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  • Aug 31, 2012, 07:05 PM
    How can I restore my relationship?
    I've been with my boyfriend for about almost two years. My relationship is broken. I've cried so much because of it. So much.. my boyfriend claims that I've cheated on him. He doesn't trust me at all with anything I do. He thinks I cheated on him because I'd talk to some guy friends on Facebook.

    He gets mad because I'd comment their pictures, complimenting them, just as friends but he always takes it as it was something more.. It's just so broken. I can promise on anything that I never cheated on him. I never loved or even liked anyone else in this relationship. I love him so much.

    This gets so bad he has called me a whore, slut, etc. I just hate being like this. I even stopped talking to all guys for him. I'd do anything for him. I've changed so much for him even though I know I never cheated on him. I permanently deleted Facebook as well. I just don't know what else to do for him.
  • Aug 31, 2012, 09:20 PM
    Hi maricelakd,

    I'm really sorry to hear about this :(
    I'm not an expert in this as I have never been in a relationship myself, but would you and your boyfriend be able to visit a relationship counsellor and explain your situation?
    It's not fair that he is making you feel this way. If you love each other a lot, I know you will do whatever you can to make sure everything works, and perhaps visiting a counsellor may benefit or if you are able to sit him down and just explain to and reassure him that you are committed to him and nobody else matters.

    I really hope you guys can make something work! I am positive you will get through this.
  • Aug 31, 2012, 09:36 PM
    Homegirl 50
    This guy is a jealous control freak and it won't get better, He will break you and isolate you and you will feel trapped.
    If he won't get counseling, you need to leave. Love is not enough if you are unhappy.
  • Sep 1, 2012, 05:07 AM
    Homegirl is right-he is a jealous controlfreak.

    You should never have to change for another person.

    I doubt he'll change.

    Tough as this is you should seriously consider getting out of this.
  • Sep 1, 2012, 07:48 AM
    When you put up with bad behavior, and allow his respect, that's EXACTLY what you will get. Tell him you are not his child slave to be molded in his image!

    Stop crying and fretting and being called hurtful untrue names, and handle your business with dignity and self respect, so he is forced to handle his own personal issues like a mature man.

    If he cannot, dump him because you will never please him.

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