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  • Apr 4, 2013, 07:54 PM
    Any ideas for me
    Ok so I need help on figuring out how to get someone to email me to my personal email but having problems on coming up with a way to let them know without having to pay to use there email so I'm trying to figure out how to let them know my email but I can't just type it to them and need a way to type it in without everyone knowing my email any ideas?
  • Apr 4, 2013, 08:00 PM
    Uh? Your post does not make any sense
  • Apr 4, 2013, 08:10 PM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    Uh? Your post does not make any sense

    Ok so the only way to get back to anyone I have to pay and I can't so I want to figure out a way to let them know to contact me at a different email and when I say something about my email it won't post. So I need to somehow get my email to post without having to pay but I can't just type it in I got to do something else so they can email me an I can get back to them
  • Apr 5, 2013, 05:24 AM
    Still doesn't make much sense. Why do you have to pay to email?
  • Apr 5, 2013, 05:28 AM
    You can always use snail mail, a phone call, fedex, UPS, get someone else with free e mail to send an e mail (yes, why do you have to pay, I dont)?
  • Apr 5, 2013, 06:00 AM
    I am trying to understand the issue, but I am not certain I do.

    You have an email account that requires you to pay per email sent?

    You want to have someone email you at a new/different address? The new address does not require payment?

    I do not understand where 'posting' enters into the picture. You haven't mentioned any message boards. It almost sounds like you are trying to hide the communications.

    Why not email the person from the new address? Use a subject line identifying yourself.

    Can you text?
  • Apr 5, 2013, 02:46 PM
    I believe I understand what you are asking. The only way to let that person know your email is to send it like, for example; john84, Yahoo.
    That would mean leave out the @.
    If your post is public, then others would see it also, and not just that one person.
    If it costs to send that person just one email, or a message, then there is no way you can do that without paying.

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