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  • Sep 17, 2005, 06:51 PM
    Fair And Flawless
    Has Anyone Here Used Fair And Flawless? How Did It Work? Which One Did You Use? Do You Get Fast Results? Is It Worth The Money? Please Help Me Out!!
  • Sep 18, 2005, 03:30 AM
    There was a programme on the other day called - bleach me white (itv 7.30pm UK)

    An indian girl was using it, but aside from her skin looking clear she looked no lighter to me.

    Sorry guys, I don't know fair and flawless, I got confused - I was talking about fair and lovely... :rolleyes: :p ;)

    Someone has told me that fair and flawless is very good, since I don't know I'll leave that to someone else to report? :)

    Fair and lovely is the one that's really cheap and the girl didn't look any lighter - just to clarify :cool:
  • Sep 28, 2005, 12:03 PM
    Do Not Buy Fair And Flawless

    Originally Posted by DARK2LIGHT
    Has Anyone Here Used Fair And Flawless? How Did It Work? Which One Did You Use? Do You Get Fast Results? Is It Worth The Money? Please Help Me Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have used this product, and it is absolutlely RUBBISH!! I spent a lot of money buying it and it did nothing. It just clears up the skin simply because of the routine you must adopt (cleansing, exfoliating, toning, moisturising). This can be achieved by any quality product and not by the magic of fair and flawless.

    I could not even return it as it said you must return it within 10 days. It took 6 days to arrive, and by the time I actually used it, it was too late to return it. PLEASE DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY BUYING THIS PRODUCT!! For the money I paid, I thought it would be good quality, the packaging was SO cheap, the ink on the bottles rubbed off as soon as I touched it! Please learn from my mistake... ITS A TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY!!
  • Sep 30, 2005, 05:20 AM
    I guess I was right in a roundabout kind of way. :rolleyes:
  • Sep 30, 2005, 02:08 PM
    Fair and Flawless is worth every penny!!

    Originally Posted by DARK2LIGHT
    Has Anyone Here Used Fair And Flawless? How Did It Work? Which One Did You Use? Do You Get Fast Results? Is It Worth The Money? Please Help Me Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fair and Flawless is the best natural skin lightener I have ever used hands down!
    Very professionally packaged and well worth a try. :)
    I used the Facial Whitener and it is working VERY well in under two weeks.

    I too was sent a cleanser,toner but those were not lightening products.
    I have not heard of a moisturizer they sell.

    I liked this product so much I bought 3 members of a lightening group I belong too a jar out of my own pocket and ALL three of them will tell you that it worked for them.

    Kinekon18, your wrong, when I get the custom made creams I told you about in your group I will show you the before and after photo's OK?
  • Oct 1, 2005, 02:32 AM
    kitchen stuff?
    yes, my diluted mix is kitchen stuff because I diluted it in my kitchen, the monobenzone itself isn't kitchen stuff??

    pictures - of me? I never ever said I would post pics of myself over the internet as I'm a very private person, I speak of my results only to inform others of what I'm experiencing, since when is a mere contributor to any forum "required" to prove anything? :rolleyes:

    however - I give allot of evidence which backs up everything I say, I have loads of "pictures" in my group of people who have depigmented successfully, to date I have only experienced lightening which I've kept reiterating due to me diluting it because it's too strong for me to use as is = straight.

    the person who posted before me rubbished the product, I have no idea what the product is but have come to my own conclusion that most if not "all" whitening products on the market never live up to expectation.

    monobenzone has been the only thing I've researched so extensively and so the conclusion I've come to is that no other product can work as monobenzone will, not only because people have had good experiences with it but also because it's "prescription" medication.

    I speak about it so much because I'm happy I've found something that actually works and so I try to tell others of the my own personal experience because when I was researching people who use mono to lighten their skin as apposed to having vitiligo seldom wanted to come out and share anything with anyone. :mad:

    if I promote my group too much it's because I know there are people out there like me who are depigmenting, since there is so much stigma attached to wanting to change the skin so drastically I'm providing an outlet for individuals to speak openly and freely about their use without ever feeling chastised.

    maybe it was my bad to agree on what someone else had said, but then if your so offended why not take it up with the individual that actually made the statement in the first place. :confused:

    I hope my hands up and admit that most products name contains "fair" in it's title - I associated fair and flawless with the product I saw the Indian girl using on the TV and even with fair and white (fair and lovely... etc)

    if the products works for you, that's great! So be it - come back here and let everyone know so we can weed out the crap and people can stop wasting their money on mediocre products. :

    if people weren't asking me so many questions via email about my monobenzone mix or mono in general I wouldn't have the need to keep talking about it, they tell me they've seen my post on whichever forum and want to ask me some Q's - I come back to whatever forum it is and answer them indirectly.

    are people hating on me because I talk too much or because they want to depigment but even with the info don't know how?

    nikkicute - hey girl!. lol
    half the time I don't recognise who I'm talking to, I've told you that you can keep chatting in my group because any lightening product that actually works is welcome to be discussed.

    why aren't people directing their rage at lilsophie, she rubbished the product yet my following sentence seems to be drawing the most offence?

    there are people on my group who want to lighten but who don't want to be white (or at least have the white appearance!. lol) any whitening/lightening discussions are welcome in my group providing they actually work.

    me = corrupt? Give me a break - you sound like amber, yes I promote the stuff I use because it works, anyone can buy monobenzone and then dilute it, it's not medical science. :)
    I put myself out there so people know what I'm doing and can come talk to me about it or their use if they want to, people can make their own decisions about what they want to use - for people who do use I'm merely providing basecamp for depiggers. :cool:
  • Oct 1, 2005, 09:45 AM
    I hear you :D ;)
  • Oct 2, 2005, 09:39 AM
    Thanks nikkicute, I really really really want to try fair and flawless and you gave me the confidence I needed to acually get the product. I hope it works for me like it worked for you.
  • Oct 2, 2005, 01:32 PM
    Your Welcome!

    Originally Posted by DARK2LIGHT
    thanks nikkicute, i really really really want to try fair and flawless and you gave me the confidence i needed to acually go ahead and get the product. I hope it works for me like it worked for you.

    Oh your welcome! :)

    I'm sure it will. The facial whitener is a good product to start with.

    A co-worker of mine just made a comment that my skin is getting more clear.
    He thinks it's because of the water he saw me drinking, he says water is good for the skin. Lol

    Nope it's not the water, it's FnF.

    Please keep me posted and tell me when you get the cream OK?
  • Oct 5, 2005, 12:09 AM
    Just so everyone knows - this Nikki character posts on EVERY site about Fair & Flawless. She has been banned from some sites because people discovered she works for the company. Don't be fooled
  • Oct 6, 2005, 08:27 AM
    That's too obvious
    That's all she talks about. :rolleyes:
  • Oct 6, 2005, 10:43 AM
    Yeah I know tell me about it. I was on the bright skin forums and the admin over there has some concerete proof that Nikki works for Fair Flawless. I won't mention what it is here. Don't want to start a war
  • Oct 8, 2005, 05:43 PM
    Well Has Anyone Else Tried The Product? Do You Have Pictures?
  • Oct 20, 2005, 05:40 PM
    Oh Amber go back to your board and stop shamelessly promoting your forum and makari here. Here's all your posts Nimo/Amber. And Bella is your sidekick Brown. If your board is so active why do you keep coming here trying to plug it?

    Forum: Skin Care Today, 12:26 AM
    Replies: 8 Lightening Group Hacked?
    Views: 88 Posted By Nimo
    Nikkicute, Skinwhite + FairlyFair are about to be...

    Nikkicute, Skinwhite + FairlyFair are about to be put in their place. The moderator Amber of the bright skin board is about to do some serious *** kicking. It's about time Amber did something about...
    Forum: Skin Care Yesterday, 11:59 PM
    Replies: 20 Fair And Flawless
    Views: 678 Posted By Nimo

    I agree with Bella nikkicute is on every board...

    I agree with Bella nikkicute is on every board shamelessly promoting the Fair and Flawless products. People can't stand her.
    Forum: Skin Care Jul 29, 2005, 12:41 AM
    Replies: 18 Which whitening cream to choose??
    Views: 1,097 Posted By Nimo

    The makari products has worked for me, I'm about...

    The makari products has worked for me, I'm about 2 shades lighter now. I use the caviar cream and lightening milk. I saw it on this forum and decided to try it, there's a 10% discount code you can...
    Forum: Skin Care Apr 1, 2005, 03:06 AM
    Replies: 242 DARK SKIN!! NEED HELP
    Views: 31,899 Posted By Nimo
    Skin Lightening Board

    Here's a skin lightening board that helps people with skin pigmentation problems or uneven skin tone.
    Forum: Skin Care Mar 25, 2005, 12:57 AM
    Replies: 376 Skin lightening pills??
    Views: 42,335 Posted By Nimo
    Skin lightening board

    Here's a skin lightening board for all of you who seek a lighter complexion.
    Forum: Skin Care Mar 14, 2005, 12:35 AM
    Replies: 9 Anyone interested in skin whitening?
    Views: 5,289 Posted By Nimo
    Skin lightening Forum

    Here's a skin lightening forum for people who have pigmentation problems or just want to lighten their skin a little.
    Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
  • Oct 20, 2005, 06:38 PM
    I've been looking at this and I can't believe my eyes. Gotcha Nikkcute or SkinWhite whoever you are... you must be ruthless people to come here in day, day out to start rumors about the moderator amber. I saw what amber wrote, there's no doubt that you people should go to jail for what your doing. This is a skin care site but your using it to spread hate. Moderator do something about this?

    Sean... let them be.. something tells me they will be dealt with.
  • Oct 21, 2005, 06:39 AM

    Originally Posted by DARK2LIGHT
    Has Anyone Here Used Fair And Flawless? How Did It Work? Which One Did You Use? Do You Get Fast Results? Is It Worth The Money? Please Help Me Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm taking glutathione. It is working, but not in a few days. It takes it's time, but it does work though. I'm primarily taking it for my heart. My friends and people who see me tell me that my skin's lighter, more glowing, very healthy. I do also notice it, especially when I compare old pix to recent ones...
  • Oct 21, 2005, 11:32 AM
    Jail time?? LOL!!
    The fruitcake team?
    I don't stalk others from board to board and attack them.

    The minute I post of Fair and Flawless these mental defective people, some I've never even heard or seen before (cause they are probably posting under different names) come at me out of nowhere with their false accusations.

    Why must they continue to follow me everywhere I go :confused:

    Look at the Whiterskin post? Who started the drama there?
    Look at this Fair and Flawless thread. Again look who started in on me with the drama?
    They are the ones working in teams. I post about Fair and Flawless and after that you see 3 or 4 of them talking trash and if anyone sticks up for me they can't believe it and accuse the other person of being me under a different ID.
    They just can't believe that not everyone has the same mental defect they do.

    I don't come here or any of the boards to fight, but that is what they want and I constantly find myself in the position of defending against these imbeciles.

    I start false rumors? "Nikki works for Fair and Flawless", that is a false rumor! And yet they repeat it everywhere I post about the product.

    "Nikki is in every forum" How would you know I'm in every forum unless you belonged to them as well? :rolleyes:

    All of this stuff about Amber and me and Amber and FairlyFair.
    That is such old news!
    I was not there for the FairlyFair showdown, but as my dealings with Amber I have not delt with Amber ever since I got her board shut down!

    Your right GOTCHA, it's her all right!!
    She's a lunatic!!
    I mean where is all of this coming from?

    Now she talking about jail time? LOL!!

    She would get laughed out of court. After all the harassment I've gotten over Fair and Flawless you don't see me or the company crying over it.
    I bet they don't even know who she is! Dang I wish I could say the same.

    She's a joke!!
    And some of her feebleminded members think she's the all and powerful Amber who can really do something to me or FairlyFair?

    I'm not even thinking about Amber! She is nothing but a screen name to me.

    She is on her third board!! The others were all shut down for the same reasons. DRAMA.
    That should tell you something about her so called mod skills.
    She can't even keep a board.

    You notice she is the only mod this problem.
    Why is that?

    I've just spoken to FairlyFair.
    She's living in Japan now.
    She's going to have a baby in a couple of months.
    She has her other kids, her husband, her family to take care of.
    Amber is the furthest thing from that women's mind!


    Amber has nothing in her life worth living for but her silly little lightening group.
    That is why she is so schizophrenic. Acting like her group is the center of the skin lightening universe. Something is wrong with her!

    Whoohoooo is whole thing is just sooooooooooooooooooo ludicrous!! I'm so tired of it all.
    Is this really all that deep? Not for me! I''m just keep laughing it all off.

    End the end is any of us getting any lighter? NOPE.

    I think I need a break from all of this. Cleanse my mind of all of this filth!!
    It's just too dirty!
  • Oct 21, 2005, 02:08 PM
    Like I said... it's a case of good verses evil. I read everything nikkicute, Skinwhite and Gotcha wrote and I cannot believe that there using this website to spread hate. It's obvious that they have issues and need to be placed in a stable environment away from others. The good will prevail and evil will be trapped in their own little private hell. Bella dare... I know how you feel about them but let us let the admin take care of them. He's a nice man. You members here love the moderator amber... she must be a great person. The admin will handle the parasites that are infesting this site. ;)
  • Oct 21, 2005, 03:03 PM
    Freckles005' LOL,

    Thanks and I also hope that the admin here will take care of that :D
  • Oct 22, 2005, 08:19 AM
    Can't you see?

    Originally Posted by freckles005
    Like I's a case of good verses evil. I read everything nikkicute, Skinwhite and Gotcha wrote and I cannot believe that there using this website to spread hate. It's obvious that they have issues and need to be placed in a stable environment away from others. The good will prevail and evil will be trapped in their own little private hell. Bella dare...I know how you feel about them but let us let the admin take care of them. He's a nice man. You members here love the moderator amber...she must be a great person. The admin will handle the parasites that are infesting this site. ;)

    Obviously the freckles you have been trying to get rid of have steeped onto your head and have gotten into your eyeballs!!

    Please RE-READ MY POSTS!!!!

    How can you just gloss over the fact that these people started a fight with me??

    How easily can you just overlook the fact the minute I posted an answer about Fair and Flawless this Bella trash comes in at me with "the money hungry lady is here".

    Did you not see that?

    Did I talk to this bella(Amber) before? NO! She started in on me and I'm the one that is suppose to be spreading hate?

    None of you saw that?

    Talk about the blind leading the blind. :cool:

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