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  • Jan 20, 2005, 01:38 PM
    Mary J
    Help. African American With Bad Acne. Help
    Hi everyone. I am a african american female with the worse acne possible. I have no idea what to do about all of this in my face. I have tried just about everything on the market and I am feeling hopeless now. At present, I am using proactiv solutions to try to clear up my face, and that seems not to be working. I am also using some fade cream by, fashion fare, to try to fade the black marks from my face. I thought that maybe, my face broke up, when my cycle was down, but it seems as though my face stays with bumps, no matter what. If anyone has any suggestion to what can help me get rid of this acne, PLEASE HELP. I am open to all suggestion, because the things that I have been using, apparently have not been help my acne none. And to be honest, this acne is really embarrassing to me. I WANT CLEAR SKIN AT LEAST FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE.
    I have been doing some research and I have found that sometimes a person may have acne because, their colon needs to be cleanse. DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THAT IS TRUE? Because, I was thinking since I have been trying everything to help clear up my acne, that maybe it might be something internally. Maybe, I need to cleanse my colon, and than maybe the acne, might go away. JUST A THOUGHT.
  • Jan 31, 2005, 04:33 PM
    I'm white but I too had a serious acne problem in my teens. Serious acne usually doesn't respond to over the counter treatment. See your doctor and/or a dermatologist. For me he prescribed tetracycline and later I tried Accutane which was a miracle cure for me. You have to get regular blood tests but it is worth it. You didn't mention how old you were but my skin began to improve gradually when I was about 19 or 20.
  • Apr 1, 2005, 10:01 AM
    I can completely relate to you. I'm a 27 year old asian with acne. I started to develop acne when I was in my early 20's. Before that I never had acne. I've reasearched a lot on this and my personal conclusion is that it's "hormonal" and it has to do with your "chemial" make up. What I do that seems to work for the most part is wash my face daily with Proactiv and take my birth control daily. Birth control/hormone pills effect your bodies chemial make up. Our bodies produce more hormones when we cycle that's why we tend to break out right before we have our period. That's why most teenagers male and female tend to break out because their bodies are changing and the chemials/hormones are changing. See your doctor and ask to be switched to another birth control with a low level of hormones. As a last resort I would consult a doctor about Accutane and I only say that as a last resort because there are a lot of risks and side effects. Another suggestion that I don't take but I should is. When you do get a pimple DO NOT pick at it. Let it runs it's course because if you do pick at it before it's mature it WILL turn into this huge red scab/indented/scar on your face. Oh don't over wash your face because that will make your face break out too. If you over wash your face you will completely strip your face of it's nature oils and then it will start to over produce oil. I've made that mistake. I know it's difficult trying to find a balance. But don't worry and stress out about it too much. I'm sure when you do that your body releases some kind of chemical and makes acne that much worse. I've made that mistake too. This might sound silly but I'm starting to believe that drinking a lot of water is good for your skin too. It hidrates your body and skin. I hope my advice helps. Good Luck!
  • May 7, 2005, 04:06 PM
    Afro-West Indian American with (Black Marks) Acne
    Mary J,
    I would like to say I understand you because I have experience the same skin problmes, but I have not found any products (Pro Active) that would work on my skin. However, I would like any information on any products that may help clear my skin (acne) problems, so please feel free to inform me of any helpful information that maybe helpful. :(


    Originally Posted by Mary J
    hi everyone. i am a african american female with the worse acne possible. i have no idea what to do about all of this in my face. i have tried just about everything on the market and i am feeling hopeless now. at present, i am using proactiv solutions to try to clear up my face, and that seems not to be working. i am also using some fade cream by, fashion fare, to try to fade the black marks from my face. i thought that maybe, my face broke up, when my cycle was down, but it seems as though my face stays with bumps, no matter what. if anyone has any suggestion to what can help me get rid of this acne, PLEASE HELP. i am open to all suggestion, because the things that i have been using, apparently have not been help my acne none. and to be honest, this acne is really embarrasing to me. I WANT CLEAR SKIN AT LEAST FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE.
    i have been doing some research and i have found that sometimes a person may ahve acne because, their colon needs to be cleanse. DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THAT IS TRUE? because, i was thinking since i have been trying everything to help clear up my acne, that maybe it might be something internally. Maybe, i need to cleanse my colon, and than maybe the acne, might go away. JUST A THOUGHT.

  • May 7, 2005, 09:33 PM
    Black Marks (Acne Blemishes)
    :( The product Esoteria (HYDROQUININE 2%) may have damaged my skin, but I am not sure and I do not think it has damaged my skin due to other skin problems other individuals have reported. However, I have used this product for the past 15 years and my face has been fine it is just the "Acne/blemishes." I have also tried using Black Soap, Body Scrub, Pro Active, Coco Butter, an many other products, but have not been able to get the right product. Therefore, I have been experimenting using natural products like honey, Avocado, Lemons, Sugar Strawberries, and other products together and its working. On the other hand I am a vegetarian (Do not drink, smoke, soda, or badmouth) and I am not sure if my body is lacking any vitamins, but I feel healthy. If there are, products that may help please feel free to let me know ASAP @ [email protected]
  • May 8, 2005, 06:06 PM
    Has anyone tried Murad? (
  • May 21, 2005, 04:12 PM
    I have known a lot of African men and women who uses this Product and all of them had disappointing results, I mean, NO RESULT AT ALL. In some cases, worst.
  • May 31, 2005, 02:58 PM
    OK, I'm not an acne survivor, but my husband and my daughter are and here are some things I've learned. It is true that acne can be caused by toxins in the body that are getting out through the skin. A colon cleanse can definitely help. I would be careful of using products like Proactive that simply suppress acne; the toxins will still be in your body and could collect in other internal systems. A healthy diet, good supplements (vitamins), plenty of water are also good ideas. PLEASE know the risks of birth control before you choose this as an option to treat acne! Educate yourself! Some good websites for info on hormones are and And finally, a good botanically-based skincare line is essential in detoxifying your body. I personally think Arbonne is the best and I'd be happy to give you more info if you want to email me at [email protected]. One good thing about having oilier skin is that 20 years from now you'll have lots fewer wrinkles than people with dry skin! :)
  • Jun 17, 2005, 11:43 AM
    First of all you stupid old dumb I did not say that birth control was a form of acne treatment. You need to listen or learn to read. What I did say is that birth control is a hormone that effects your acne. Second of all I am educated, sounds like you need to educate yourself if you think that blowing water up you is an acne treatment. Don't give advice about something you have no experience with.
  • Jun 17, 2005, 09:57 PM
    My apologies!
    Wow! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to offend you or to imply that you weren't educated. Looking back at what I wrote, I can see how my statement "educate yourself!" could have been taken to mean "you idiot, get some education!" That's not how I meant it. I simply meant it as "please find out about all the risks of using birth control pills!" My intent was to offer a resource where anyone can learn more about the risks of artificial hormones. And while I haven't personally had serious acne, I have had minor acne problems that were hormonally related and I have had other hormone issues which is how I found out about this info in the first place. So, again, my apologies for any hurt or offense I might have given. It was not intentional. My best wishes to you!
  • Aug 12, 2005, 03:12 PM

    Originally Posted by monica
    Has anyone tried Murad? (

    Yes I have tried Murad. It is a really cleansing product that feels good. The facial wash has salicylic acid as the active ingredient. The moisturizers and facial mask products have sulfur as the primary ingredient. I have used it now for about a year and have noticed that my skin does feel better, but the acne still comes, just not as often. Two, they auto-ship so if you are thinking about this product, use it or it will kind of stack up on you. Hope this helps.
  • Aug 12, 2005, 05:07 PM



    I want to say THANK-YOU! This product is wonderful and does exactly what it says it will do. I must admit, I was very skeptical . I am a medium complexion African American women, who has had acne problems of some sort all of my life, I scar very easily and they are very dark. I have been to several dermatology doctors from my early teens up until about May of this year. I've tired things like Retin-Aproducts and the dreaded hydroquinone. Not one of my doctors had even suggested to me to try a product with kojic acid, not even the Black doctors I had seen. I began using this product at the end of June. It is now the end of July, and I am amazed. First of all , the dark scars on my face have dramatically improved and the condition of my skin is incredible. My skin feels smooth and my acne breakouts have decreased . Another thing I forgot to mention was the price. For a product of this caliber, the price is unbelievable. Skin-So-Fair has definitely made a believer out of me. I have told my niece about this product and she is excited to try it. You guys have a customer for life. Sincerely, S. Lewis Gardena, CA 90249

    An African American

    Hey! Awww thanks so much for the gift offer! Well the serum and the body milk does wonders for my skin. Whichever one of those you want to send is just fine (^-^). Just wanted to thank you sooo much again for the great product! When the M.K. sales lady came up to me and complimented my skin I was totally baffled because I usually have lots of blemishes and huge pores and the skin tone is totally uneven and I have eczema , etc.. I've never had "good" skin... so I was SO surprised! Anyway wow! You are a God-send to be selling this! Being Filipino, white/light skin is absolutely beautiful and treasured (which is funny because in America being tan is supposedly wanted? Haha :D ) and now I'm starting to have lighter skin even if I haven't been using your product that long! Before I was debating between your product and this other product from the Philippines
    called Godiva. Thank goodness I bought yours <3! Just... wow. Thank you so so much!!
    Best regards and God bless! Didi (AN EBAYER)


    Hey, me again... can I just be real with you? You all are just AWESOME! That AWANSHINE cream is EXCELLENT! (Name 1, Name 2, Name 3 denotes actual names of US products not shown for privacy purposes) whoever else... HAS NOTHING ON AWANSHINE! EL ZIPPO! ZILCH... NOTHING COMPARES AT THAT PRICE, AND ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS CAN NEVER BE BEAT... NEVER! I STAND BEHIND THIS PRODUCT BECAUSE IT WORKS... NO HYPE... NOTHING TECHNICAL OR FANCY SCHMOOZE... IT JUST
    WORKS!! (Not trying to elicit anything - this stuff is just that good... it does EXACTLY WHAT IT SAYS AND MORE... my skin is becoming almost 100% improved!! ) Thank you so much for the extras thrown in and super fast lightening shipment----- actually matches the super fast lightening product that you sell..! AN ABSOLUTE PERFECT MATCH! I just have to keep it real and say a very sincere THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! And oh yeah... I MOST DEFINITELY WILL BE
    BACK! Thanks again!! Dianne.. . Serving GOD... to serve people :)
    An African American / an eBay shopper ladysoup14 ( 23) Feb-19-05 13:08 5555774474

    I just want to give an update on the skin-so fair product. It's only a week and I already notice a different on my mother's arms. She has large darkened patches from sun damage and they have already lightened up. Thanks for a product that actually works and doesn't cost a fortune! Petitpoulet81 EBAYER
    - This stuff works and the seller is very gracious w/ any questions/concerns. Buyer balackbeauty ( 3 ) Jul-14-05 09:12 5592593989
    - This fabulous cream is miraculous. Love it!! Will buy more. AAAAAA++++++ Buyer evagifts ( 93) Jul-13-05 13:58 5573679033

    ONE WORD I CAN SAY Brilliant , IT REALLY WORK EVERYBODY MUST BUY IT Thanks A MILLION Buyer lucasfrn2 ( 2 ) Aug-10-05 22:50 5597208554
    Unbelievable! I tried Hydoquinone (didn't work) THIS STUF WORKED IN TWO DAYS! Buyer kfaith22 ( 5 ) Aug-10-05 08:52 5603517277

    - Awesome product. Results seen overnight! Will be lifelong customer. Thanks. Buyer evagifts ( 93) Jul-11-05 19:12 5573676949
    - Bon produit, ma peau est lisse au about de 5 jours d'utilisation. Merci NICE PRODUCT, MY SKIN HAS BEEN LIGHTENED IN FIVE DAYS Buyer armellefleur123 ( 2 ) FROM FRANCE Jun-02-05 10:15 5578887666 Buyer halimeh413 ( 10) Jun-07-05 00:01 5587645599

    - wow this actually works! Been getting compliments from every one! &I'm back for more!

    Got it yesterday, used last night and it worked ALREADY!! WOW! Thanks Buyer katema74 Jun-15-05 16:43 5585577316

    - Haven't used cream, but serum works overnight to peel dead layer of skin on face A+ Buyer stock67 ( 82) Jun-23-05 14:58 5581588587

    - This is my 3rd order. Wonderful product. Works in just days. Recommend to all Buyer trinity37b4 ( 107) Jun-27-05 12:03 5573676949

    - started lightening the first week! Buyer mittedone424 ( 24) Jun-29-05 11:02 5571104482

    - doubted if it would work but price was right, AMAZING! Can see results in just 24hrs! Buyer pm7600 ( 165) Apr-09-05 13:36 5571104482

    - Great product, it actually works without risk associated with chemical products Buyer manofthepoop ( 11) Mar-21-05 20:44 5563682997
  • Aug 31, 2005, 07:00 PM
    Help With Severe Acne
    I also had severe acne. My acne was caused by these little mites that live under you skin, in pores, and such. I tried all sorts of treatments, until finally I tried Xin Fumanling cream. You can read about it more at Basically these mites lay eggs, a lot like lice do. They stimulate grease production, and cause a whole host of skin problems. In extreme cases, they can cause calcification of your skin. You have to kill the Adults, and then, kill the eggs, as they hatch. So I used this cream, and finally, I got my face clean. It is me again.

    Anyhow, go check them out, read the FAQ, it is quite good,
    Hope this helps
  • Sep 1, 2005, 11:00 AM
    Acne Help.
    My best advice is to start with a basic skin regeme and see how it goes. Get hold of some Benyzol Peroxide cream. Start with 2.5% and apply twice a day. After around a week try boosting it up to 5% if you don't see an improvement, then id see a doctor as its obviously getting you down. Ive been on antibiotics for my acne for two years. I was on a drug called 'Erithomycin' for about a year and that cleared up most of my acne which was quite severe. If you've been to the doctor and tried a number of antibiotics and see no improvement and your acne is still getting you down, as in your case it is, try seeing a dermatologist. They can provide stronger drugs that a doctor can't depending on your case.

    A good free option to try is toothpaste. It may sound weird, but dab a little on the end of a cotton bud and gently rub on problem areas. Toothpaste acts as a drying agent and can reduce spot size quite significantly. Do be careful just to get it on the spot as it really dries your skin. Make sure you have moisturiser to hand!
  • Oct 19, 2005, 05:37 AM
    Alternative to drugs
    I had bad acne when I was 16 and 17. When I was 18 it seemed to clear up but I always had red marks on my face and a very dry skin problem. I went to a dermatologist and he said I had adult acne and it was very mild, but any acne is bad enough. The alternative centre do some straightforward tests and find out why you have acne and give you remedies and diet changes or certain tablets or whatever is right for you, it depends. Anyway it was cleared up within two months. You can check them out on don't use drugs as they usually don't work and make you worse with their side effects. In the mean time you better change your diet to an all alkaline diet with only a bit of acid in. Relax and get some fresh air and contact the alternative centre right away.
  • Oct 20, 2005, 01:39 PM
    Possible help
    Even though I'm trying to be a believe in alternative medicince and super healthy diets, I'm still of the school that serious acne needs serious treatment, sinne all my doctors and derms have said that there is very little correlation between diet and acne. So even though I know you've tried a lot of products, I thought this website might be helpful.
  • Aug 4, 2008, 06:56 PM
    I just sighend up to this site to quickly help all you people out before I go to bed go on - Acne treatment and community click on get started and follow the rest of the steps you can use stuff you can buy from the shop I have been looking at it for the past 3 hours reading the thank you letters and stuff it looks pretty promising so check it out I'm going to order the stuff on fri when I get paid
  • Aug 4, 2008, 10:53 PM
    Hey mary j. my name is sierrah and I'm a seventeen year old teen who has suffered from acne ever since the 6th grade. This is my senior year and I cry every single day because I just can't find relief. Im african american and after I get the pimples I start to scar very badly and I now have dark spots all over my face to go along with the pimples. Im very self conscious and sometimes I don't want to go to school because of what's on my face. I would love for you to inform me on information you get with your problem. Thank you
  • Dec 20, 2008, 12:15 PM

    Acutane is the best thing for nulur acne bottom line end of the story.
    To get rid of the dark spots caused by acne you can use epicquin or hydroquin. If you are worried about side effects then the oldest remidie is to use your urine. Yeah I no but it works. Leave it on for how ever long as you like and you will see results in about a week.
  • Dec 22, 2008, 06:12 PM

    Hello Mary,

    Acne is an internal problem. I would first advise you to drink plenty of water. How much water are you drinking? Water cleanses the impurities from the body. Try drinking at least 6 glasses a day. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables because they aid in the cleansing of the digestion system. You may have to stop eating processed foods such as fast food. Also, stop drinking soda pop too.

    Taking a colon cleanse is also a good idea too, because it helps you clean out your colon. There are many kinds that you can take. Health plus is one and you should be able to get it at your local health food store or you can do a search online just type in colon cleanse.

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