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  • Oct 26, 2006, 09:14 AM
    Ex-girlfriend Won't Leave
    I purchased a townhouse about 7 months ago. My then girlfriend moved in with me. My sister and her husband also live with me. Things aren't working out with my girlfriend and I asked her to leave but she refuses. She has a child who may be mine (not sure, am going to request paternity test). She has made threatening remarks to my sister. I have called police on her but they say that she does not have to leave----how can I get her out?
  • Oct 26, 2006, 09:41 AM
    Did she contribute anything to the purchase of the townhouse? Does she have any documentation allowing her to stay there? What reason did the police give that she didn't have to leave?

    Generally, without any lease or proof that she paid rental or otherwise contributed to the household, she is nothing more than a guest. Guests can be asked to leave and put out if they don't. If she refuses she's a trespasser and the police should remove her.
  • Oct 26, 2006, 10:14 AM
    A clear cut case; I think not...
    No one would through a mother and child on the streets. If it's your child then it's even more difficult.

    Just cause your not married doesn't mean she will not get 'half'. The way I see it is the townhouse is half hers. If you want her out, buy her out!
  • Oct 27, 2006, 09:58 AM

    Originally Posted by TSAN
    I purchased a townhouse about 7 months ago. My then girlfriend moved in with me. My sister and her husband also live with me. Things aren't working out with my girlfriend and I asked her to leave but she refuses. She has a child who may be mine (not sure, am going to request paternity test). She has made threatening remarks to my sister. I have called police on her but they say that she does not have to leave----how can I get her out?

    Schdule the paternity test immediately. If the child is not yours, change the locks on the TH and don't give her a key.

    If the child is yours, you need to establish your paternal rights and make arrangements to pay child support.
  • Dec 23, 2006, 10:58 PM

    Originally Posted by TSAN
    I purchased a townhouse about 7 months ago. My then girlfriend moved in with me. My sister and her husband also live with me. Things aren't working out with my girlfriend and I asked her to leave but she refuses. She has a child who may be mine (not sure, am going to request paternity test). She has made threatening remarks to my sister. I have called police on her but they say that she does not have to leave----how can I get her out?

    Well, since she is with a new born child and you took on financial responsibilities by the act of allowing her to live with you, regardless of who's child it is, you have placed obligation by your actions. The law sees a pregnant women as a responsibility of the man that convents her. So you can't just kick her out. Sorry. You knew she was pregnant and you took her in. period. No if or ands about it. If you adopt a pet and treat it poorly, with neglect you can't dismiss your responsibilities. You can't change your mind. You have to fix it. You are guilty by association. If the child is yours you will have to pay child support and alimony because they won't let her live on wellfare if you prove fatherhood. You would come out cheaper by her being a roommate. Try to be civil and don't let your family be brought into your situation. It will cause problems. People have problems when they are around each other for a long period no matter what. If you are mad at her , kicking her out won't make you look good if the resullts show you are the father.

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