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  • Apr 1, 2008, 06:52 PM
    On Credit card with Parents- Parents Leaving me holding the bag
    I got out of a bad relationship and my credit was bad... so my parents offered to take out some credit cards and also put me on some established ones... I am only on there as a signer, authorized user... I charged very little most of the charges were for a business my mom owns... they now have called the credit card companies saying that I took them out committed Identity theft and have disputed the debt... I have been contacted by the fraud departments... explained to them that this is a dispute that is between my parents and me and is a family matter... however I tell them to please send me statements... showing what charges I made... some do that and my debt on them is minimal some just send me letter stating that my parents filed a police report and that I must assume all the debt or got to jail.. they will prosecute... I feel so let down by my parents... does any one have any advice on what to do... I contacted several criminal attorneys they say since I have not been charge with a crime or that I have not been contact by law enforcement... that they can do nothing... I was contact when the report was first done... please please can someone give me adivce... thanks
  • Apr 17, 2008, 10:17 AM
    Wow, I'm sorry your parents suck! Do you have the receipts or can you prove the purchases are for your mother's business? Didn't your parents have to call the credit card company to get you added to their cards? Document everything!!
  • Apr 17, 2008, 03:10 PM
    Usually CC companies are pretty thorough with these investigations. Just because your parents filed a police report doesn't mean the CC companies agree with them. That just the first step in a fraud investigation. They ask customers to file police reports to weed out false claims. Your parents are screwed. Since the cards were already established the ONLY way for you to become an authorized user is if the current borrowers (your parents) give that authorization which would have been documented on the CC company's records. Any cards that were not already established, the CC companies first look at the signatures to discern if one person signed multiple names. If so they investigate further, if not, they don't. So I wouldn't worry yet about assuming the above statements to be true. However, if a company does approach you claiming fraud was committed, then go talk to a lawyer ASAP. The companies will be biased against the fraud because fraud costs them money, so be assured they will be thorough.
  • Apr 17, 2008, 04:52 PM
    Ok, get the attoreny, have them write all of the credit card companies.
    And have the attorney contact the police to see if there is a report filed.

    You may end up suing your parents over this.

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