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  • Jan 17, 2014, 08:36 PM
    Hamster Problems
    I have a Robo Dwarf Hamster. My dad brought my hamster to the vet two days ago because we thought she had wet tail. Turns out she did, and they also found a tumor the size of a blueberry in her leg. They gave us two medications, one for the wet tail, and the other for the tumor. They also said that she may have an infection started to grow in her leg because of the tumor and she was biting it which was making it bleed. The medication for the tumor was for the pain so that she wouldn't feel it and stop biting it and causing an infection. Now she is awake and where I am it is 10:30pm. I just gave her her medications, and as I picked her up she bit me so I moved her position, and she bit me again. I found this very odd, considering she has NEVER bitten me before, even when she was just a baby. She is very old, nearly two and a half. One of the vets wouldn't take her because of her age, but finally we found one that would. Now I'm looking in her cage and I am noticing that she will run around for maybe 2 seconds, and then immediately stop where she is and start shaking. She just got stuck upside down and was trying to get up but couldn't, so I quickly flipped her over. Right now she is sitting underneath her wheel shaking again A LOT and she's all curled up. Can someone please tell me what's going on, if it's the wet tail and her tumor that's making her act differently, or if something else is wrong like maybe she is dying. Please let me know ASAP. Thanks so much,
  • Jan 17, 2014, 08:44 PM
    Sigh...I'm sorry, it doesn't sound good. Usually a tumor is death for a rodent. With what you're describing, it sounds like she is getting ready to die.

    I am sorry, I've been there before and I know it's not easy.

    All I can suggest is that if she is still alive tomorrow, call the vet and ask if the medication can possibly be causing this but otherwise, prepare yourself for the worst.

    I have to commend your parents for being willing to spend the money and take her to a vet. Most parents would not do this for a hamster.

    I wish I had better news for you. Good luck.
  • Jan 17, 2014, 08:49 PM
    Ok, and yes my dad said that he spent $140 on the medication. Thank you for responding so quickly, I really appreciate it.
  • Jan 18, 2014, 03:10 PM
    I want to tell you that I'm in tears over this. It's so very nice to see people that will do anything for any pet, no matter how big or how small, that they have in their care. You and your parents are wonderful people. You should be very proud of your family.

    Having said that, I have to agree with Odinn. Your hamster isn't only old, but it sounds like he may also be in pain. Pain meds don't always work. The shaking, to me, indicates pain. Wet tail is usually a death sentence, add a tumor and there's very little chance that your little fur baby will live much longer.

    This isn't an easy decision. For me, I'd look at quality of life. If he were pain free, happy, then I'd say to keep giving the meds, and let him live his last days with you. But it sounds like he is in pain, and that's not quality of life.

    I would talk to the vet about the shaking, and find out if this may be because of the meds. Maybe give the meds one more day to work. But I really think you might want to start thinking about putting this little fur baby out of his misery humanely.

    I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's never ever easy when a pet gets older, and it's especially hard when they're sick to boot.

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