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  • Mar 12, 2009, 09:43 AM
    Is it a rebound
    My girlfriend and I broke up about 3 months ago after being togther for 4 years. We were hanging out and hooking up for 2 months after we broke up and then it seemed like all of a sudden she was spending a lot of time with this new guy "Friend". She told me that he was just a friend and that she wasn't ready for a relationship and that she didn't want the stresses of having a boyfriend. She was still like flitrting with me and then when I would want to hang out she would tell me that she was going to bed and then I would find out that she was hanging out with him. I called her up one day and said that we needed to talk and I wanted to know what was going on with us, she told me that she would meet up with me the next day. The next day I didn't hear anything from her and come to find out she went to dinner with that guy. About a week passed and I went on Facebook and found out that they were dating, she then started to put up pictures of her and him, I asked her don't you think its kind of soon and she told me that he had asked her out 4 days earlier and that it sort of just happened. When I finally said goodbye to her on the phone she texted me saying that her and I have a special connection and that she misses my "member" and that it was so good to her. My question is what's going on? Is this guy a rebound? And why would she say that stuff to me?
  • Mar 12, 2009, 09:46 AM

    She sounds like a b!tch!

    Go NC and leave her alone. Let this new guy deal with her crap. You deserve better than this.
  • Mar 12, 2009, 09:53 AM

    She is playing with your emotions and you don't deserve any of it.Maybe she is keeping you hanging in case the new guy doesn't work out.
    Whatever her motivation ,she is not thinking of your feelings so I would suggest you stop trying to second guess what she means.
    You can guess until the cows come home but it changes nothing and will only make you confused,angry and upset.
    Spare yourself that agony and let it go.
  • Mar 12, 2009, 10:12 AM

    Here doggie, I'm going to throw you a treat so that when I'm done with my new puppy you are still there waging our tail for when I come home.

    Don't be a back up plan, go NC and heal
  • Mar 12, 2009, 01:25 PM

    Is the guy def a rebound or what
  • Mar 12, 2009, 03:21 PM

    Who cares, why are you waiting around for her? She chose to not want you now, why would you want her then?
  • Mar 12, 2009, 03:56 PM

    Originally Posted by 03RpAaNjGoErR View Post
    is the guy def a rebound or what

    Does it matter?

    The problem here is you've been dumped but your trying to hang in there in case she changes her mind. She WON'T!!

    Sorry to be blunt but she's made her mind up and you need to leave her alone and get on with your healing. That means no contact , no texting , no emailing etc. and keep your dignity.
    As for looking her up on Facebook what does that achieve? It makes you miserable so why do it.

    She has her life to live too so let her do it.
  • Mar 12, 2009, 04:49 PM

    No he is not a rebound, you are her back up plan.
  • Mar 12, 2009, 08:08 PM

    Not trying to be harsh but she's definitely done with you. And its possibly she will use you as a back up from her new boyfriend. If it was me cause I'm a I would start talking to her again steal her back and dump her
  • Mar 12, 2009, 09:07 PM

    Confusion started once the two of you started hanging out and doing the things that couples do when their together after the break-up. Please don't make this mistake again.

    At this point you shouldn't be worrying about what type of relationship she's having with this guy because the two of you are done. Let her new boyfriend deal with issue.

    Don't view her Facebook account nor have any further contact with her. Let her go and let her be.

    If you still have feelings for her then work on healing yourself to get over her. Time to focus on the things you can control so worry about yourself instead of her.
  • Mar 12, 2009, 09:15 PM

    Originally Posted by weezyfbaby5 View Post
    not trying to be harsh but shes definitly done with you. and its possably she will use u as a back up from her new bf. if it was me casue im a i would start talkign to her again steal her back and dump her

    Is this another one of your brilliant plans?(sarcasm)

    This really sounds like something an immature person would do.

    Also, I know I misspell words from time to time but please use the spell check and better grammar.
  • Mar 12, 2009, 09:18 PM

    Originally Posted by liz28 View Post
    Is this another one of your brilliant plans?(sarcasm)

    This really sounds like something an immature person would do.


    Had to spread the rep Liz , but that's exactly what I thought :rolleyes:
  • Mar 13, 2009, 05:10 AM

    Originally Posted by weezyfbaby5 View Post
    not trying to be harsh but shes definitly done with you. and its possably she will use u as a back up from her new bf. if it was me casue im a i would start talkign to her again steal her back and dump her

    I'm curious, do you think before you write? Because your responses are pointing that you don't. I am amazed at how childish you actually are with your advice. You sound incredibly young, and if this is the type of stuff young kids are doing, I fear for my planet
  • Mar 13, 2009, 06:26 AM


    Had to spread the rep but I completely agree.. just wait you'll get an undesiferable text speak reply to further solidify your point!
  • Mar 13, 2009, 09:06 AM

    Its really hard because her and I live in the same freakin town. Its also hard because her and I have so much history and it seems like she just forgot all of it. I know it really doesn't matter but a lot of my friends are telling me that its def going to hit her the way she has treated me, is that true?
  • Mar 13, 2009, 09:10 AM

    Once again, who cares what hits her, whether it be how she treated you or a bus. Not of your concern! And no it's not hard living in the same town, I worked with my ex, saw her every day I worked after the break up and I still maintained NC for well over 5 months
  • Mar 13, 2009, 09:20 AM

    Where you guys able to become friends later on or what?
  • Mar 13, 2009, 09:24 AM

    We aren't exactly friends, we speak occasionally through text or exchange the courteous "hello" but nothing major and I'd call it more awkward, for her, than a friendship.
  • Mar 13, 2009, 12:58 PM
    I wish
    Well I think I'll be more understanding, 4 years is a lot and it can't be erased overnight.

    Why do you care about her love life? The only reason you would care is if you think that there is still potential with her?

    Didn't you guys break up already? Or do you still want to get back together? She has obviously moved on... what do you want?
  • Mar 13, 2009, 01:16 PM

    I def still love her and I want to be a good friend which can lead back into another relationship, she has told me that she is trying to move on but then again she is sending me text messages saying that she misses my D@#$ and that is was sooo good to her and that her and I have a special connection. I personally think that it is way to early to tell if this relationship is serious or not and she told me that she put all the good memories of her and I in the back of her mind for now.

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