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  • Feb 1, 2008, 04:46 AM
    Regain the love and trust
    I am 22 and my girlfriend are should I say ex-girlfriend is 19 we have been dating about 2years just recently ago like three days ago we split for the about 4th time.Just last week r this week she was trying to talk to someone else but that did not work and since we started dating I always have girls trying to flirt with me and break us apart so I can be with them we both attent the same community college we carpool together everyday and go out to lunch everyday we're also co-workers and work together every weekend. We split because I have and problem with lying and not showing enough affection and attention to her so feels like she can't trust me anymore the first time we split was because we felt like we were just going to be friends that was our first 3 months together the second time was because we keep on fussing with one another and lying to her. This time is what I just talk about not showing enough affection,attention and not being honest we were in love in planned to get engaged this year and planned to plan the wedding next and get married in 2010 I love her with all of my heart and I'll do anything for her how can I get her back for keeps this time bring the trust and love?:( p.s today feb the 1st suppose to be our 1 year and month anniversary
  • Feb 1, 2008, 04:59 AM
    Wow, isn't it too early to talk about marriage when you can hardly stay together or break up all the time?

    You have to be mature to get into that. Are you and your girlfriend is ready?
  • Feb 1, 2008, 05:37 AM
    Let me say this.. marriage is not going to solve your issues only make them worse. She screaming at you what it is she needs. A woman needs love and affection without smothering her. So when your out in public go that little extra mile and wrap your arms around her, tell her you love her and that she is the most beautiful thing in the world. Nothing is worse than a woman starved for attention. You have to do those special things to really sweep her off her feet and not just sometimes all the times and not just for a week or so but for the rest of you life if that's where this takes you. Do something spontaneous like have flowers sent to her job, you say you two work together. Cook a dinner and have it candle light. You're obviously not giving her what she needs and that is why it is not working
  • Feb 1, 2008, 08:18 AM
    I think she is needy, and clingy, and demanding, and that's to immature to deal with an adult relationship. Seldom is the blame all on one person, and its not in this case either. Leave her alone for a while, and let the emotional stress cool off, so you can think rationally.
  • Feb 1, 2008, 09:04 AM
    I have a feeling that we are only hearing one side of the story. You mentioned that you lied a lot, but didn't explain why, and that she can't trust you. Did you talk to other girls? Cheat on her? Date other people? Something doesn't make sense.

    If any of this is the case, then you don't love her. Your emotions are mixed and it's making you confused. You've only been together 1+ year, and you are talking about marriage? On top of that, you broke up 3-4 times?

    You should let her go. I don't think you can get her back. I have a suspicious feeling that she left because you cheated on her.
  • Feb 1, 2008, 09:11 AM
    Homegirl 50
    This relationship does not sound like one conducive to marriage. There is lying and distrust, you argue and break up often.
    I say leave her alone.
    You two may not be the "one" for each other.
  • Feb 1, 2008, 09:41 AM
    Take time to think this out man what you really want leave her alone for a bit

    She sounds insane.

    And getting married will so not fix any problems you have

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