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  • Feb 10, 2013, 09:04 PM
    I really want my ex back, I can't stop thinking of her I love her
    I had been dating this girl for 3.5 years. I'm a sophomore in college, she's a senior in high school. She broke up with me last September and were not good until early November. But we started talking and we spent time with her family on thanksgiving and Christmas as well. We exchanged gifts also. We were basically dating but weren't "official". Even our friends thought we were. We were doing great for 3 months. But she never mentioned being officially dating. Every time we would get in a petty argument she'd pull out the "we aren't even dating" card.

    So two weeks ago she said she wanted to move on after we got in an argument. She said it calmly and said "I'm in denial with you. And I need time to see it. I can't realize if I'm technically not letting go. I want to move on". Even after this she said she only wanted to go to prom and homecoming with me. But a week after this she started talking to a kid that goes to school with her. Literally everyone I talked to said they didn't see it coming and it just happened. All of my friends say she's acting like this because she's a senior and thinks she's on top of the world and thinks she knows what she wants. That it's a phase. She is going to prom and homecoming with him. But I'm not sure what to do. I know deep down she loves me. And I love her too. I'm not sure if it's a rebound or not. The major problem in our relationship to her was my parents. I'm indian and she's white so they aren't quite ready to accept us after 3 years and it made her upset. And that's the reason she gives her gma all the time why she doesn't want to be with me.

    I texted her last Wednesday good luck and have a safe trip to nationals in Florida (she is a cheerleader) but she got angry and said "didn't I tell you to not text me. Leave me alone." I didn't respond to that. And then out of the blue on Saturday she texted me. It was nothing really she asked for a teachers number and a guy that did her senior pics. She could've easily asked anyone else but I don't know why she asked me especially after she said she didn't want to talk to me. Also for valentines day I ordered flowers, chocolate, a favorite disney character stuffed animal before I found out about her and the guy. I couldn't return it. So I was just going to drop it off at her house and write a note saying something like "I ordered these before I knew about you talking to this guy. I couldn't return it and I didn't want to throw it away. Hope you're doing well. Happy valentines day."

    I just want her back in my arms. I'm not sure what to do, I just want answers. If I don't talk to her will she miss me? Does she care for me? I have so many questions can someone help guide me to what I should do to get her back? And how long it will take? I really want her back and I can just feel and KNOW she still loves me. Thank you
  • Feb 10, 2013, 09:20 PM
    Sorry guy, but she weaned herself off you a long time ago, and she is busy experimenting and exploring without you, and to be real frank, you helped her by hanging around unofficially. Bet your friends egged you on because you really should have disappeared and got your own head, and life together.

    Do so now, and sorry its not what you want to hear, but there is no denying she has changed greatly. Most young people do as they near the end of their high school years. She is no different, and she has told you to leave her alone.

    Do ask she asked and start your own healing process.

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