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  • Dec 12, 2005, 01:07 AM
    My Mom...
    My mom has been acting... odd. I have a really long story to tell and I really want to hear some really good advice. Ok... I guess I'll start from the only place I know to...

    I have a sister. She is now 23 years old, and she is where the explanation begins. When we were younger my dad was in the navy. My mom was expected to take care of me and my brother and sister. Once while my dad was on break or what ever they call it, we were all moving from Virginia to Texas (keep in mind I was still a newborn) and my Mom took my sister, then My dad was supposed to tak me and my brother down but my mom anded up splitting for like 6 monthes with my sister, she had an elderly man watch her (I don't know how old) and he molested her. Now fast forward a few years, my mother's cousin was down and he was a true jerk. He got into a fist fight with him and kicked him out, but a few weeks earlier he ended up molesting my sister. I don't want to sit here and tell you about all the times this has happened but she was molested 3 times. Then when she was 16 an adopted brother started drinking with her and the way she explains it is she had a dream where she was raped by him, but the next day her clothes were exactly where they were in the dream, later he admitted to doing so. The reason I have told you all this is because you wouldn't have understood the rest without it.
    Now Im going to tell you from when I remember. My sister when she was in 10th grade told my parents she was dropping out, and without argument they said OK. That ruined my sisters life, and today she admits that this wasn't her intention, she just wanted attention. Then, My Sister got kicked out because one night she was going to sneak out, and after a huge fight she ran away/got kicked out. Over the span of 3 years, she had like 5 boyfriends and she ended up with a real loser, will call him Adam. He introduced her to the world of drugs. She got hooked on crack and ended up having 4 kids by him.
    In February 1997 my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer, apparently a result of the navy. (now in remission with a seizure disorder) and that sent my mother into a downward spiral. She also got Hepatitis C and is also now in remission. However, here is when it all got WORSE! My dad had a large check coming that he was waiting a long time (like 3 years) that was the governments way of paying him for the lost wages. When we got it my mom started disappearing. She started going to my sisters apartment to "watch the kids" meanwhile, she was shooting cocaine while the kids were destroying the house. The reason we discovered this is because the a**hole adam had gone by to talk to Candace (she had left him because he was extremely abusive) and saw her. My sister had a BEAUTIFUL baby girl named Madison and split, leaving her with my parents, because my niece has Cystic Fibrosis, and when my sister FINALLY cleaned her act up she came to pick Madison up and my mom refused, she was holding her without reprieve until the police got involved. Anyway About 3 weeks my mom was doing cocaine at my sisters, the cops were at my sisters house because adam had "broken in and had her hostage" now obviously I was glad when he was put in jail, but about 3 monthes ago when me and my sister started REALLY talking, she told me what really happened. My mom had gone over there while my sister was gone (she had a key) and invited adam over and was shooting cocaine while he smoked crack. My sister walked in and kicked them both out but my mom left too soon and adam wouldn't leave, so my mom found out and called the cops. (Sidenote: My parents have been smoking marijuana for medical reasons because my dad has a SEVERE migraine problem from the brain cancer and my mom has done it since when she was diagnosed with Hep C because intron a made her lose her appetite so she smoked to get an appetite, and that doesn't bother me because of the reasons and to be honest they are 45 and 46 so who are they hurting) any ways she showed up when the cops were there and started saying how my sister is a liar and is going to try saying she smokes weed (this is ridiculous because my sister wouldn't do that) and how she doesn't do cocaine either. Basically that check my dad got a 17000 check and she blew about 11000 on drugs. Then my mom was at the doctors and after a slight confrontation she grabbed her medical records (a felony) and then she went into the bathroom and took a bunch of pills and attempted to kill herself. She said later that it was her attempt to kill the pain. She was admitted to an institute and after like 3 weeks my dad brought her out to go visit relatives. Since then she sleeps all the time, literally. She got up to eat and use the restroom. She went on like that for like 8 monthes. Then my big day came up. High school graduation. That day the cops showed up at my house claiming I had a warrant (I had gotten a inspection ticket) and they let me go because of graduation. When my mom heard about that she snapped, because my neighbour drives with no license yet I get a ticket for no inspection and I have a warrant. She went nuts. She started yelling and throwing things at me my brother and my dad. THIS WAS MY GRADUATION DAY!! Well she wouldn't stop so finally my dad called the police (this was after my dad asked what I thought because it was my graduation and I agreed) and my mom started assaulting police. She was thrown into an institute, right before my moms mom died. She was crushed, or so I thought. While we were coming home one night from visiting my dads family my mom said, and I quote, "Its not that i miss the b**** but i just want to make sure that she is really dead and my family wasnt really just tricking her." She was on the brink of pscychotic. Yet after the Graduation fiasco she was in the institute and she was talking about how much she misses her mom. I am SO confused I don't want to write the rest, But I CAN'T feel ANY love for my mom anymore, she still has times when she is INCREDIBLY PISSED then five minutes later happy. I almost can't stand her. She always talk s*** about my dad, and if it weren't for him I would have killed myself alread. He is one of the only 2 people in my life that I TRULY care about. And she always talks about how he isn't the same since brain cancer and she feels ripped off by having married him and a lot more stuff. I... I don't know anymore, I just don't know what is wrong with my mom. She ruined my sisters life, several times over, she ruined my life (my dad intended on using that 17000 on my college, and now I can't afford to go, even with the scholarships I got) broke me and my last 3 girlfriends up, she has just done so much damage, I can't STAND HER, she is half the reason I chose a college so far away, but it is killing me not seeing all my friends and my sister, her kids, and most importantly my Dad. I really don't know what I want by writing this. Maybe it will just feel better getting it off my chest, but right now it is just reminding me of how much I miss my dad and my nieces and nephew. Please... I don't know what to say. I just want my family to be normal, or at least somewhat normal. I don't know what is wrong with my mom, I wish I did. I know she has a MAJOR problem with being the "innocent victim" and I think she may have like Manic Depressive or She is Bi-Polar. Is there any medicine that might help? A really good institute that could help? ANYTHING! I just want to go see my family without the fear of saying something wrong and sending my mom off the deep end. Well, for those of you who read all of this, thank you and I'm sorry for wasting your time. Good-bye and Goodnight.

    P.S. Du hast ein sehr gut tag und Urlaub. (have a good day and holidays)
  • Dec 12, 2005, 04:56 AM
    Your question is very long. But, has anyone taken your Mom to a Professional?
    A doctor might be able to help her; either with medication, or referring her to some type of Professional Counseling.
    If you can afford a Nursing Home, that is another option.
    If she has not yet been evaluated by a doctor, then that is the first place to start.
    I do wish you the best.
  • Dec 12, 2005, 06:32 AM
    Yes, I read the whole thing. That is why we are here. To listen to people, try to help people, and just to help people get things off their chests. There is no wasting time here. I thank you for your post. There are many people that wished they had normal families, but there is no such thing. Every single family in this whole world has problems of some kind. I know my in laws family is real messed up. They pretend to be the perfect family but once you get to know them a couple of them are real messed up in many different ways. I won't get into long stories about it but the experiances and situations even now are madnening and especially upsetting and frustrating and more to the children who have to deal with a parent or even another sibbling. Some people end up having to let go of the family because of the situation is so bad and try to move on without being close to family and creating their own life that is better and use them as examples of roads that you do not want to travel. For my opinion is that staying away would be better on the mind, soul and spirit until maybe something really does change but that does not mean you can not still keep intouch with your father. There are many ways. Hope this helps some and hopefully the situation will get better.


    P.S. Merry Christmas and Have a good day.
  • Dec 12, 2005, 07:18 AM
    This sounds a lot like my biological mother. My brother and I were sexually abused and tortured quite a few times because of her. Her foster brother got her started on drugs wich is when she really started acting weird. My dad says he thinks she may have had something wrong in her head and the drugs just set it off. Marajuana is not any less dangerous than other drugs because it does mess up judgement and screw with your memory. Crack and cocaine will make a person that use to be normal turn in to a real syco because it eats away at your brain.
  • Dec 12, 2005, 08:12 AM
    You have had a rough time,and I feel for you and I admire your feelings for others.I feel you should do whatever you have to do to take care of yourself.A professional to talk to or counceling to work through your feelings,and learn to cope with the disaster that is your family.Persoaly I would stay away ,but keep in touch with your father.As you build your own life you will see that none of what happened was your fault nor could you change what happened so don't take on someone else's burden, just find your niche in life where you are happy.I know its sad but you must leave the past and move toward the future,your future that you have control over,Please stay in touch as I would love to know that your OK.My prayers go with you. :cool:
  • Oct 6, 2007, 11:13 AM

    Originally Posted by IchHabeKeineIdee
    My mom has been acting.... odd. I have a really long story to tell and i really want to hear some really good advice. Ok... I guess I'll start from the only place I know to...

    I have a sister. She is now 23 years old, and she is where the explanation begins. When we were younger my dad was in the navy. My mom was expected to take care of me and my brother and sister. Once while my dad was on break or what ever they call it, we were all moving from Virginia to Texas (keep in mind I was still a newborn) and my Mom took my sister, then My dad was supposed to tak me and my brother down but my mom anded up splitting for like 6 monthes with my sister, she had an elderly man watch her (i dont know how old) and he molested her. Now fast forward a few years, my mother's cousin was down and he was a true jerk. He got into a fist fight with him and kicked him out, but a few weeks earlier he ended up molesting my sister. I dont want to sit here and tell you about all the times this has happened but she was molested 3 times. then when she was 16 an adopted brother started drinking with her and the way she explains it is she had a dream where she was raped by him, but the next day her clothes were exactly where they were in the dream, later he admitted to doing so. The reason i have told you all this is because you wouldnt have understood the rest without it.
    Now Im going to tell you from when I remember. My sister when she was in 10th grade told my parents she was dropping out, and without argument they said ok. That ruined my sisters life, and today she admits that this wasnt her intention, she just wanted attention. Then, My Sister got kicked out because one night she was going to sneak out, and after a huge fight she ran away/got kicked out. Over the span of 3 years, she had like 5 boyfriends and she ended up with a real loser, will call him Adam. he introduced her to the world of drugs. She got hooked on crack and ended up having 4 kids by him.
    In February 1997 my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer, apparently a result of the navy. (now in remission with a seizure disorder) and that sent my mother into a downward spiral. She also got Hepatitis C and is also now in remission. however, here is when it all got WORSE! My dad had a large check coming that he was waiting a long time (like 3 years) that was the governments way of paying him for the lost wages. When we got it my mom started dissapearing. She started going to my sisters appartment to "watch the kids" meanwhile, she was shooting cocaine while the kids were destroying the house. the reason we discovered this is because the a**hole adam had gone by to talk to Candace (she had left him because he was extremely abusive) and saw her. My sister had a BEAUTIFUL baby girl named Madison and split, leaving her with my parents, because my niece has Cystic Fibrosis, and when my sister FINALLY cleaned her act up she came to pick Madison up and my mom refused, she was holding her without reprieve until the police got involved. Anyways About 3 weeks my mom was doing cocaine at my sisters, the cops were at my sisters house because adam had "broken in and had her hostage" now obviously i was glad when he was put in jail, but about 3 monthes ago when me and my sister started REALLY talking, she told me what really happened. My mom had gone over there while my sister was gone (she had a key) and invited adam over and was shooting cocaine while he smoked crack. My sister walked in and kicked them both out but my mom left too soon and adam wouldnt leave, so my mom found out and called the cops. (Sidenote: My parents have been smoking marijuana for medical reasons because my dad has a SEVERE migraine problem from the brain cancer and my mom has done it since when she was diagnosed with Hep C because intron a made her lose her appetite so she smoked to get an appetite, and that doesnt bother me because of the reasons and to be honest they are 45 and 46 so who are they hurting) any ways she showed up when the cops were there and started saying how my sister is a liar and is going to try saying she smokes weed (this is ridiculous because my sister wouldnt do that) and how she doesnt do cocaine either. Basically that check my dad got a 17000 check and she blew about 11000 on drugs. Then my mom was at the doctors and after a slight confrontation she grabbed her medical records (a felony) and then she went into the bathroom and took a bunch of pills and attempted to kill herself. She said later that it was her attempt to kill the pain. She was admitted to an institute and after like 3 weeks my dad brought her out to go visit relatives. Since then she sleeps all the time, literally. she got up to eat and use the restroom. She went on like that for like 8 monthes. then my big day came up. Highschool graduation. That day the cops showed up at my house claiming i had a warrant (i had gotten a inspection ticket) and they let me go because of graduation. When my mom heard about that she snapped, because my neighbour drives with no license yet i get a ticket for no inspection and i have a warrant. She went nuts. she started yelling and throwing things at me my brother and my dad. THIS WAS MY GRADUATION DAY!!! well she wouldnt stop so finally my dad called the police (this was after my dad asked what i thought because it was my graduation and i agreed) and my mom started assaulting police. she was thrown into an institute, right before my moms mom died. She was crushed, or so i thought. while we were coming home one night from visiting my dads family my mom said, and i quote, "Its not that i miss the b**** but i just want to make sure that she is really dead and my family wasnt really just tricking her." She was on the brink of pscychotic. Yet after the Graduation fiasco she was in the institute and she was talking about how much she misses her mom. I am SO confused I dont want to write the rest, But i CAN'T feel ANY love for my mom anymore, she still has times when she is INCREDIBLY PISSED then five minutes later happy. I almost can't stand her. She always talk s*** about my dad, and if it werent for him i would have killed myself alread. he is one of the only 2 people in my life that i TRULY care about. and she always talks about how he isnt the same since brain cancer and she feels ripped off by having married him and a lot more stuff. I.... I dont know anymore, i just dont know what is wrong with my mom. She ruined my sisters life, several times over, she ruined my life (my dad intended on using that 17000 on my college, and now i can't afford to go, even with the scholarships i got) broke me and my last 3 girlfriends up, she has just done so much damage, I can't STAND HER, she is half the reason i chose a college so far away, but it is killing me not seeing all my friends and my sister, her kids, and most importantly my Dad. I really dont know what i want by writing this. maybe it will just feel better getting it off my chest, but right now it is just reminding me of how much i miss my dad and my nieces and nephew. Please... I dont know what to say. I just want my family to be normal, or atleast somewhat normal. I dont know what is wrong with my mom, I wish i did. I know she has a MAJOR problem with being the "innocent victim" and I think she may have like Manic Depressive or She is Bi-Polar. Is there any medicine that might help? A really good institute that could help? ANYTHING!? I just want to go see my family without the fear of saying something wrong and sending my mom off the deep end. Well, for those of you who read all of this, thank you and im sorry for wasting your time. Good-bye and Goodnight.

    P.S. Du hast ein sehr gut tag und Urlaub. (have a good day and holidays)

    You didn't waste any of our time.Don't ever think that your wasting any ones time cause your not OK.I have allot of time on my hands.Don't worry life will be better when you get older.Your just going through some bumps through the road and don't worry you life will be back on track and you will have a smooth path soon.maybe you can go to a family therapy or some kind of counseling.I really hope everything works out.*hugs counseling*
  • Oct 6, 2007, 11:14 AM

    Originally Posted by IchHabeKeineIdee
    My mom has been acting.... odd. I have a really long story to tell and i really want to hear some really good advice. Ok... I guess I'll start from the only place I know to...

    I have a sister. She is now 23 years old, and she is where the explanation begins. When we were younger my dad was in the navy. My mom was expected to take care of me and my brother and sister. Once while my dad was on break or what ever they call it, we were all moving from Virginia to Texas (keep in mind I was still a newborn) and my Mom took my sister, then My dad was supposed to tak me and my brother down but my mom anded up splitting for like 6 monthes with my sister, she had an elderly man watch her (i dont know how old) and he molested her. Now fast forward a few years, my mother's cousin was down and he was a true jerk. He got into a fist fight with him and kicked him out, but a few weeks earlier he ended up molesting my sister. I dont want to sit here and tell you about all the times this has happened but she was molested 3 times. then when she was 16 an adopted brother started drinking with her and the way she explains it is she had a dream where she was raped by him, but the next day her clothes were exactly where they were in the dream, later he admitted to doing so. The reason i have told you all this is because you wouldnt have understood the rest without it.
    Now Im going to tell you from when I remember. My sister when she was in 10th grade told my parents she was dropping out, and without argument they said ok. That ruined my sisters life, and today she admits that this wasnt her intention, she just wanted attention. Then, My Sister got kicked out because one night she was going to sneak out, and after a huge fight she ran away/got kicked out. Over the span of 3 years, she had like 5 boyfriends and she ended up with a real loser, will call him Adam. he introduced her to the world of drugs. She got hooked on crack and ended up having 4 kids by him.
    In February 1997 my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer, apparently a result of the navy. (now in remission with a seizure disorder) and that sent my mother into a downward spiral. She also got Hepatitis C and is also now in remission. however, here is when it all got WORSE! My dad had a large check coming that he was waiting a long time (like 3 years) that was the governments way of paying him for the lost wages. When we got it my mom started dissapearing. She started going to my sisters appartment to "watch the kids" meanwhile, she was shooting cocaine while the kids were destroying the house. the reason we discovered this is because the a**hole adam had gone by to talk to Candace (she had left him because he was extremely abusive) and saw her. My sister had a BEAUTIFUL baby girl named Madison and split, leaving her with my parents, because my niece has Cystic Fibrosis, and when my sister FINALLY cleaned her act up she came to pick Madison up and my mom refused, she was holding her without reprieve until the police got involved. Anyways About 3 weeks my mom was doing cocaine at my sisters, the cops were at my sisters house because adam had "broken in and had her hostage" now obviously i was glad when he was put in jail, but about 3 monthes ago when me and my sister started REALLY talking, she told me what really happened. My mom had gone over there while my sister was gone (she had a key) and invited adam over and was shooting cocaine while he smoked crack. My sister walked in and kicked them both out but my mom left too soon and adam wouldnt leave, so my mom found out and called the cops. (Sidenote: My parents have been smoking marijuana for medical reasons because my dad has a SEVERE migraine problem from the brain cancer and my mom has done it since when she was diagnosed with Hep C because intron a made her lose her appetite so she smoked to get an appetite, and that doesnt bother me because of the reasons and to be honest they are 45 and 46 so who are they hurting) any ways she showed up when the cops were there and started saying how my sister is a liar and is going to try saying she smokes weed (this is ridiculous because my sister wouldnt do that) and how she doesnt do cocaine either. Basically that check my dad got a 17000 check and she blew about 11000 on drugs. Then my mom was at the doctors and after a slight confrontation she grabbed her medical records (a felony) and then she went into the bathroom and took a bunch of pills and attempted to kill herself. She said later that it was her attempt to kill the pain. She was admitted to an institute and after like 3 weeks my dad brought her out to go visit relatives. Since then she sleeps all the time, literally. she got up to eat and use the restroom. She went on like that for like 8 monthes. then my big day came up. Highschool graduation. That day the cops showed up at my house claiming i had a warrant (i had gotten a inspection ticket) and they let me go because of graduation. When my mom heard about that she snapped, because my neighbour drives with no license yet i get a ticket for no inspection and i have a warrant. She went nuts. she started yelling and throwing things at me my brother and my dad. THIS WAS MY GRADUATION DAY!!! well she wouldnt stop so finally my dad called the police (this was after my dad asked what i thought because it was my graduation and i agreed) and my mom started assaulting police. she was thrown into an institute, right before my moms mom died. She was crushed, or so i thought. while we were coming home one night from visiting my dads family my mom said, and i quote, "Its not that i miss the b**** but i just want to make sure that she is really dead and my family wasnt really just tricking her." She was on the brink of pscychotic. Yet after the Graduation fiasco she was in the institute and she was talking about how much she misses her mom. I am SO confused I dont want to write the rest, But i CAN'T feel ANY love for my mom anymore, she still has times when she is INCREDIBLY PISSED then five minutes later happy. I almost can't stand her. She always talk s*** about my dad, and if it werent for him i would have killed myself alread. he is one of the only 2 people in my life that i TRULY care about. and she always talks about how he isnt the same since brain cancer and she feels ripped off by having married him and a lot more stuff. I.... I dont know anymore, i just dont know what is wrong with my mom. She ruined my sisters life, several times over, she ruined my life (my dad intended on using that 17000 on my college, and now i can't afford to go, even with the scholarships i got) broke me and my last 3 girlfriends up, she has just done so much damage, I can't STAND HER, she is half the reason i chose a college so far away, but it is killing me not seeing all my friends and my sister, her kids, and most importantly my Dad. I really dont know what i want by writing this. maybe it will just feel better getting it off my chest, but right now it is just reminding me of how much i miss my dad and my nieces and nephew. Please... I dont know what to say. I just want my family to be normal, or atleast somewhat normal. I dont know what is wrong with my mom, I wish i did. I know she has a MAJOR problem with being the "innocent victim" and I think she may have like Manic Depressive or She is Bi-Polar. Is there any medicine that might help? A really good institute that could help? ANYTHING!? I just want to go see my family without the fear of saying something wrong and sending my mom off the deep end. Well, for those of you who read all of this, thank you and im sorry for wasting your time. Good-bye and Goodnight.

    P.S. Du hast ein sehr gut tag und Urlaub. (have a good day and holidays)

    *hugs IchHabeKeineIdee*

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