • Mar 18, 2010, 08:50 PM
    why is my ex girlfriend so insecure over me?
    she 16 and spends most her time calling me an , and when I ask why am an she ignores me like she hasn't got anything to backup what she says

    I wrote poems, love letters for her, first guy to give her a rose and proberly done more for her then any guy, yet she treats me like every other guys she been with, in fact worse sometimes

    I say nice stuff to her, like how I feel, or something very sweet, and she ignores me like she trying to be ignorant to it

    and her favorite saying lately towards me is... "i dont care about you", this seems to be something she randomly comes out with, she started an argument with me yesterday over a girl who stuck up for me to her, and she had to make it clear she didn't care at the end, it was like insecure much?

    she dumped me basically because she felt I was to shy, and not what she wanted from a boyfriend, and eva since she has been very negative towards me

    but oddly enough she won't block me on msn, or delete me from her phone, or Facebook

    but she rather argue with me, then get on with me, the momment we get on oorrr argue and she started to act like its bothering her she will always say "i dont care about yoouuuu!!"

    she was calling me a bad name that's basically bumhole, but this site wouldn't show it so its left blank :eek:, sorry for confusion
  • Mar 18, 2010, 09:08 PM

    It's time for you to delete her, go to no contact. With friends like her who needs enemies?

    She's treating you like crap, she's no longer your girlfriend, you don't have to put up with it, you can get her out of your life.

    Delete her from Facebook, MSN, your cell and everything else. No more calls and no more talking. Move forward, leave Miss grumpy pants in the past.
  • Mar 18, 2010, 11:49 PM

    Have nothing more to do with her.
    Block her everywhere and let her find someone else to hassle.
  • Mar 19, 2010, 06:23 AM

    Why wait for her to delete you? You need to delete her and just be done with it
  • Mar 19, 2010, 07:19 AM

    She isn't insecure, she is a bad tempered, selfish, unappreciative betch you have wasted your time on. I would think you would be happy with your freedom, and have absolutely no regrets.
  • Mar 29, 2010, 07:55 PM
    So my ex girlfriend doesn't like me, so why does she act this way? (long story)
    To give the story, I known her 4 years, we were very close when we first met, but I found I didn't trust her enough to get into a relationship with her, so we had a lot of falling outs and making ups and she would always ruin it by being unable to control herself with guys and getting cocky and blanking me the momment a new guy came in her life

    So last year, after we both had relationships with other people I thought she seemed more mature so I said about going on a date and so we did, she was very excited by it, never seen her so keen, but she found me to be difficult because I was shy and nervous, but she still made first moves and kissed me, cuddled me, held my hand, and we had a romantic momment in the part where I gave her a cute teddy, and I asked her to be my girlfriend at the end and she said yes so quick, and she text me after saying she missed me

    Then few days later she dumped me and has never gave a good reason to why, and claims she don't care about me and wouldn't care if I was dead, but what confuses me is, but she did go through a phase of being nasty and insecure to me for no reason like trying to prove she don't care by telling me to jump of a bridge, and then getting jealous over other girls when I mention a girls name she is like "whose she?", and trying to find out if I still liked her

    Not only that but she says she wants me out her life, but she does the opposite, I mean she still has my phone number on her phone, and she has me on msn, and Facebook and bebo

    But at the same time, she acts like she don't even know I exist sometimes while she chats up other guys

    In the past I gave her love letters, roses and even recently I sent her a poem of how I felt about her like a last chance thing, and she seemed to be really touched by it but it faded fast

    She 16, but I really don't get what's going on with her, I sometimes think she likes me and other times its so obvious she don't, I once asked her if she missed me and she said "no comment" which is the nicest I could expect from her as she wouldn't hold back in saying no
  • Mar 29, 2010, 08:08 PM

    "i found i didnt trust her enough to get into a relationship with her"

    "she said yes so quick"

    "Then few days later she dumped me"

    "she acts like she dont even know i exist"

    Go with the first quote here.

    Don't waste anymore time on her.
  • Mar 29, 2010, 08:28 PM

    Originally Posted by helpneeded07 View Post

    not only that but she says she wants me out her life, but she does the opposite, i mean she still has my phone number on her phone, and she has me on msn, and facebook and bebo

    What it's illegal to have someone's phone number and email address??

    C'mon , wake up and smell the roses , she's said she doesn't want to be with you and her actions show that as well.

    I think you should count your lucky stars that you got rid of her before you wasted any more time and energy on her. Move on Buddy , there are plenty of nice girls out there to date.
  • Mar 29, 2010, 08:33 PM

    She's 16. How old are you?
  • Mar 30, 2010, 02:16 AM

    Am 17, and I all I wanted to know was why I'm getting these mixed signals from her

    Surely that's not normal for an ex girlfriend, any other exs never did that
  • Mar 30, 2010, 02:32 AM

    Hey bro have you tried asking her if she is bi-polar. It does kind of make since why she's doing what she is doing. Let me know if she is not then I will give you another advice.
  • Mar 30, 2010, 04:18 AM

    No she isn't bi-polar

    If I had to describe her id say her bad points is she is cocky a lot, ignorant, acts uncaring all the time, bit of an attitude, acts like she invinsible

    For example - she started a fight with a girl she thought I was dating, and they were arguing and she really got quite nasty and angry, but after she claimed she just laughing at her and it didn't bother her, like it would make her look weak if she said otherwise

    All round I just want to know what's with the mixed signals, even though she doesn't even notice me most the time
  • Mar 30, 2010, 05:04 AM

    There aren't mixed signals.It is not because she keeps you on her msn or whatever that it is going to work.
    Let it go.
    She's obviously very immature and this is quiet normal cause she's 16.
  • Mar 30, 2010, 06:10 AM

    So all 16 year old girls keep ex's in there life unable to let go?
  • Mar 30, 2010, 07:37 AM

    Originally Posted by helpneeded07 View Post
    so all 16 year old girls keep ex's in there life unable to let go?

    No, not all 16 year olds, just immature ones. She really loves the drama, doesn't she?

    You need to move on and find a girlfriend that's a little more stable. You'll be much happier and feel a lot more secure. :)
  • Mar 30, 2010, 08:48 AM

    Its not her, its you that allow her to treat you any way she pleases and keep you confused and punk'd out. You're the one that listens to her crap, makes yourself available to what ever BS she throws at you, so stop whining about her behavior, or "mixed signals" she sends you.

    Until you man up, and take control of yourself, and your life back, you will be at her mercy forever.

    What's it going to be fella, her way or yours?

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