What do I do to get my kids out of Foster care.
[B]Hi, My name is Melinda and my 2 kids were taken from me by CPS.:( My kids had told there teachers some lies about something's that had never happened to them by me or my boyfriend. I don't know what to do to prove that I never abused my kids. I Love my kids and I would never do anything to harm them at all. :(:(:(:(:(
Comment on this8384's post
I'm sorry I didn't answer all your questions.The kids were only taken temporarily. The kids are in foster care with a non-family member. I will find out what my rights and obligations are on Monday morning when we go to court. My son is 5 years old and he told his preschool teacher that I hit him with a blue hammer on his bottom and spanked him on his bottom with an open hand. My 6 1/2 year old daughter said I threw a pill bottle at her fore head and she had a bruise on her fore head. But I never threw a pill bottle at her and I never would do that to her or my son. The kids fight all the time like brothers and sisters do. She also had a bruise on her nose from last week when we were outside playing ball as a family and the ball hit her on the nose. My daughter lived with her dad for awhile and he taught her how to lie. She was abused while she lived with him and his girlfriend who had abused her and the girlfriends 3 boys had abused her also.