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  • Jan 17, 2007, 03:35 PM
    How do I know if he loves me
    I have been with my boyfreind for about 2 months and before that we were roommates bestfreinds and we have even cheated on or partners with each other and now have decided to get together I am having trouble figuring out if he loves me or if he just likes me we have waited 3 years to be together what should I do?
  • Jan 17, 2007, 03:41 PM
    I need Help
  • Jan 17, 2007, 03:49 PM
    I had the same situation with my boyfriend, we wanted to be with each other for ages and were great friends before we got together, and now we have been together 8 years. And its love, just give him time. X
  • Jan 17, 2007, 04:35 PM
    This is something that can't be decided by us (or me at least). But here's what I suggest... look at how much of attention or priority he gives you in life. Does he notice your needs, take hints when you need help? Or is he around only when you decide to meet, date, chat whatever...
    The more concerned he is for you, the mor likely he is to love you.

    I have a few ideas, but I don't think it is good to advice on such stuff without knowing u & your relationship well.

    Hope this helps...
  • Jan 17, 2007, 04:39 PM

    Originally Posted by jcnlb
    I have been with my boyfreind for about 2 months and before that we were roommates bestfreinds and we have even cheated on or partners with each other and now have decided to get together i am having trouble figuring out if he loves me or if he just likes me we have waited 3 years to be together what should i do?

    Heyy , I know exactly what's your talking about! I had the same problem and just go with what you feel and if that doesn't work just ask him and tell himt o be honest it really works! I know that doesn't sound like much help but it seems from what you wrote he is worth trouble.

    p.s I'm really sorry if I didn't help very much

  • Jan 19, 2007, 06:48 PM
    Love isn't something you plan on. You can't ask somebody if they're in love with you. Nobody really knows if they're in love with you until that magic day. I call it that because that's exactly how it happens every time I'm in a relationship. There's a day when I think about how I feel, or some event forces me to think about how I feel, and then I realize holy , I'm in love!

    It usually takes me a year or so, so I wouldn't push it anytime soon in your case. Honestly, and because I'm a tool, I usually have the love word discussion early. I usually use it to break the ice and make them more comfortable, I tell them, after the relationship has matured into something more than just dating, usually at the 6 month-ish mark, that we should try the word on for size. It doesn't mean anything yet, but let's try it on and see how it sounds. That usually gets me into the habit of saying it comfortably, which sets me up for the day I tell them I actually mean it.
  • Jan 20, 2007, 06:52 PM
    Magic day? What a load of dung! You got into this relationship by cheating on other people. If you don't have enough red flags to get out of this relationship, you never will. You are headed for real heart break or at least major caos! Get out! Learn how to have a healthy relationship and then use your head to find someone. As long as you depend on happenstance and emotions you are doomed to be with people who will continue to use and abuse you.
  • Jan 21, 2007, 05:53 PM

    Originally Posted by jcnlb
    I have been with my boyfreind for about 2 months and before that we were roommates bestfreinds and we have even cheated on or partners with each other and now have decided to get together i am having trouble figuring out if he loves me or if he just likes me we have waited 3 years to be together what should i do?

    U know your relationship better than any of us. Hopefully, you two have great communication. When the time is right, ask him. Ask him if you two are "together" because of all the excitement that there has been because you didn't choose to be with each other in the first place. Remember though, you BOTH have CHEATED. What makes you think that this isn't normal behavior for him? Why would you be excluded? Do you want to go down that road to? Sometimes we are attracted to what we can't have. It's all about the chase. Find out what he thinks.. . just ask him
  • Jan 21, 2007, 06:12 PM
    Despite the method you got together , you just have to make sure that cheating again on each other is an option for you to as a new couple or that , if you knew him well enough before I am sure you have nothing to worry about.

    Love can be said when the person is ready give him time.If your still unsure talk to him calmly about it , e.g. just ask him how he feels about you to and that not " Do you love me or not" because that would sound judgemental .

    Some guys are sensitive take time to get things right then confess others are so stubborn or that and don't admit anything so just give him time and yourself time do u love him or that ?

    Good luck

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