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  • Feb 27, 2009, 10:05 AM
    Why is he being so distant?
    I am so confused.. I have been with my boyfriend for over two years and I love him very very much, he has always been very romantic and affectionate until recently. I struggle to even get a kiss or hug out of him and its really really bothering me. He hasn't been completely ignoring me we see each other quite frequently but something just seems to be missing. I am the same person I have always been and as far as I know nothing has happened that would have changed anything. I have asked him several times what is wrong, why won't you kiss me but he either blanks me or just says he's fine, so what else can I do? If he says he's fine do I just believe him and hope it is a phase? I know I'm making it worse by constantly pestering him but that is just how I am, when something is bothering me I need to know! I can't eat, sleep properly or do anthing for myself because of this, I just can't imagine my life without him and it scares me so much, Ive talked to my family and friends about it but I still don't feel any better, I just keep crying all the time. I would just like someone's advice that may have gone through this themselves or maybe a guy's opinion to let me know where I may be going wrong. I probably come across like an obsessive girlfriend from this question but its driving me insane, please help!!
  • Feb 27, 2009, 10:23 AM

    If you have done all the self checks for example: Hygiene, attitude, verbal filtration (not saying hurtful things) and found nothing that you are doing, then it is something with him. Sometimes people have things on their minds that they can't express until they are ready. You very well may have to wait. The key is to not bother him while waiting. It's difficult to wait, but try not to internalize this issue. You can make something that is nothing worse by not letting it go. Try to be yourself. He loves you for you and chances are you are a little different right now, while you are busy worrying about what is bothering him. Try to concentrate on the good times. Don't dwell on it until you have to. Best of luck... ease up!
  • Mar 1, 2009, 07:52 AM

    Thanks for your advice, I have been trying really hard to let it go but I just keep thinking about it all the time, I am acting as if he has already ended things with me, I know I'm making it worse not necessarily for him but for me (he probably has no ideas that I'm even thinking about this stuff, which is the most ridiculous part about it) I know this is a hard question to answer but if somebody does fall out of love with you, does it just happen overnight? This has only been happening for a week, I just think he may be getting bored with our relationship and is happier to do his own thing!! Please anyone help
  • Mar 1, 2009, 09:05 AM
    I'm wondering if you might not be picking up on something else here.

    For you to be so obviously worried about such a sudden, and unexpected change, something is going on.

    Whether it is he's just 'in a mood', or maybe worried about, or preoccupied with his job, or overwhelmed with meeting financial obligations etc. Maybe he's had an argument with his family, or is bothered with a personal issue. Stress can cause all kinds of changes in people that may have nothing to do with you.

    What he may need now, is space, within his own space. Why not assume for now that is all he needs to sort and deal with some personal issues, that have nothing to do with you. When he comes home, be your usual self, and ease up on your expectations of him, and give him room to think, and be comfortable.

    If it is something more significant, you will find out soon enough, but for now, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt, and think he is simply dealing with personal issues that has left him temporarily distant.
  • Jun 6, 2009, 12:40 AM
    I hear you! I started crying when I read your question/post. I am going through the same thing. 25 years old and this has never happened to me until now. My boyfriend of almost a year has become so distant and just really inconsiderate of my feelings for the past month or so. Normally, with any other relationship, I would have left, but I have so much invested in this relationship it would be so incredibly hard to. I moved across the US (well from Indiana to southern NC) to move in with him and it has begun to feel like I have done it for nothing. I am not sure what I should do. I know that people will say I need to just leave, I wish it were that simple. I realize people go through this everyday and I'm not the only one but, man, it sure sux to be me. The thing is, my love for him has gotten stronger and I feel like his is fading away. There is nothing I can so about that, I know this. I want so bad, more than anything, to work out whatever issues he has but it's hard when he doesn't even really know how to talk to me. I know what would solve this; I should leave him. But it hasn't got to that point yet, in my mind. I still have a fight left in me. I guess it all depends on if he has one too. I want to give him space (not that he has asked for it but I think it may help) but it's hard when you don't know what's going on! It would be so much easier if he told me he needed some space... as much as I can give since we live together. I don't know. I need to stop stressing so much about it and just do whatever I think I need to do to be happy... At this point I don't know what that is...

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