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[B]Hi, My name is Melinda and my 2 kids were taken from me by CPS.:( My kids had told there teachers some lies about somethings that had never happened to them by me or my boyfriend. I don't know what to do to prove that I never abused my kids. I Love my kids and I would never do anything to harm them at all. :(:(:(:(:(
Were the children taken permanently or temporarily? In a case of temporary removal, a parent will be placed on "probation"(for lack of a better term) in which the children are living with relatives or foster families, while the biological parent gets their life together and abides by the court's terms in order to prove that they're fit.
Wasn't there a hearing in which your rights and obligations were explained?
What exactly did the children accuse you of? How did they know to make false allegations? How old are the children?