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  • Jul 11, 2008, 09:12 PM
    Itchy bumps on skin

    I have these small, flesh colored itchy bumps on my skin and they are driving me crazy! I just noticed them about a couple of days ago when I when to sleep under the fan with no shirt on. The bumps are very small, about the size of a period or pencil point - they are barely noticeable but they itch like crazy. I have some on my arms, thighs, stomach, and hips. They are not in clusters; for example some I have 3 small bumps on my arms that are spaced apart. My mom thought maybe it was a heat rash but I think something probably bit me while I was sleeping. The itchiness is not going away. I put some Aveeno anti-itch cream on them - it has calamine lotion in it - and that is not working. Besides that I am 8 months pregnant so I was wondering if that had anything to do with it. It is definelty not mosiquito bites and the bumps are not red. I haven't done anything differently lately that I could recall, except go to sleep without a shirt on because I was hot so I'm thinking maybe some insect or bug bit me up while I was sleeping. I was also wondering if it could be bed bugs, but I checked my bed - none to be found. Then I was thinking scabies because I found some info about that online doing an internet search, then I started thinking maybe I was allergic to something but at 24 years old I have never been allergic to anything before so I'm not sure.

    Any suggestions on what this could be? Please respond, thanks!
  • Jul 15, 2008, 11:10 AM
    I'm not really sure what it could be. Have you been to see your GP?
  • Jun 5, 2009, 08:21 PM
    This could be intraheptic colistasis ( might not be correct spelling) It's a back up of bile acid in your system during the later months of pregnancy. Make sure and tell your ob gyn about this next visit. It's very important. It can cause stillborn if not monitored carefully. My wife developed this extreme itching in her 8th month, and they induced at 37 weeks to help prevent damage to her's or the baby's liver. With most people the itching starts on the palms of the hands and bottoms of the feet, but hers was like all over. Good luck, and call your doctor about asap as it can be serious. Good luck !
  • Dec 22, 2011, 02:56 PM
    Ihave tha same thing I'm going to tha dermitologist wit my mom...

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