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  • Jul 28, 2014, 06:55 AM
    Can guy and girl go on holiday together as friends?
    So there's this girl who I've known for about a year. She's quite flirty to guys generally but she treats me differently. Her friends tell me that she has never mentioned me / rarely does but we text pretty often. We have a lot in common and generally good chemistry. She has never mentioned that she has a boyfriend but does mention him to other guys. I even tried bringing him up once but she quite obviously avoided it.

    I find her attractive but that's about it. I'm not chasing her or anything. We are going abroad to study soon and she's been trying to get close with me. Her boyfriend is going be left back in her hometown (LDR - 9 months minimum).

    She brought up Italy pretty randomly in one of our text conversations and asked if I would be going there (knowing that I have been there before). I said yea and she says she's jealous and whatnot. I said she could come too if she really wanted too and she said she was just waiting for me to say that.

    What I'm curious to know is whether is it possible to go on holiday together as friends? Are we even 'friends' in the first place? Not really sure what this is.
  • Aug 13, 2014, 10:05 PM
    I don't think there is anything wrong with it as long as she knows her boundaries being as though she's in a relationship.
  • Aug 13, 2014, 10:42 PM
    Happens all the time. I am worried if you do not know, you are friends or not.

    How about talking to her about all of this.
  • Aug 14, 2014, 08:40 AM

    She has never mentioned that she has a boyfriend but does mention him to other guys. I even tried bringing him up once but she quite obviously avoided it.
    Avoid complicated situations as tempting as they may be. Then you won't get confused by someone you already know is less than truthful, and won't get caught up in any of her BS. Ask yourself why she wasn't honest with YOU about having a boyfriend? Choose your friends and text buddies more carefully.

    Keep it simple.. given your past history you have not learned from apparently.

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