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  • Dec 5, 2007, 08:58 PM
    I like him starting to fall in love but he has a girlfriend
    I have been knowing this guy since my 9th grade in high school and we were so close of friends but never acknowledged that we both liked each other. He moved away and I never saw him again.:( Now its been 3 years since we saw each other and he has a girlfriend and even a kid away. Recently we been hanging out catching up on all the good times we had. And I like him and he likes me.. he told me that I was the one he always wanted to be with and I believe him because I feel the same way about him. But now he has a kid and doesn't want to lose out on being in his kids life. But enjoys being with me... I still have not told my mom about the kid and she told me I can not talk to him anymore because he has a g/f. but I'm starting to fall in love with him and don't want to stop talking to him. What should I do... b/c I think I'm in love:(
  • Dec 5, 2007, 09:17 PM
    I know the feel. But heed you're mom's councel. He says the only reason he stays with the other girl because of the kid. But he sure did feel differntly when they were having sex. He obviously likes his girlfriends until they have sex with him. Don't fall for his trap unless you want to wind up like his recent girlfriend. ;)
  • Dec 6, 2007, 09:24 AM
    Don't let that love thang make you fall for the dumb stuff he is talking about. Listen to your mom. She is trying to keep you from being the other woman.
  • Dec 6, 2007, 09:48 AM
    Get over it.

    I've loved women I couldn't be with. Its no fun. It sucks. You feel bad for yourself. You move on.

    It is that easy. And that hard. But it isn't more complicated than that unless you choose to make it more complicated.

    We are not entitled to anything when it comes to relationships. You like him, he might like you. It might be bad timing. OK.

    What you don't do is dote and wait around for someone to maybe decide you are maybe worth going after. Maybe. Someday.

    So you might be in love with him... well, you are more likely in Big Like with him... I will never, ever get people who say they are in love with someone they haven't dated.

    I'm happily married and in love with my wife. I didn't love her when we started dating. I liked her a lot. And then more. And more. And then it was love.

    So stop with the falling in love noise. You like him a lot. Fine. That doesn't mean you need to do anything about it. Doesn't mean you need to throw yourself to a guy who is in a relationship. Just a bad pattern to begin.

    Look around the threads here. There are women in their 20s, 30s and beyond who have themselves in a terrible position cause they say they are in love with a man who is married... and in some cases are having affairs. Is that who you want to be? Hope not.

    So as long as he's with this girlfriend you can like him just fine, but that's the end of it. Period.

    You know what we don't see here much? Men who write in saying "i have this problem... im with this girl but i like this other girl and blah blah blah..." most of the time it's the woman who is doing all the fretting and worrying.

    Stop putting yourself through this.

    And get used to the idea that you are going to like people who are unavailable. Its going to happen the rest of your life. I bet I know two or three guys that could make my wife happy if we were separated. I probably know at least one person I could go after right now as a good match if I wasn't committed to my wife.

    Sometimes you like people who are not available. Deal with it. It might suck a little, but so what? There's always the next guy. Or this guy if he changes his mind. Don't wait around for that.
  • Dec 6, 2007, 11:51 AM
    Homegirl 50
    Listen to your mother. This guy has a girlfriend and a baby on the way and he toying with you. Ask yourself what kind of guy would do that.
    You're like starting to fall in love? Well like fall out of it. This is a mess in the making.
    Make it a hard and fast rule; if a guy has a girlfriend and a baby, he's off limits.

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