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  • Apr 5, 2007, 04:54 AM
    A girl, A guy, and an unhappy relationship
    I've been in a relationship for over four years and have felt unhappy for a while. I met this other guy and was instantly attracted to him but am not sure why. I found him online and initiated a friendship with him. We've talked several times on the phone and have hung out once. I've been telling this guy how unhappy I am in my relationship and how I plan on ending it. My relationship hasn't stopped this guy from talking to me until recently. He told me that he liked me a lot and didn't want to talk or do anything until I was single. I'm really confused now, because we've been talking this whole time while I was in this relationship, and I'm getting out, so why is he doing this? I can't help but miss him.
  • Apr 5, 2007, 04:59 AM
    Well I would say that he has done this now probably because you may have told him on plenty of other occasions that you are leaving your current boyfriend, but yet you are still with him

    This guy may be starting to realise that he really does like you and probably doesn't want to be involved with someone who already is in a relationship.
  • Apr 5, 2007, 05:34 AM
    What's so hard with ending this relationship before you look to get someone else? If you want to act single then be single. I'm like Krs, you have probably been moaning about how unhappy you are and doing nothing about it, and he's tired of listening to that record. You can't be too unhappy if your still there, now can you? Make up your mind and learn to make yourself happy and don't depend on a b/f to do it for you.

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